They were dancing only they barely moved. Instead they found themselves holding each other, neither of them wanting the other to let go. They happen to be dancing by fate.
His hands slipped further down her back, pulling her slightly closer than she was before. The frame of her body fit with his clearly showing it had been there many times before.
His hand now slid to the top of her hip. She nuzzled her nose at his neck feeling his smooth skin and breathing him in. Breathing in the familiar scent of a man she once loved more than words.
They were holding passion in the form of silence. Every word unspoken made their want even more uncontrollable. But still they only held each other, dancing. They knew that they couldnt over step their boundaries for no ones sake but there own. Doing that was only confusing two broken hearts that had learned to beat without the other.
The sound of the world played along with a soft piano but it only became more and more distant. They had danced on this terrace once before. In his tux and her violet gown, they danced a dance of beginnings. Then, he held her as a man captivated by a woman who had intrigued his mind and his heart, yet was still unfamiliar with the moves she would make or even the way she felt pressed against him.
Now they danced almost as if the night was to be re-created but this time it was their last dance. The one were the song would be cut short and the right things wouldnt be said to make the other stay. This dance was with the one you wished you would have danced the whole night with but instead, luckily you had a chance to save the last for them.
His finger swept her bare shoulder and his touch sent a chill through her. She watched his eyes. She watched for answers, she watched for intentions anything, but still she didnt ask the questions as if she wanted his body to answer hers.
They were together as man and woman who became worlds apart. Now they danced wishing their worlds would collide again
The sound had gone. No piano, no air, no breath - no background. And she let go. Their separation was once more. They were no longer. No longer love and no longer a dance.
The indescribable emptiness only made her squeeze her eyes shut instead of watching his face transform into the new unfamiliar face she had help create.
She shook her head at him almost as a sign in disbelief that she would walk away. He swallowed the lump in his throat before it began to choke him.
And they parted from their dance