

Ned looked at his watch and paced the floor of the gatehouse living room again

She had been upstairs for what seemed like forever

He sat back down on the couch waiting to hear any signs of life from her


Ned stood and took a moment to question his concerns and then headed upstairs

Her body sank into the tub

Enough water to cover her keeping her warm but still running the risk of revealing everything if she moved too much from what was left of the foam bubbles in the tub

Alexis held her eyes closed tight

Days ago Kristina had underwent another surgery and both Alexis and Ned had spent their days and nights at the hospital with her

The nurse said it would be Alexis own good if she go home for a few hours and get some rest

The nurse advised

Ned pleaded

She didnt want to leave. She didnt want to leave Kristina fearing not only she would be alone but that she too would be all alone for a few hours in her apartment

Kristina would sleep peacefully

Ned made Alexis leave the hospital, promising he would take her and bring her back

Take her to the gatehouse and bring her back

Ned gave a quick knock at the door but she didnt answer

He opened the door slightly and her head turned quickly but she didnt jump as if he had startled her

Alexis? Are you ok?

She only stared at him, looking worn out yet still extremely beautiful lying there exposed to him

She wasnt shy to him

She wasnt embarrassed by what his eyes could see

Neither was he

His eyes only saw what his heart had memorized to play over and over again in his head

Ned didnt hesitate

He walked towards Alexis falling slowly to his knees beside the tub

She lifted her hand out to him from the water letting the water fall from the edges of her skin

Ned soothed her hand against his chest letting her leave her mark against his shirt

Nothing was said

No questions, no endless discussions

Ned eyed the wash cloth floating in the water and reached for it

Slowly Ned began to let the still warm water drizzled down Alexis body from the wash cloth

She didnt stop him

He drug the cloth softly against her skin soothing her with his every touch

Up her arm. Down her neck, her chest and into the water

A chill ran through her but at that moment it could have easily been mistaken for a spark

His eyes found her and he watched the expression on her face at where he went next

His hand immersed under water, his finger slid out from under the wash cloth and into her folds finding her already hardened clit

Alexis closed her eyes and seemed to be holding her breath

It seemed like forever since she had felt his touch

She bit down on her bottom lip and he began to move his finger back and forth

His eyes stayed intent on her as she let out a slight moan

He let another finger in and began to run her clit even faster

She lay her head back against the tub

He could tell it was what she wanted, what she needed

Moments later she squeezed her legs together tight with his hands still between her as waves of pleasure mimicked the ones that crashed against the side of the tub

Ned rubbed her clit until she couldnt take it anymore

Until she held on to his arm trying to pull him away but thankful he way staying

Ned slid his fingers out scaling the inside of her thighs

A slight smile came across her face though they still said nothing

Ned stood up from his knees and took the towel and held it out for her

He wrapped the towel around her, helping her dry off before she could catch a chill

She had gotten dressed and Ned again waited for her down stairs

She came down the steps pulling her hair up in a lasting ponytail and looked back at him as he watched her

She smiled somewhat shyly at the two of them at that very second, at what had just happened between them

Ned opened the front door and held out his hand for hers

She held her hand intertwined with his and they went back to the hospital to be with their daughter