Borrow Me (Sequel To Beautiful & Haunting) (LoLexis)

New Years Eve 2006


“I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard you laugh”


Alexis turned to look at him not with surprise to see him standing there but with a puzzled look on her face of why he chose to say what he did


“I’m sorry?” she said as her eyes scanned the crowded room to see if anyone noticed who she was talking to


“I’ve thought about you” he said getting to his point


Alexis looked up at Lorenzo who seemed at such ease with his hands resting in his pockets


“I’ve thought about you… hoping you were ok” he continued


“I’m ok” She answered quickly “And you?”


Lorenzo only shook his head as her eyes still wandered


“How is she?”


She, her name not to be mentioned


Actually Alexis silently questioned if he even knew her name…


But she knew he did


Alexis grinned slightly, unable to stop herself


“She’s perfect”


“I have to admit I was anxious to hear when she was born…” He sounded so sincere, tender “I wanted to send you flowers… to congratulate you, but I knew better to…”


“The thought is what counts” she said giving a shy smile


“Would every mouth drop and every champagne glass shatter in the room if I asked you to dance?”


“Wouldn’t that compromise our little secret?” she asked with her brow lifted


“They would only question why you would allow me to dance with you. I doubt they would be suspicious of our one night stand… And besides why should you even care anymore what anyone thinks, aren’t you a free woman?”


“Not legally, no”


“You mean you didn’t spring for the quicky divorce?”


“Well I have been a bit busy, having a baby and all… And besides its only paper... Ric and I have been over… But you knew that…”


“He doesn’t deserve you!” Lorenzo mumbled under his breath


She only glared at him


“I can’t dance with you, not here”


Lorenzo shook his head, he understood though he was intrigued by her sudden willingness to at least give an answer


“I was a fool for asking”


“No, I’m glad you asked. I just can’t. Not here, not in front of everyone. I mean, I just don’t have answers for the questions they’ll have…”


“I know” he said agreeing


“And besides your um, ex-wife has smoke coming out of her ears because she’s just spotted you over here talking to me”


“I don’t care”


Alexis only shook her head


“You said you couldn’t dance with me here… would you dance with me some place else?” Lorenzo questioned ignoring Alexis’ concern with Carly


“Relentless tonight aren’t we?”


“The sight of you, being near you… it’s driving me crazy” he said as he raised his brow


“I’m flattered… really I am… but Lorenzo it was one night. And we can’t…” Alexis reminded


“Yes it was just one night and that night you needed me… now I need you”


“Lorenzo” she said her voice now pleading “Don’t do this ok?”


“Come home with me; come to my boat with me…”


“I can’t” she protested


“You can’t or you don’t want to?”




It drove him crazy


The sound of his name on her lips… it drove him crazy


“I need you tonight Alexis” he said persistently


“You think you can just borrow me? You think just because you get the urge, because you want sex you can just borrow me for the night?”




“Lorenzo it doesn’t work that way, I don’t work that way”


“Alexis I’m sorry”


“I should go. I probably need to check on the girls”


He couldn’t call her name


Not out loud


Not where everyone could hear him say her name from his mouth


She had walked away


But he followed


Discreetly he slipped from the room


“Alexis wait!”


“I need to check on my girls”


“You’ve already used that excuse”


“It’s not an excuse”


“They have their nanny… who I’m quite certain doesn’t expect you home any time soon”


She opened her mouth but she didn’t have an argument


He was right, she had the night…no one expected her home any time soon


She wouldn’t look at him…


“Alexis… I apologize for making you feel the way I just did” he said sincerely “I don’t see you as some object or just something I can borrow for the night and then take back… I enjoy your company. I enjoyed being with you, not just making love to you but talking with you…”


“I think I remember being more of an emotional basket case than having a real conversation”


“That’s just it, the conversation we were having was real. It felt real. It felt emotional; hurt, angry… I needed that conversation just as much as I know you did”


“You keep saying words like you ‘know’ and you’re ‘certain’, you don’t know me at all…”


“I know enough. I know enough to understand what it’s like for the one person you love, the one person you wish more than anything would love you the way you love them to not… I know the hurt it brings when they don’t. I know that it feels like emptiness and it feels like failure…”


“So what? We sleep together and it dulls the pain one more time?”


“You’re the only thing I can find that will ease the pain” he said bluntly “That night

 I was with you… it was just good to feel wanted. Tell me you didn’t feel the same”


She couldn’t


She couldn’t tell him that it didn’t feel the same because it did. The way Lorenzo Alcazar made love to her that night made her feel wanted and needed and beautiful and sexy and everything she wanted and needed so desperately to feel


She hadn’t felt that way in a long time


“I’ll meet you in half an hour… I have to at least make another appearance inside…”


Lorenzo looked at her giving her a grin she was very unfamiliar with


“I’ll be waiting for you”


Alexis took a deep breath and then left him standing there as if the conversation had never happened


He watched her through the windows of the Grand Ballroom. He watched as Ned Ashton placed his hand at the small of her back and then kissed her intimately on the cheek. He found himself with a twinge of jealousy…


Lorenzo once again discreetly made his way out, hoping she would keep her promise and soon follow




Champagne or Sparkling Cider?” he questioned as he held up a flute to her


“Just a little Champagne


“I wasn’t sure if you were…”


“Breastfeeding?” She said almost mischievously wanting to make him uneasy


“Yeah and I didn’t know if you were drinking alcohol so I…”


He was uneasy


Alexis laughed amused


“What’s so funny?”


