Second Chances

Its said that if love is meant to be it will come back to you no matter what obstacles stand in the way


He lay there besides her, begging to touch her. Instead he watched her bare back lightly rise and fall with each breath

He felt honored that he was the man that would have the opportunity not once in a lifetime but twice to be with the love of his life

But how he got his second chance, how he got there, lying beside her wasnt because fate was so kind to give him his heart back but rather that he had fought for her

And this time and seemingly more importantly she had fought for him


Ned loved Alexis

Alexis loved Ned

It had been proven time and time again

Why couldnt they just be together?

The most complicated and simplistic answer was that the time just wasnt right between them

Besides love had something to prove


She was born

She was nothing short of a miracle

She was suppose to be a February baby, she was born in November

One little girl, with hints of strawberry colored hair and dark brown eyes

She was born three months ahead and already a secret to keep

She had became their world

And she was blessed with a great disguise courtesy of her namesake

She was the spitting image of Kristina and Alexis

A million prayers and a million tears

Baby Kristina spent her first Christmas in ICU

So did Alexis

So did Ned

Suddenly all the misunderstandings, one leaving the other, the lack of commitment, just making things complicated gone

Nothing mattered, everything seemed petty and insincere

They had almost lost their baby girl

Day after day night after night until they brought there baby girl home. Ned would just hold Alexis and assure her everything would be all right

Everything was all right

Kristina would improve by the day

Her parents would fall in love again


Alexis seemed to stay up night and day to make sure Kristina was all right, even after she came home

Alexis also seemed to stay up night and day replaying her life and trying to put everything in to perspective

But the only thing she could think of was her baby and Ned

They didnt need to be thought out, it was obvious just as she loved her baby girl from the moment she knew she existed

She was sure now that she loved Ned that way looking back at her life she hadnt realized that he was the one that taught her to love and to love the way she did him


His touch made her feel

His grin made her laugh

He was comfort through joy and sorrow

He was equal, he was more

And the undeniable chemistry, it was obvious and breathtaking and irresistible

She would do anything now to make him stay in her life, in Kristinas life

His only response was that she would never have to try to make him stay because he would never leave


He couldnt stand it any longer. His fingers slid down her back tracing her spine

Before her eyes could open a dimpled grin covered her face

Good morning beautiful he said leaning in as he began to kiss her shoulder and then the back of her neck

They had made love to each other for the first time since their ending

She turned to look at him and before she could open her mouth to a good morning he kissed her

His morning kisses were exhilarating to her

And before a second thought or even a second kiss

Kristinas little voice rang out

Alexis grinned at the sound of her and they both started to get up

No, Ill get her Ned said as Alexis lay her head back down on the pillow

He held his tiny baby girl in his arms and she was instantly soothed

Ned could have easily held her with one hand but he carefully wrapped her in both of his arms

He handed Kristina to Alexis before getting back in bed beside her

Shes just hungry

Ned thought he would never see Alexis that way. So oblivious to the world, so caught up in her little girl

Alexis at that moment was far from the powerful and merciless lady lawyer everyone knew, but he would never tell.

But it was all over her face and deep into her eyes

By looking at her no one would ever know she came in to the world a little too soon, she was perfect

Kristinas eyes closed as she continued to drink from her mommy

I could never be more happy than I am right now, Ned said breaking his concentration of them and looking up at Alexis

She tucked in her bottom lip and then smiled

The only thing that would make me happier, was if you would be my husband

Ned stumbled for a moment trying to swallow the lump in his throat

Are you sure?

We Alexis said looking down at Kristina have no doubts

The End