The Dance (A Sequel To A Proposal To Dance)

That night had turned into tomorrow

The clock had stuck past midnight but Cinderella had not left the ball nor had she managed to turn into a pumpkin

Alexis had been allowed to stay past midnight because Gia had taken Kristina for the night

Kristina was reportedly no trouble at all and sleeping soundly

By then Alexis hair begged to be pulled down and she would have done anything to banish her strappy black heels

But she was still undeniably beautiful

Every candle lit in the room seemed to make her dark brown eyes sparkle, her skin glow

Lorenzo Alcazar, three hours later was under her spell

It was obvious, besides her looks, why the most eligible bachelors (at the time) in Port Charles fell at that womans feet. Maybe why they still did... Ned Ashton, Jasper Jax and even his arch enemy Sonny Corinthos had all fallen under her spell

She was mesmerizing

His intentions were not to take advantage of her though

He had become smitten with her and wanted every move to be calculated by her

The crowd was getting thin but he dare not let her go until it was by her request

She seemed to enjoy the night

She had a few more glasses of wine that seemed to help her get over the fear that everyone was staring because she had chosen to dance with Lorenzo Alcazar. Though she had protested that she didnt care what other people thought.


Alexis couldnt help but breathe in his intoxicating scent that she had become all to comfortable with

Her lips wanted to follow it as if she craved it like hunger

The craving led to his lips

She stood what seemed less than an inch away, and as he had promised himself he would let her make the first move

She pulled away

"I should go"

Lorenzo took a second to breathe again

"Can I take you home?"

Alexis knew she shouldnt drive home

"I um, I will call a cab or maybe Zander is still here..." She said looking around

"I have a car... and driver waiting. It would be my pleasure"

He wanted to make it alright. Make her feel secure. He couldnt lose the girl now

"My coat. I need to get my coat"

It was her way of agreeing

Lorenzo smiled politely

"I will get it"


Before the driver could come around to open the door Lorenzo took the honor of opening the door for her

"Thank you"

He nodded, then slid in the back seat beside her

She didnt pull herself away, rather she sat close to him... very close to him

"I want to thank you. You have made it a wonderful evening" Lorenzo said honestly

"No... thank you. I truly enjoyed myself. You were and are an perfect gentleman"

He smiled again

The city seemed dark. The lights flashed and the street lamps seemed dull and tired themselves

Lorenzo could hardly breath. He wanted to touch her. He wanted to kiss her... he wanted her to feel the same

He looked over at her

"What?" She said shyly

"Admiring you" From what he could tell she was blushing a little "You truly are an amazing woman Alexis"

She was biting her bottom lip

He couldnt contain himself, he went against his own rules

He kissed her

She didnt pull away

She kissed back

Not a sweet kiss, a passionate kiss. One after the other

Her hands at his neck , his at her jaw line. They were holding on trying to get their fill. Trying to taste every ounce that they craved

"Go home with me"

It had slipped out of his mouth

"I have to go home"

"I want you. I want to show you how much I want you"

Lorenzo Alcazar didnt beg

He would to her

"I have to..."

He interrupted her "Please let me make love to you"

She kissed him again before pulling slightly away, looking into his eyes. Maybe even calculating the mess she was getting herself into


She said yes

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Please dont make me regret this" she said dryly

"I wont. I wont"

Before Lorenzo began to kiss her again he rolled down the divider between them and the driver

"Antonio we will be going straight to my penthouse"

"Yes sir" Antonio quickly answered

Lorenzo rolled the divider up and looked back at Alexis

And this time she did make the first move to kiss him again


By the time the car had pulled up to the building both had chose to compose themselves

They made it to the elevator and as soon as the door left them to privacy they kissed passionately until Lorenzo had Alexis pinned between the railing of the elevator wall and himself

His hands had found their way up her thighs feeling the smooth skin under his fingertips

He watched her in between kisses, she seemed to enjoy his touch as much as he did touching her

He then pressed himself against her letting her feel the effect she was having on him

She gave him a devilish smile and before he could reach her hips to pull off her black lace panties that he so desperately wanted off of her the elevator had reached the penthouse and she had managed to slide out between him and the wall railing

She left him standing there

He looked stunned that she had gotten away from him

She only grinned in satisfaction as she left him to walk towards the door of his penthouse

Lorenzo held the door before it closed, then followed. He looked back in the elevator picking up her purse and strappy black heels she had left scattered on the elevator floor

She faced the door waiting for him

Alexis wasnt sure if she breathed at all. She felt completely out of character

Lorenzo reached his arm round her dangling her heels in front of her

"I think you forgot a few things"

She only turned her head slightly to acknowledge him "I figured you would pick up behind me"

She figured right

He placed his hand at her left hip as if he were about to make his passionate move. He rather pulled her slightly to the side giving him just enough room to unlock the door

He left no space between the two of them as he held that same position to her but instead walked forward into the penthouse

Alexis looked around

"I hope you find my penthouse satisfying"

"Does it matter if I find your penthouse satisfying? I would rather find you satisfying"

Lorenzo couldnt believe this woman. She was a fantasy come true

"Would you care to sit"

"Were not playing games remember?" She reminded though she was the one doing most of the "game" playing

"No game" he replied assuring her "Another drink?"

"You sit" She said as she began to pull at the zipper to her dress

Lorenzo arched his brown intrigued

He sat on the black leather sofa

She stood before him

He wanted to touch

Her dress fell to the floor

"Is that what you wanted?"


He had only imagined what Alexis Davis attorney at law kept under her business suits. The black lace bra and panties were definitely what he had hoped

His slid his hand up her leg feeling how wet she was already just from her teasing him

He grinned in satisfaction, but so did she

She leaned down pulling his jacket from him and then sat on top of him wrapping her legs around him

"You are insanely beautiful"

She grinned and then kissed his ear lobe to his neck

She would send chills

Lorenzo reached to undo her bra pulling the black lace from her skin letting her be revealed to him

With every ounce of skin she became more beautiful, more intriguing

She unbuttoned his shirt trailing every button with a kiss before he took her face to his and began to kiss her passionately

"Alexis Davis let me make love to you... no games"

Alexis stopped to look in his eyes

Why did he seem so sincere?

Alexis wanted to care, she wanted to make love to a man and feel. She couldnt help but still be cautious though she knew at least in lust this is what he wanted too

"Wrap your legs around me" Lorenzo instructed

Alexis did and to Alexis surprise he picked her up and carried her to his bed

He lay her gently on the bed and before his body could cover hers she undid his pants letting his strip bare

She bit at her bottom lip taking him in. He too was beautiful

Lorenzo finally got what he wanted pulling the last bit of black lace from her body letting her be completely revealed to him

To be considered a modest woman she didnt seem to have one ounce of shyness

He was gentle, he was patient

A man known for his brutality, for his heartless acts made love to her so sweetly yet so passionate


Beads of sweat formed on her back as he lie there watching her breath to a more normal pace

It felt good to make love to a woman he cared about, a woman he had fallen for. It had been so long since it had been so sincere

When she normally would have found herself walking away, instead she felt at ease, comfortable

Lorenzo opened his arms to hold her and she placed herself in his arms letting her long thin fingers make trails up and down his bare chest resting until they found themselves making love again

Neither would close their eyes until the sun came up and they had finished dancing their dance.