“That was really sweet of you to care…”


“I do care…” he grinned “And let me tell you finding even a bottle of Sparking Cider on New Years Eve is almost impossible!”


“But you have your resources?”


“A man has to in order to impress a lady” he said jovially


Alexis smiled


“Will you dance with me now? He asked holding his hand out to her


“There’s no music”


Lorenzo pulled her in to his arms as each still held their glass of champagne


“Just dance with me” he said now whispering into her ear


He was right, their was no need for music


She was so wrapped up in him


Lorenzo stopped dancing long enough to ask “Are the girls ok?”


“Sleeping soundly”


He grinned




“You’re beautiful”


Alexis grinned shyly “Thank you”


“I mean it Alexis”


She shook her head taking the compliment “You have a way of making me feel beautiful” she admitted


“I honestly thought you couldn’t get more beautiful than that night you were here with me… but every time I see you, every chance I get to touch you… you just get more and more beautiful”


She only smiled shyly before leaning in placing her chin on his shoulder


He was a good dancer


Smooth, gentle…


She hesitated to ask how he became such a good dancer but made herself ask if anything for the sake of conversation


“You’re a great dancer”


“Thank you” he said his voice not above a whisper


“Who taught you?”


“My mother”


Alexis pulled away to look at him


“Well she was very good teacher”


Lorenzo only shook his head as she leaned back on to his shoulder


Suddenly fireworks irrupting in to the air interrupted their quiet dance


He tugged at her arm asking her to follow


Color after color lit up the midnight sky


“Their beautiful” she said almost mesmerized watching them burst in to thin air


“Yes they are” He said though he had yet to take his eyes from her to even watch


“Happy New Year Lorenzo” she said now looking to him


“Happy New Year Alexis” He said holding his champagne glass up to hers


A kiss


A kiss to start off a new year


Simple, tasteful, even comfortable


Alexis wrapped her arms around herself


“We go back inside?” he questioned




They walked back inside and Lorenzo motioned for her to sit next to the fireplace


She sat down and he then, sat down beside her placing his arms around her


“I don’t think I realized how cold it was out there”


“I wasn’t thinking when I dragged you out there to see the fireworks”


“You didn’t drag me and I’m glad you did… they were worth it”


“But now you can’t get warm”


“This helps” She said surprisingly not shy about being in his arms


“Good” he said holding her a bit closer


They sat by the fire for a moment seemingly in no rush


It seemed odd


Why wouldn’t they be in a hurry to began what they knew eventually would happen


What they came there to do


“Would you like some more champagne?”


“No thanks”


Lorenzo shook his head


Alexis stood up as Lorenzo watched


She walked along the base of the wall running her long thin fingers across the back of the chairs as she walked by


He stood following her, but keeping his distance


“You’re mind is racing” he observed


She quickly let out a nervous laugh


“Tell me what you’re thinking Alexis”


She stopped, looking at him, she didn’t answer


“Are you ok?” he asked seriously


“A little too ok”


“I’m not sure I follow”


“Being here, with you, on this boat, drinking champagne and sitting by the fire with your arms around me…”


“Alexis I’m glad you’re ok with all of this”


“That’s just it. I shouldn’t be so ok… this is all about sex remember? Not a romantic evening…” she said taking a few steps further


“Alexis” he said this time his voice more pleading “I want you to be comfortable here, I want to feel better than ok when you’re here even if it is just sex”


“That’s just it. I shouldn’t even be here. Much less happy that I am” she said as he still followed her


Lorenzo grinned “You’re happy to be here?” he questioned


“God” she said as she stopped, gripping her eyes shut




She turned around and kissed him


He backed her against the wall


One kiss to another


Lips only separating for a breath


“I’ll stop” Lorenzo said before his lips once again crashed into hers


“We should” was all she said before she kissed him again


“Just say when…” he said kissing down her neck, searching for her bare shoulder


Alexis opened her eyes to the ceiling, reeling in his kiss


“Don’t stop…” was the last thing she said


The silk, cool under her bare legs


“I’m happy you’re here too. I had planned to spend New Years alone…” Lorenzo took a deep breath “I’m glad you’re here” he said convincingly


Alexis looked at him giving that nervous laugh


Lorenzo reached for her hand


It was a charming gesture


He then leaned in to kiss her softly


It was like he would breathe fire and she craved the warmth


She lay back on the bed and he followed


Kiss after kiss


A kiss to his neck, she breathed in his scent that she now fanaticized about


Her fingers trickled down the buttons of his dress shirt until it fell to the floor


