A Night With You


He looked her up and down but his eyes kept falling towards her legs


Her little black dress had earned its name for the night


Her long, thin, tan legs extended beyond their short hem line


She was beautiful


Her ex-husband was staring


“You could quite possibly be the most beautiful ex-wife I have ever seen” Jax said grinning from ear to ear


“Well I think I can at least honestly believe you don’t say that to everyone” she said returning the grin “Thank you”


Jax still stood behind the bar but pulled her in to a kiss


“Please tell me you’ve come to see me and you’re not waiting on that husband of yours”


Her husband


The thought of him returned the grin to Alexis’ face


“Seeing you is just an added bonus” she said her hands still held tightly in to his across the bar


“You’re glowing”


Alexis blushed


“It must be true what they say about a pregnant woman… I can’t take my eyes off of you” Jax said charmingly


“Flattery will get you everywhere… as you are of course well aware”


She leaned in kissing him once again


“Hey, hey!” Ric said walking towards them “That’s my wife you’re kissing like that”


“I told her I couldn’t resist her” Jax said defenseless


A chill ran down Alexis’s spine when Ric placed his hand at the small of her back


He handed her a long stem red rose


Jax was pleased he did


“I’ll go see about your table” Jax said leaving them to themselves


“Thank you” she said charmed as she took the rose from him


Ric took a moment to look at Alexis


“You know he’s right you are pretty hard to resist at this moment”


Alexis turned to Ric placing a lingering kiss on his lips


“Thank you”


Ric ran his hands at her sides once again taking notice of her, in her black dress


Her breasts, tasteful but it was obvious they were swollen from her pregnancy


He also noticed her protruding belly she was no longer able to hide, nor wanted to


His hand went to her belly


She bit at her lip as he smiled


She knew that he would love that she was showing off her pregnancy


“You are insanely beautiful”


“You’re not so bad to look at yourself Mr. Lansing”


She let out a bit of laughter as she brushed the rose playfully against his chin


“Mr. and Mrs. Lansing?”


They both turned at the sound of their names being called


“Sorry to interrupt… Mr. Jacks was called away but he requested a special private table for the two of you, if you are ready to be seated”


Alexis looked at Ric


“Yes I believe we are” Ric answered


Ric and Alexis were brought to a secluded table by the fireplace in a private room of the restaurant


“Mr. Jacks hopes that this will be to your satisfaction”


The fire crackling softly


The candle lit walls


Hidden away from a viewing audience


It was more than satisfactory


Ric helped Alexis be seated; he chose to sit beside her


Close to her


The diamond heart necklace around her neck sparked in the flicker of the candle light


His fingers reached to trace the heart


She grinned


A minute later their waiter arrived


“My name is Daniel and I will be your waiter. Their will be an extended menu for you tonight. Mr. Jacks has asked me to inform you that you, Mrs. Lansing may have whatever your heart desires” he said with a smile


Alexis smiled in return


Ric wasn’t sure if he still wasn’t jealous of Jax trumping his romantic evening with his wife


“A club soda, Perrier?” The waiter then suggested to Alexis


He had obviously been informed of her “condition”


“Perrier will be fine”


“And may I offer you a cocktail or a glass of wine Mr. Lansing?”


“A glass of your house Sauvignon please”


“Excellent choice”


They were alone again


His eyes staring again


“Did I mention how beautiful you are?”


She leaned in kissing him, her hand resting at his jaw line

”A few times” she said letting out a slight breathy laugh


His hands now tucked in between where her legs crossed


Daniel returned with their drinks


Ric pulled away


“I will take your order when ready” he said backing away to give them time to decide


Both Ric and Alexis gave him a smile, they need not say anything more… it was obvious they weren’t thinking of food


Ric’s hands back to her legs


He ran his hands up and down the outside of her thigh… and then she allowed him to the inside


His hand went further


Blushingly further


“Ric!” she said trying not to allow her voice above a whisper


He grinned devilishly


“I have a surprise for you” he said his eyes not leaving hers


“Does it have to do with where your hand is right now?”


“No it has to do where my mouth will be later” he said leaning in to whisper in her ear


She bit at her bottom lip


“I want tonight with you, just you”


“I like the sound of that”


“There is a suite waiting for us upstairs with the few necessities we may need…”


Alexis eyes widened


“But honey… what about Kristina?”


“Emily and Nicolas are coming to relieve Viola and stay the night…”


Alexis grinned, then kissed him softly


“I’ll take that as you like my surprise?”


