By Christmas


Having the taste of her lips was like feeding a hungry soul. And with each kiss he craved more. Her lips were comfort to passion, to need

I will meet you in some place
Where the light lends itself to soft response

She couldnt hear the door click shut, or see the soft light of the room, or even feel her feet touch the floor

I will let you undress me
But I warn you, I have thorns like any rose

The black dress fell to the floor and his eyes were in awe of the body he had tried so many days and night to forget

And you could hurt me with your bare hands
You could hurt me using the sharp end of what you say

Alexis, I want you Ned said as he ran his hands down her now naked body

But I am lost to you now
Theres no amount of reason to save me

I want you too, she said not letting her voice get above a whisper

He looked at her in the eyes as if he were searching for the truth in those words. He wanted her; she wanted him, both to the point of aching but he wanted to take that one moment to see her eyes to be sure he wasnt going to hurt her to see if she could give any re-assurance that they could hold it all together

So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
Ill just let you make me
Just let me feel your love again

He made love to her; she made love to him. She knew every touch and he knew hers. Not because they use to be lovers but because they use to be love.

Feels like being underwater
Now that Ive let go and lost control
Water kisses fill my mouth
Water fills my soul

He kissed her, she kissed back, lips and necks and shoulders. Down her body, down his body any kiss that would satisfy

So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
Ill just let you make me
Just let me feel your love again

And they made love again; holding on to every touch and the way it felt to lie there together again

Kiss me once
Well, maybe twice
Oh, it never felt so nice

He twirled the ends of her hair between his fingers in his familiar way. She didnt try to make conversation with him she didnt have to because there wasnt a moment that she felt uneasy about what they had just done. She only gave him an occasional kiss reminding him that he was holding her, that he had Alexis Davis in his arms

All that she had been through, all that he had been through and there they were watching the snow fall outside of the window of a suite at The Port Charles Hotel.

Your family is probably missing you by now Alexis said finally, looking up at Ned

They probably dont even know Im not there

They always know when their Gatekeeper is gone

So what about your family? Im sure Kristina is pacing the floor

Alexis let a moment of silence come between them not answering his question.

You dont regret doing this do you? she said changing the subject

Ned looked at her suddenly fearing that she was the one regretting being with him

No I dont do you? he said with a worried look


She ran her long thin fingers down his bare chest. He then leaned in to kiss her again. This time when he pulled away from her tears were falling from her eyes.


She let out a nervous laugh

I dont think I deserve to be here with you. She said not meaning to say anything that would cause her to have to be away from his arms.

I dont deserve to be with you either

Ned there were so many nights the only thing in this world I wanted to do was to lie in your arms and to have what happened tonight, to by chance just get to feel you again

Me toome too

Ned pulled his arms tighter around Alexis as her body fit perfectly in to the shell of his. They again watched the snow fall in silence. Ned then broke her stare by kissing her gently on the shoulder

Merry Christmas Alexis he said whispering into her ear

She smiled a shy smile as those words brought butterflies to her stomach

Merry Christmas Ned

Break Me Written by Jewel