The game was over
Jax decided he had to tell Ned the truth about Alexis
It had all gone too far
There was no one left to win...
His heart seemed to pound uncontrollably
His mouth went dry
His knees went weak
He was speechless
... he was heartbroken
"Look! Ned, she didnt tell you because she wanted to protect Kristina! You have to understand that!"
Ned continued to look at Jax stunned
"I was in shock too... but I realize why she did it, she didnt want to lose her little girl forever!"
"We both lost our daughter because of it!" Ned said furious
"You know the Quartermanes did everything they could to get her away from the two of you..." Jax yelled back in Alexis defense
"Thats no excuse for her lying to me about something so serious!"
"She was in trouble!"
"Why didnt she tell me? Why didnt she come to either of us... she knew I would have done anything to protect her..."
"Ned she obviously was not thinking clearly!"
Ned began to pace the floor
"Where is she!"
"Ned calm down!"
"Jax, where is she?"
"Ned I dont think I should tell you right now, youre not being rational..."
"What is she hiding? Is she somewhere "recovering" Ned said condescendingly
"Ned!" Jax responded angrily
"Im here going through hell and shes doing what? Where is she?" ned sad only raising his voice more
"Ned dont you think she is too? Dont you think that losing her daughter, the only thing she feels like she has in this world is enough punishment for lying?"
Ned took a moment for a breath and tried to calm down
"Jax just tell me where she is"
"Not if youre going to hurt her... not if youre going to scream and yell... shes not strong enough right now to take it, especially from you..."
"So all the time shes was yelling at me about being a father!..."
"Dont you think that was her own insecurities?"
Both men stood there for a moment trying to cool down
"Ill take you to her, but Im going... and if you even so much as..."
"Ok Ill calm down" Ned said quickly agreeing realizing it was the only way Jax would allow him near her...
Jax was her best friend first. And he would not allow Ned to tear what was left of her apart
A cabin outside of town
Being shunned for being crazy was one thing
Losing your baby had a whole new set of rules
2 months had gone by, she hadnt held Kristina in her arms
A new definition of insanity
Jax knocked softly on the door
He was surprised to see Zander when the door opened
"Hi Jax, Ned" he said looking surprised to see him
"Shes here?"
"Uh yeah shes in the other room... " Zander let them in " uh my father had some work to do and he didnt want to leave her alone... I didnt want to leave her alone. Shes had a pretty tuff time and it seems to get worse everyday..."
Ned looked puzzled as if he was suddenly realizing and regretting all of his thoughts and the things he had said
"Can I see her?"
Zander quickly looked at Jax as if for a second opinion before answering
"Uh yeah... but Ned she doesnt... Ned shes not the same"
Ned only pointed towards the door in which he assumed she was behind and Zander nodded
Her eyes were dark and her hair fell clumsily out of her ponytail as if it hadnt been touched.... her sleeves pulled tightly at the palms of her hands and her bare feet stayed clinched as if she were hanging on for dear life
If she wasnt clinically crazy, the sight of her could have fooled anyone
Any anger he had was quickly forgotten at the sight of her
She looked tired
She looked devastated
She looked like she had been through pure hell
Ned interrupted the dead silence
"Alexis" he said softly
She didnt turn her head to acknowledge him she only stared into space
"Alexis please talk to me..."
She turned her head slightly towards him, yet to make eye contact
"I know the truth... I know you faked the DID..."
A slight mysterious laugh came from her mouth
"I know why you did it but you didnt have to I would have..."
Her voice sounded weak though her question was strong
"You would have what?"
Ned was almost shocked that she replied so quickly
"I would have protected you... I would have done anything..."
"Killed him?"
The question was bold as if it had been on her mind as if she had wondered herself if he really would have done something like that for her
"If you wanted me too - yes"
Alexis turned too look at Neds sympathetic eyes
"You understand why I did it?"
At that moment it seemed that Alexis needed Neds approval if not forgiveness for her crime
"I do, I understand"
"I had to find a way out of it... but I never meant to loose my daughter.... I was trying to protect her"
Ned walked towards her
"I know I know"
Tears were already streaming down her face
"He deserved it"
Alexis looked up at Ned
"I lost my girl"
"We are going to get her back!"
"No Im not... cant you see I lied, I faked it all, I lost my little girl and now Im really going insane..."
"Alexis you have to be strong... you have to be for her! Shes ok... I promise... I tell her every chance I get that you love her and you cant wait to see her..."
"She wont know me, Im a stranger..."
"Youre her mother, shell know you... but you have to be better, you have to be stronger. Well get her back!"
Alexis listened to every word Ned said as it echoed over and over through her head
Tears poured
Uncontrollable tears
She was beyond the breaking point
She was broken
Ned sat down beside her holding her tightly against him. Her body trembled.
"It will be ok, it will be ok"
"I regret... I regret doing all this to you... I should have never dragged you into this from day one..."
"Alexis dont say that! You know I had a choice, and you know I would do it all over again. I claimed her as mine and she will always be my little girl... and a part of the reason why is because she is a part of you... and you will always be a part of me..."
"You cant allow me to ruin your life"
"My life is in ruins because yours is"
"Why, why do you still care? Why does it matter to you? Why dont you say to hell me and live your life?"
"Because I love"
The words trickled from his mouth and stopped Alexis in her tracks
Ned hesitated
The truth had fallen out of his mouth
"Dont say that!" Alexis protested
"Im sorry I didnt mean to scare you..."
Alexis separated herself from him
"You didnt scare me... it should scare you! You shouldnt say that, you shouldnt think that... Ive done nothing but cause you heartache..."
"Nothing but heartache? Alexis you were the first person to ever love me for me, the first person to ever make me feel like I was right were I belonged. You let me be your daughters father, you trusted me enough, Alexis you taught me the value of love...."
"But thats not the way it is anymore"
"But it can be... the trouble with us is that we lost us. Rather as friends or as lovers or as whatever... the one person that was the others safe haven is gone! I, we need to get that back... be united, get our daughter back...."
"Its not that simple" Alexis protested
Ned watched her as she began to fidget
He knelt down taking her hands in his and made her look into his eyes. He wanted her to remember who he was, not what sadness and anger had made him
"Alexis, what do you have to lose?"
He was right
Ned was offering her strength back, her safe haven...
She leaned down wrapping her arms tightly around his neck
He only held her as tight as he could
Tears again began to stream down her face
And over her shoulder tears fell down his
Everything would be ok, even if it had to be them against the world they would get their daughter back
The End