“I love your surprise!”


The look on Ric’s face, irresistible


“I love your surprise so much I’m finding it hard to think about dinner”


“Um maybe we should have dinner sent to our room instead… I mean we have a little one in there who wouldn’t appreciate her mother skipping dinner” he said reaching for her tummy


Alexis held her hand over his


“You said her” Alexis whispered


“Hmm?” Ric questioned not catching his slip


“You just said her; you said who wouldn’t appreciate her mother…”


Ric grinned


“I guess I did”


Alexis leaned in and kissed him and by the time her eyes once again met his…


“We have to go upstairs now”


Ric knew she wasn’t joking and neither was he. He looked around for Daniel’s attention


“Are you ready to order?”


“Actually my wife and I have decided to, um order room service”


Alexis tried to stifle a grin at Ric’s attempt to be discrete


“Very well sir” Daniel said he himself trying to stifle a grin


Ric handed Daniel a tip “For your trouble thank you” and then took Alexis by the hand, helping her from her chair


He pulled her in to his arms, her cheek resting against his


“How far is it to our room?” Alexis teased


Suddenly wanting the best suite in the hotel seemed like a stupid idea. Since he didn’t think it over that the suite was at the top of the hotel rather than near the restaurant or the lobby or any place her he could stop and ravish her


The elevator, they made it to the elevator


A man in a business suit stood there waiting


The doors opened and they stood back as he stepped in


He held the door politely for Ric and Alexis


“No, no you go ahead” they both said simultaneously


The doors closed


They grinned, a now familiar grin to each other


The next elevator quickly arrived and they stepped in hopefully before anyone else could


The doors closed


Their lips crashed in to each other


Ric backed her against the wall, her body pressed against his, her hands in his hands


All against the elevator wall


With every kiss she felt weaker and weaker in the knees. It seemed foolish but he had that affect on her


“I want you so much” she said finally


Ric’s only response was kissing her from her lips to her neck and down the neckline of her dress on to the exposed part of her cleavage


Her eyes closed as his lips roamed


As his hands roamed


His hands pushing up her dress further and further


She didn’t care


She was lost in him


She didn’t know where she was or care who would catch her


Ric caught her eyes as he reached under her dress for her panties


“Let me guess, black, silk panties?” he questioned devilishly


Alexis shook her head no and ready to play the game


Ric didn’t look down to cheat at the game either


But he did reach further


“Ah lace… black lace panties?”


“Nope… I have a few surprises of my own for you, Mr. Lansing”


Ric grinned


“Wet” was all he said


Now she grinned


She was wet, everything between her thighs ached for him


Alexis’ dress pulled up around the top of her thighs, Ric slid his fingers under her panties where they rested on her hips


Down her thighs


Past her knees and ankles


They snagged on the heel of her Jimmy Choo


He grinned clinching her panties in his hand             




“Red” he said wide eyed


“Surprise” she said sultrily


“I love red!” he said grinning


Another kiss


Another weak in the knees, tongue twisting kiss


“I know…”


His tie in her hands…


Thank God no one was waiting for the elevator


It took a moment of composure before either of them could step off the elevator


Ric searched his pockets trying to find the card to open the door of their suite


He was fumbling


She was kissing


Kissing his neck, the lobe of his ear


“We’re never going to get in if you keep distracting me” Ric said trying desperately to make the green light flash as he pulled the card in and out


Alexis pulled away, satisfied with her work pulling at his tie that was now around her neck


The door, thank God!


His hand had already slipped under her dress, cupping her bare ass, his other hand brushing her hair from her neck so he could kiss her again and again down her neck and shoulders


The wall


He pressed her against the wall as the door to the room clicked shut


She could feel him, feel the effect she was having on him


She grinned


“I have to get that dress off of you” he kissed her “right now” he said then searching for the zipper that trailed down her back


A pair of red panties began the trail of clothes that led to the bed


Her little black dress managed to land on the arm of the couch


His coat hit the chair


Black strappy heels in a pile near black loafers


His shirt hit the floor


His pants hit the floor


A matching red bra, they would have to find in the morning


And boxer briefs at the edge of the bed


Hands, fingers, lips anything that could touch or be touched, anything that could taste or be tasted


One item left…


She sat on top of him completely naked


Except his tie dangling around her neck


“You are sexy as hell in that tie Mrs. Lansing”


She grinned as she soothed her hands across his bare chest


“Well my husband has great taste”


