Kiss And Effect (Rexis Short)

“Kiss and Effect”



She sat beside him wondering why they sat so close


Why she so easily found herself inches away from him where he could touch her, where she could kiss him


It was too easy


He leaned in, his lips at times touching the lobe of her ear


It sent chills down her spine


“I lie in bed at night and wonder what it would be like if you revealed yourself to me”


Her eyes quickly shot to his unsure of what he meant


“I’m not sure what you…”


“I mean in every way… “


His hand slipped in between her knees and taunted the hem of her skirt


“I think maybe we should…”


His hand slid further up her thigh making her forget what she was saying


“I want to know what you’re thinking. Every happy, sad, sincere, clean…” he paused “and dirty thought…”


“I think you would be surprised what I’m thinking” she said playing along


He appreciated she had decided to play along in his little seduction


“I think about the way you would laugh… uncensored. The sound, the look on your face…”


“You’ve seen me laugh” She protested


“Not laugh like that” He corrected


“I wanna know what you look like when you take off that suit. Your long legs, your breasts, every curve, every peak… I want to memorize you…Alexis I dream about making love to you… about waking up next to you”


“You know I think maybe we shouldn’t…”


She made little effort but tried to move herself away from him


If for any reason but to clear her head


Ric pulled her back closer to him


“I love that I make you nervous”


“I’m not nervous”


“You look nervous”


“Things aren’t always as they appear Mr. Lansing”


“Prove it to me”




“Prove I don’t make you nervous”


“No, I don’t have to prove anything to you”


“You’re right you don’t” He said lifting his brow to her


She looked at him annoyed


He grinned


“You’re ridiculous”


“Am I?”


“What are we in Jr. High?”


“I hope we’re a little further along than that”


Alexis bit at her lip stifling a grin


“That’s exactly what I thought” he said satisfied at the reaction he was getting from her


“So you want me to prove that you don’t make me nervous. That I don’t have some school girl crush on you…”


“I meant what I said. You don’t have to prove anything…”


“You’re so smug”


Ric looked at her as if he were shocked at her conclusion


“No, not smug… just under your skin”


With all her might she stood from the couch where she was sitting way too close to him


He followed


“I knew I made you nervous. Maybe a little weak in the knees” He teased


She turned back to him her face inches from his


She kissed him


Her lips taking in his


She devoured his mouth taking in every last taste of his tongue and his lips


Her kiss was like water to a man dying of thirst


He wanted her and instead she gave him what he didn’t even know he needed… her mouth to his


He couldn’t stop, he couldn’t pull away. He didn’t care if she won… He loved the was she kissed


She tugged a his bottom lip as she pulled away


His eyes opening in time to see her staring back at him satisfied at what effect she had on him


He grinned


She grinned and then she let out a satisfied laugh


The laugh


The uncensored laugh


God, he had fallen in love with her


“Now who’s a little weak in the knees?” she questioned as serious as she could be


The grin hadn’t disappeared from his face


He had accepted defeat


“A bit smug aren’t we Ms. Davis?”


“You bet I am”

This time he went for the kiss


But she quickly pulled away


He looked disappointed she had


“Now what was it about you wanting to know what I was thinking?”


He pulled her back into a kiss


But with this kiss he would know what it was like to wake up to her the next morning

