
Sonny held his head against the door from the inside of his penthouse. He was alone and he had created it all for himself.
He had tried to love Carly but they couldnt handle each other. The more they were around each other the more destructive they became. And he sincerely didnt want her to have the life that he created for her. He was proud of her for getting her club off the ground and handling things on her own. And that night at the clubs opening had never been more apparent.
And again he was alone this time however, it wasnt over the woman everyone thought only his eyes and heart could see, the ache wasnt over Carly. The loneliness that sat in the pit of his stomach was from the cause of someone else, the woman across the hall.
Merely feet away behind her own closed doors he wondered what the night had done to her. Did he embarrass her with what had gone on with AJ? Did she forgive him for not asking her to dance? Question after question swarmed through his mind from all the regrets of the night.
He walked across the room and poured himself a drink. He tugged at his tie until he held it in his hands as he sat down on the couch. He closed his eyes taken in the slow burn of his drink and his mind wondered in the silence of the room.
Had she taken off her red dress and let her hair down? Was her skin now covered in those silk pajamas she always wore? Was she reading, with her glasses looking her usual studious self or had she gotten in bed?
Sonny in his head began to unbutton each button of her silk pajamas when he snapped back to reality.
He leaned down with his face in his palms and then began to slowly run his hands down his face. He jumped up and headed for the door stopping himself as his hand began to turn the knob.
Dont do this to her! The voice in his head screamed
But he couldnt help himself the man in him wanted her. He wanted Alexis, not his attorney, not his friend but the woman.
He turned around and took a look back at the empty penthouse and then turned the knob of the door. He hesitantly now stood in front of her door with no excuses in mind but he knocked anyway.
Sonny? Alexis opened the door surprised to see him again after that night
Can I help you with something? She asked in almost a lawyer tone
Im uh am sorry about what happened tonight
AJs been asking for it and
Alexis I apologize for tonight he said putting his point across
Ok she said leaving it at that
He stood there for a moment taking in the sight of her. She wore black silk pajamas just as he tried to image only moments ago. Her bare feet and her brushed through hair suddenly made him want her even more.
Alexis was puzzled by his silence
Sonny do you want to come in?
Uh yeah I do, he said hesitantly not wanting to seem as if he was to take advantage of her in any way
Im making tea would you like some? Alexis said now walking away from him
That would be good he was now sitting on her couch
She came back a few minutes later with two teacups in her hands
I promise I can make better tea than coffee she said giving him a grin
Sonny took the cup from her and he took a sip giving her the ok
See I told you So is something bothering youre being mysteriously quiet
I regret you didnt have a better time tonight, he said sticking to the subject
Sonny she paused for a moment collecting her thoughts Im just glad its over ok
Me too he said let out what suddenly seemed like a nervous breath Is Kristina here?
Uh no she uh with Ned Alexis said in an obvious uneasiness
Alexis took another sip of her tea and then sat the cup down on the coffee table. She looked back up at Sonny to see his dark eyes fixed on her.
Before Alexis could ask another question he ran the side of his finger against her arm. Chills quickly spread down her arm.
What are you doing? Alexis said almost sounding annoyed that he had done that
Touching you Sonny said nonchalantly
You shouldnt
She was now shifting her crossed left leg to her right
Why not?
Watching as one leg wrapped around the other
You just shouldnt
Why, because you like when I do? He said now being precocious
I DONT! she said showing a slight nervousness What makes you think I do?
Knowing good and well he knew everything or thought he knew everything
Youre flustered
You were touching me, she said defensively
So you get flustered when I touch you
No I get flustered when someone is touching me and I feel like they are taking advantage of me because a certain sister cant keep her mouth shut
He knows she knows
I would never intentionally take advantage of you
Then what are you doing? she said seriously
He ran his finger again down her arm this time he let it linger back up
Please stop she said closing her eyes as if it were to help her swallow the lump in her throat
What if I dont?
I, I she let out the breath she was holding
Then would you just let me touch you?
Sonny I cant do this she said leaping up from the couch
But Sunny followed
You cant do what?
You cant touch me ok, she said with a weakness in her voice
Alexis his voice had now gone to a sincere whisper. Just one time let go, dont think, just breathe and let go
He had now moved closer to her and he expected her to fidget or to make excuses but instead surprisingly she was letting go
Im not in love with you
Its ok
No Kristina told you I was and Im not she said making it clear
Right now I dont need you to love me, I just need you. He said letting the tips of his fingers graze the v of skin the her pajamas revealed And I think you need me too
His dark eyes matched hers almost as if they were suddenly speaking the same language and she felt his hand slowly run up her back
Why is this so complicated? she said with her lips only inches from his
Would we have it any other way?
Were going to regret this tomorrow
Ill regret not doing this tomorrow
He pressed his lips to hers and began a passionate kiss. His lips took control of her and she followed along.
Alexis gripped at his shirt still tucked in neatly and the she pulled at it making the first move, giving him the ok to unbutton the buttons on her silk pajamas like he so much wanted to do.
She un-tucked his shirt and slowly unbuttoned the steel gray buttons. He followed her every move button for button letting each one reveal something new.
He had never been in more anticipation about seeing a womans body that he had been with Alexis. Besides the occasional pair of jeans she was always suited up and hardly ever revealed more than her neckline. Now he was seeing for the first time what was under the suit.
He pulled her top off of her shoulders and she stood their revealed him. He touched her gently letting his hands explore the opportunity she had given him.
Can I take you upstairs? he said as he give gentle kisses at the lobe of her ear
Yes she said already given in
He took her upstairs to her bedroom. A place where before was just her own private place. A place that he wondered about.
Their bodies hit the comforter that was filled with the scent of her as he breathed her in and out.
They had made love knowing that they wanted it to be memorable just in case they were never to be able to be together again
In the morning she would still be lying in his arms but they would be in unfamiliar territory. They would wake up two lives that had just become more complicated.