The End (Rexis Short)

Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 Below)


She stood there her hands shaking


She had prepared herself


Going over the conversation in her head at least a thousand times


She intended to be ready


She intended to cut him off at the knees


She intended to act the way a scorned Cassadine would


Instead she cried


She wasnt angry at that moment


She was heart broken


Ric Lansing had broken her heart


Your intentions from the start were to use me


Tears fell profusely down her face


Alexis he said trying to interrupt


Why do I deserve this? God how much do I have to go through? I mean Im stuck in this life And you know Alexis paused I know now, you know Im stuck with Sonny Corinthos in my life forever. I know, you know that when I look at her hes all I see


Alexis dont do this please


I knew you were scheming. I didnt trust you but you made me trust you. You allowed me to. Im so stupid!


Youre not stupid!


I am, I am. I let you use me. I let you take advantage of me and my life and for what? So you could get back at your brother? And you used the only thing that I have. The only person I can and probably will ever fully love to get back at him. YOU USED MY DAUGHTER!


Ric reached out for her hand but Alexis snapped it away


I didnt mean for it to I didnt want to hurt you I was blinded by revenge


But Ric your tactics were to use a little girl. A defenseless, innocent little girl


Alexis yes it was my tactic, yes that was the game plan but everything changed!


What you found someone else to screw over? You have a better way to one up your brother!



Then God, what? What has suddenly made you so high and mighty? What turned you around made you forget your vendetta against Sonny? What!




Alexis took a step back




She looked confused


Every kiss




Every second Ive been with you


No she said shaking her head


Please He begged


Why are you doing this to me? She questioned desperately


Alexis I couldnt go through with any of it. I wont tell your secret. Ill fight Sonny with you if he ever finds out


I dont believe you. I cant ever believe you


Please, please. Ill get down on my knees if I have to


Ric wasnt sure what to do


He had easily broken a heart that had already been pieced back together


Please go away!


I cant!


Why? Please go!

I cant, I cant go away


If you really do care about me now then you will


I do but I cant!


The pain she was feeling had clearly shook her


Why? Why cant you?


Because Ive fallen in love with you


No, dont say that


Alexis Ive fallen in love with you and I cant leave you like this, not now


Go away, please go away


I cant! I wont!


Alexis shook her head


Get out!




Get out! Please!


End. 1



(2 of 2)


She told him to get out


She begged him to get out


He did


He left a dozen red roses lying on the table


He left her apartment with an awkward silence


And he left her standing there in tears


It was in none of his intentions to leave that way


A week had passed


She didnt answer his phone calls


And she intentionally dodged him when Port Charles became too small for the both of them


The truth hurt


But the truth was no longer the truth


He had eveyr intention of using her and her daughter


He didnt intend on falling in love with the both of them


He had taunted her with kisses and clever come on lines


But he was the one that fell for them, not her




She opened her door


He was sitting in the hallway directly from her doorway


He jumped at the sight of her and caught the door before she could slam it shut


Why are you here?


Ill be right outside this door until you let me talk to you


She paused, thinking


Three minutes


Thats all I need


She let him in


Im in love with you


What! Thats the first words out of your mouth!


Youre only giving me three minutes I have to be brief!


Well dont start with that!


With what? The part where Im confessing I fell for you. That my intentions were to get back at my brother and then I fell in love with you!


Youre not in love with me


Oh believe me I told myself a hundred times I wasnt in love with you but every satisfied smile you made, every smart mouth word you spoke, every eye roll you made with those beautiful big... brown eyes


Stop it!


Youre beautiful and intelligent and sometimes a bit too witty I was the one that was stupid not to think I wouldnt fall for you you won


I won? She interrupted What do you mean I won? I didnt even want to play in the game!


Ric paused


She was frustrated


His hands went to jaw line


His lips to her lips


He kissed her


A deep passionate kiss


He pulled away


She was frustrated and now flustered


Tell me you didnt feel it


Alexis closed her eyes


When you were cocky, when you really didnt feel anything for me you looked me right in the eyes and told me. His hands let go of her You cant look me in the eyes. You cant right now because you felt it


No I didnt she said trying to sound cold and sure of herself


Ric took a step back


I did it to you. Just as every other man in your life did


Dont talk about my life I shared all of that with you in trust, when I thought you were being just as sincere


But I was being sincere and thats why I understand the way you feel right now. I betrayed you. Its happened to you before. Well I also know that in your past, men in your past didnt know how to hold on to you, they just let go. Well Im not letting go of you because Im in love with you!


Alexis sat down on the couch and put her hands to her face


How can I trust you?


Ill earn it somehow he said sitting down beside her


She turned to look at him


His face was sad and she could tell he was struggling with his heart pounding harshly in his throat


You want a second chance?


With you more than anything


She sat for the longest time


He let her think


Start over, a new beginning? she said thinking allowed


No I want this to be the end. I want you to be what was waiting for me at the end of all of this. My end, my cure all to my past mistakes, my past grudges


She leaned in and kissed him


Dont make me the fool


Im the fool if I screw this up Alexis


And he kissed her


And again she kissed back, again and again


That night, they began to write their ending