His chest, she didn’t realize until that moment how she craved to run her hands up and down his chest


Her dress…


“I almost hate to take it off of you… you look so perfect in it” he whispered


Alexis grinned, biting her bottom lip


“But if I have to” he said returning the grin as he slid the zipper down the back


Her dress now a black puddle


His pants followed


Her bra, her panties…


He admired her as she lay there in nothing but her black stilettos


“I love the shoes” he said grinning now more wickedly


“I might hurt you with them” she said teasingly as she reached down to undo the straps of her heels


“Let me” he said giving kisses to her stomach as he his way to the bottom of the bed


A man trying to figure out a woman’s shoe


Alexis laughed


It was the same laugh Lorenzo had heard before he had spoken to her earlier that night


The one that was pure and uncensored


First shoe hit the floor


Alexis teased Lorenzo with her free bare foot as he undid the other shoe


It made him crazy… everything about her made him crazy!


The second shoe hit the floor as he dove for her lips


God they had chemistry


He would kiss her head to toe with such patience


His lips would try and soak up every inch, every curve


He loved to make love to Alexis Davis


Of all the women… he loved to make love to Alexis Davis


Maybe it was dangerous, or because it was wrong… she had a mystery and an ache to her that just made her even sexier


Their lips; crashing, twisting, tugging


Their lips; simple soft kisses, grazing, tasting, delicate


They kissed, made love like they had all the time in the world


And her body…a body of a different woman


The last time so delicate, fragile and goddess like


This time smooth and reckless and goddess like


Lorenzo ran his hands from her hips to her ribcage surveying where his lips would land


Further, further down…


He loved the taste of her


He had thought over and over about the look on her face when he sent her over the edge


His tongue tasting, licking, lapping…


He loved the look, he loved her taste, and he loved doing what he did to her


He pushed her legs apart, pressing his tongue in to her folds


Lorenzo felt her suddenly take a quick breathe in


Alexis seemed to hold her breath forever until she couldn’t anymore


Her breaths, harder and harder


Her hands roaming, his shoulders, his cheeks, his hair


He felt so good, where did he learn to be so good?


Her body began to shutter but Lorenzo refused to stop until the sound of pleasure and pain came from her mouth


He kissed slowly up her body as she recovered


By the time he reached her lips he met her grinning, satisfied face


Alexis climbed on top of him on all fours letting her lips graze up and down his chest


Her eyes dark fixated on his


A grin on her face


A mischievous grin on her face as she slid down the bed meeting his very erect cock


Her tongue swirling around the tip


God he loved this woman!


His cock in her mouth


She took him deeper and deeper until all most the full length of him tickled the back of her throat


He watched her


He watched her take him up and down, in and out until he was ready


“I need to cum Alexis”


She continued


“No I want to cum inside you” he said pulling her towards him


He laid her impatiently against the sheets, slipping inside of her


“Fuck me” she said as she softly bit down on the lobe of his ear


He did


He fucked her


She held on to him


He pushed inside of her deeper and deeper as she screamed for more


He wanted her to cum


He needed to cum


He thrust inside of her and against her back and forth until she began to shake


He couldn’t wait anymore; he had to cum inside her


His name, her name, the Lord’s name…


They lie there


The sheets tangled against them


Her head against his chest, the confirmation of his heart beating


And suddenly the realization that they were lying there in silence


No fireworks, no pretend music, no water… just silence


She sat up, her bare back to him


Silence again and again


Lorenzo ran his fingers up and down her spine


She let him for a moment


“I don’t know why it’s not just sex” she said never turning back to him


Alexis could hear him let out a breath, a breath of mercy and relief


“Just stay the night with me ok?” he ask before taking his next breath


She finally turned to look at him


“I believe that’s definitely breaking the rules” she said half jokingly


“You and your rules” he said as a grin appeared on his face


“I have to have them, otherwise…” she said seriously


“Otherwise what? Otherwise you can’t protect yourself?”


“Is that so bad? She asked honestly


Lorenzo let his fingers drop to the sheets


The lack of his warm touch sent a chill down her spine


“You and I have both been hurt and we’re probably both the cause of most of it” he said running the palm of his hand down the side of his 5 o’clock shadow “So why are we so fearful of it? Why shouldn’t it be like a warm blanket to us?”


“Because the hurt never goes away… because it’s not like it just stings us, its constant aching hurt”


He understood


“Break the rules… stay the night with me”


Alexis sat there for a moment her back once again turned to him


Lorenzo let her think, she needed to think


She was the thinking kind


He hoped she was considering his offer as she just sat there


He wanted to explain how he wanted her to stay, how he wanted to hold her, make love to her… remind her that he wasn’t just borrowing her…


He didn’t explain, he just waited for her to think about everything she needed to think about


She then without turning around lay back down beside him


Lorenzo pulled the sheet back over her and let her settle in to his arms


They wouldn’t talk for what seemed like forever but when they did it only led to them making love again…

