"I use to think... my God, how do we fit together? I mean look at us... we were doomed from the start.. a Quartermane, and a Cassadine. We werent suppose to come within ten feet of one another much less become lovers. But somehow... the gatekeepers, the ones who were suppose to hold their respective families together defied well basically everyone and hell almost did the one thing neither of our families would ever image... we almost married each other..."
"Looking back... would that have been so bad?"
Alexis turned to look at Ned as if he had caught the bullet she had just shot him between his teeth
She then smiled letting out a slight nervous laugh
"No it wouldnt have"
"I guess there will always be somethings in life you will regret"
"You regret us not getting married?"
Ned took a moment before answering, not hessitating but choosing his words carefully
"I regret not fighting for you more than I did"
She couldnt breathe
His words had literally taken her breath away
"Too much happened. Too many things pulled us apart. You couldnt have helped us from falling apart"
Alexis sat down and Ned followed beside her
"Do you think we would have made it?"
"If we had gotten married?"
Alexis swallowed the lump in her throat before looking at Ned in the eyes
"Without a doubt"
Ned smiled back at her for her confidence
"How can you be so sure?"
"Its the way I love you"
She was serious
She didnt seem nervous or surprised by what she had just said
"You... you"
"I...what? Love you? Of course I love you"
"But you love me like... you loved me"
Alexis then began to fidget for a moment
"I cant seem to love anyone the way I love you.... its as simple as that"
Ned shook his head
"What?" she questioned his action
"Were being honest?"
"I hope so!"
He paused for a moment
"Youre her"
"Im who?"
"Her, the one... the one person that in someones life they never get over"
"Youre telling me you never go over me?" She said giving a teasing grin
"You never got over me"
Not a question, a revelation
"What a dangerous situation..."
She understood
"You and me..."
"Were a lot of water under the bridge"
"And we could drown each other in it"
Ned watched Alexis take a breath in and then out
"I do wonder what we would be like as an old married couple"
Alexis suddenly turned her head away from him as if that were the secret question in the correct form
"She would be your daughter"
Ned said nothing he was stunned
That was regret
"If we had been married which, I never thought I would marry anyone much less two years later wish more than anything I had, had their baby..."
Now Ned was taking deep breaths in and out
"I would do anything to make her mine"
Tears fell down her face and Ned quickly tried to help wipe then away from her cheeks
Alexis again let out a nervous laugh
"I never thought the one thing in life I wish I could do over again would be to have sex with a different man... because Kristina is the greatest thing thats ever happen to me... I just wish..."
"Alexis I will never love her any less"
"I know... I know. But the reality is..."
Ned let out a deep sigh
"I know what the reality is..."
" I wish we were the only two people in this world, instead of just the only two people in this room..."
"Then we could confess to the world like we are now?"
"And you were the only one I could ever have to love?"
Alexis pressed her chin into his shoulder
"Alexis... of all our mistakes, everything we regret... please dont every regret that you love me"
"Only if you never regret Im the one you cant get over"
"Thats a deal"
Alexis sat up to look at him and smiled
"Is this where we shake hands and walk away? Or is this where we kiss and make up? I think its your call"
He was allowing her to call the ending
"What about all that water under the bridge... what about drowning in it?"
"You know if you ever even for one second forgot to swim I would save you"
"I know"
After a moment of silence Alexis covered her mouth as if she were holding in a scream but only more tears flowed from her eyes
She couldnt help herself
And before she could say anything else, before she could try to wipe away another tear Ned crashed his lips into hers
She didnt resist
She only kissed him back, over and over again
He was like no other
He was the one man who made her feel... and who could break her
But he was right
After all the regrets, all the things that had come between them, she didnt and would never regret the fact that she loved him
Alexis looked up at him and for a moment they both were unsure what their next move would be
"Maybe we shouldnt," she said leaning away from him giving them some space
"Alexis I wanna make love to you and right here in this room"
"No regrets"
She leaned in again closer to him and let her finger tips began circling his lips
"No regrets"