He admired his view for a moment as she made the best of her prop


Ric then wrapped the tie around his hand pulling her towards him and then rolled her over on to the bed


He pulled the tie from her neck and then began to tease her with it


The silk against her soft skin


Against her neck, against her breast making her nipples hard, down her body, brushing up and down the inside of her thighs


She was grinning; enjoying the touch… it could have made her squeal


He began to kiss her all over, starting with her lips and stopping in all the right places


The inside of her knees, the inside of her thighs, teasing an already soaked pussy




Her belly, the way his lips felt as he caressed it with one gentle kiss after another


He was gentle and patient wanting every soft kiss to be perfect, before moving on to her breast


She was the mother of his children… but she was also his lover


His tongue circled her nipples as he cupped her beautiful swollen breast in his hands


Her hands roamed up and down his back, circling his broad shoulders and back down his back again


He could tell when she hit just the rights spots, her fingernails slightly gripping his skin


“I want you so much, soooo much”


She looked suddenly as if she ached for him


Anything she wanted…


Ric pushed her legs part


He ran his hands up and down of the inside of her thighs


He didn’t mean to purposefully tease her, but he was


“Please” she begged


God he loved this woman


He loved how she was conservative on the outside and an insanely sexy and uninhibited to such a chosen few


His fingers glided across the tip of her wet folds


He could tell just how wet she was and he wanted her just as much


His eyes catching hers, holding hers in his


A grin on his face before he disappeared between her thighs


A quick breath in


Faint breaths out


He loved her


He loved her


He loved the taste of her


His tongue lapping her up


He loved the taste of her


She couldn’t fight, her own legs wanting to pull together, not being able to control what was happening to her


Ric again pulled her legs apart and taking a second to flash a grin to Alexis as he saw the look on her face


She let out a bit of laughter


He grinned


He loved what he was doing to her


He loved that his tongue made her squirm like that and the soft whimpers that she made in his relentless pursuit


He knew just what to do, where and how


He had studied, and perfected


His mouth would make her scream his name


She flinched, her body jolting slightly but she quickly reached for him


“No, no not yet I don’t want to, not yet” she said desperately


She pulled him up taking his lips to hers


“But you taste so good” he whimpered


“I want you inside of me. I want you…”


He began to kiss her again


She then climbed on top of him and she had already began moving her hips back and forth


“I want you to come with me” She repeated


Their lips crashed and tangled


She continued to rock back and forth


His hands at her hips, he found her rhythm


Watching her, watching her


Keeping rhythm with her


As she pushed him further inside of her, never getting enough


“Fuck me baby” she said in between breaths


Ric didn’t disappoint as he pulled her down on him


He wanted to, he wanted to fuck her


Rocking back and forth


He could feel her starting to tighten around him


He was about to literally burst


“I need to cum, I need to cum inside you baby” he said delirious with pleasure


“Now, now!” she said waiting for him as she thrust harder


Her back arched and the rocking stopped


Both were suddenly paralyzed, their bodies shuttering against the others


Each breath loud and fast


Each sigh and exclamation of pleasure right on cue


Their names


“Ric! Ric!”… “Alexis, Alexis!”


Neither caring who heard them…


Her body collapsed on to his


Skin on skin, both salty


“I love you so much” He whispered at the lobe of her ear


She raised her head to look in to his eyes “I love you” she said then letting a grin cover her face before pushing her own body to the empty space on the bed beside him


Their breathing still not calm


Ric kissed her shoulders softly as he slid his hand up and down her stomach. Taking time to caress with each touch


“You’re so insanely beautiful Alexis Davis-Lansing”


She smiled giving him a thank you kiss


“How about I order some dinner. I know you have to be starving by now”


“Well I was a little preoccupied before”


Ric leaned over to the bedside table where a menu was conveniently located


“I wonder if the offer still stands about you have anything your heart desires?” Ric said grinning


Alexis sat up and began to kiss Ric again


“I want chocolate…”




Ric grinned at where she was going with her meal choice


“Ok, ok, but you eat something substantial first. Desert later… you’ll need the energy”


“Just order whatever… and the chocolate”


Ric reached for the phone


Before he could get an answer she had made her way playfully back on top of him, kissing down his chest


He again could barely concentrate because the tip of her tongue seemed to be infatuated with the lobe of his ear


He thinks he ordered before hanging up the phone


“It will be here in 20 minutes… I think, I think that’s what he said”


“I can work with twenty minutes…” she said moving to his lips, giving short lingering kisses