Sobering Experience


Alexis closed her eyes

Every breath, every swallow, every sound she made it seemed to echo throughout her body

Her face and her hands were numb

The alcohol had long since set in

She had sat down her last Vodka Tonic on the coffee table in front of her

Tears stained her face

Vodka to relive the pain, to relive the loneliness

A knock at her door

She looked up in a blur

Another knock

She ignored the door


The sound of his voice was piercing to her ears

Alexis! Are you there! Its me Ned!

Alexis rose to her feet. Staggering as she made her way to the door then stumbling as she tried to unlock it

His eyes widened at her obvious glazed look

Youve been drinking?

Alexis let out a sly laugh as she made her way back to the couch barely missing the obstacles in her path

She sat down as her head began to spin

How much have you had to drink?

Ned can you you just leave me alone please

He studied her for a moment taking in his own measurement of how much she had already had

Alexis then will you just let me help you into bed

Alexis stubbornly turned away from him

Come on lets go lay down. You look like youre done

Youd like that wouldnt you? Alexis questioned obviously missing what he really meant

Come on

He tried pulling her from the couch

Can you please just leave me alone Im fine Im fine

Alexis youve had too much to drink and youre ready to pass out

Im fine Ned Im fine She said again trying to protest

Ned wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against her will from the couch

Her arms flung around him and he lifted her slightly off her feet to help her to her bedroom

I always do it to you

Do what Alexis?

I hurt you

He sat her down on the bed and then sat beside her

Youre not hurting me

I hurt you and I love you and I still hurt you

Its ok, its ok

No I love you, you know I love you
She was making too much sense

I know you love me

Please forgive meI love you

I love you too Alexis now here take off your shoes he said trying not to take what she was saying too seriously

No, all the shit I do


God it hurts it hurts so much to love you this much

Alcohol would bring out the honesty in anyone

She lay back on the bed

Alexis its ok why dont you sleep this off and well talk about what you remember in the morning

Alexis covered her face with her hands

Why dont you just say to hell with me?

Out of the blue she shot up to her feet

Alexis! he said firmly as he grabbed her arm

She snatched it away

Will you please just lay back down

She stood there for a moment looking at him

Looking as if every thought in her head was as clear as day

She began to unbutton her shirt until it fell to the floor

Alexis what are you doing?

She took a moment to caress Neds face as if she were commanding his attention and then she undid her jeans and pulled them off somewhat seductively

What are you doing? The question wasnt working
Here let me get your pajamas Ned said trying not to be a man and just give in to the woman standing before him

She stopped Ned from standing up

Touch me


Just touch me

She was serious

Alexis, I cant

Its the way we were before She said trying to keep her thoughts straight

What are you talking about?

Sex. Thats how we began how we got along, we had sex and it was what we were good at

That was then, this is now. We fell in love with each other

Im still in love with you

Too much honesty

It doesnt work that way anymore

Then just touch me it doesnt matter if its just sex, its us

She took hold of his hand placed it at her hip guiding his hands down her thigh

She easily made him weak

Alexis we cant do this its not just sex

I want to

Youre not thinking clearly

Im thinking out loud

He stopped to look at her half naked self, to look into her blazing eyes

We shouldnt do this Alexis

Tell me you dont want to and Ill stop


She leaned in and kissed him

The familiar kiss escalated into their even more familiar passionate kiss

He lost control

He pulled her on top of him as he fell back onto the bed

They kissed more and more passionately

She began to untuck his shirt and quickly went for the button on his jeans

Ned stopped her

Its not that I dont want you its that I dont want you to regret this in the morning

Just be here in the morning and I wont regret anything

She whispered into his ear as she closed her eyes, concentrating

His lips sank into hers and so did his body

He did want her so much

He couldnt resist his chance

Ned then began to gently kiss down her neck, her shoulders kissing where the strap of her bra once was

He kissed down her chest taking her nipples one by one into his mouth giving them both the attention they needed. Sucking them until they stood hard to the feel of his lips

His warm familiar hands traveled all over her body.

He then pulled her closer letting her feel his already pulsing erection.

Alexis too could already feel the affect he had on her with the wetness between her legs

Neds hands rested at Alexis hips long enough to latch his fingers to her panties and pulled them down revealing her body fully to him

He couldnt help but take a moment to savor the sight of her, the sight his eyes now only dreamed about

She couldnt help but watch him watching her

Ned kissed the inside of her thighs and Alexis let out a slight moan in satisfaction at the feel of his mouth on her

His fingers then slid into her moist folds and began to lightly rub her clit

Alexis bit down on her bottom lip trying to pace herself, trying to savor his every touch

She then spread her legs allowing Ned to take full advantage of her and he obliged

He could tell by how she held her breath that he was pleasing her and that she was about to cum

Ned let his tongue trail down her stomach and then began to take in her bittersweet juices

She began to moan slightly letting the rhythmic touch of his tongue make her body arch holding on to the pleasure he brought to her

Relentlessly Alexis pulled him towards her as his hard cock was longing for the inside of her and already ready to burst

Cum inside me She said not loosing focus of his eyes

He slipped into her, her moistness still waiting for him

Ned began to move inside her and she followed his rhythm until they were both doing everything they could to hold back

Ned then burst inside of her and both of their bodies shuddered in pleasure and pain as they both screamed each others name

Ned held her savoring the familiar feel of each others body

Mistake or not, no regrets

The way she fit to him was just as much comfort, as it was pleasure

Are you ok? Alexis suddenly asked completely aware after their sobering experience

Im ok Are you?

I said a lot tonight, maybe too much

Alexis you know I love you

I dont regret anything that happened tonight

He looked at her looking up at him

Ill never regret getting the chance to make love to you

Then make love to me again

The End
