Sonny ran his finger down the front of her neck and down the open part of her blouse and then dangled his fingers where her breast hinted to him.
Alexis eyes followed every move his fingers made.
Do you want me to make love to you? he said grabbing the attention of her eyes but still she didnt say a word
Will you show me what kind of woman you are?
She tucked in her bottom lip before making her comment
I think youve had too much to drink and you should probably sleep it off
I think Im perfectly clear about what Im saying dont you think?
Sonny ran his finger along Alexis bottom lip that was still wet from being tucked inside her mouth
I really like your lips
You, you notice, my
Ive always noticed youre lips
Sonny I
Alexis let me make love to you
He placed her hand on his naked chest in between the silk of his robe.
She felt his skin and muscle at the palm of her hand
Whats youre fantasy? She said shockingly
He grinned at her boldness
Youve become my fantasy
What do you think about when you fancies about me?
He paused for a moment running his tongue along his top lip
I wonder what you look like naked
A chill ran down her body from his words but she let the effect he had go unnoticed
Why wonder? She said lifting her left brow to intrigue him
He sat down on the edge of the bed and she let her jacket fall to the floor and she began to unbutton her shirt slowly letting his eyes map out the new territory
She now stood in front of him completely naked letting him take in the sight of her
My God youre a beautiful woman
She pressed her body against him and he let his hands run from her waste and down her hips
So are you she whispered to him
He grinned again amazed by the Alexis he had never seen
Ill let you take control
You think I need to be in control? She said questioning his comment
Yeah I do
What if I said I surrender?
Then I would politely ask you again can I make love to you?
And if I said yes?
He stood up looking at her directly letting the dark of their eyes mold together
He turned her, pushing her onto the silk sheets, he was right it felt so good to lie on them
He looked at her as she lay there in front of him, seeing his lawyer and his friend as he had only in his fantasies of her
Alexis He whispered back to her
Yes she said answering his question
He placed his hands on her knees and pulled her legs apart to lie in between them
Make love to me she said breathless as he began to kiss up her body making his way to her lips.
Anything you want he said