Worth Fighting For

Ned held the collar of Sonnys shirt clinched in between his fists as Sonny s back fell against the wall. Ned had an enraged look on his face that was very unfamiliar to the usual non-violent nature of Ned Ashton.

Sonny then grabbed hold of Ned allowing him to throw the first punch in his own defense. Ned staggered away from the impact of the blow but within seconds came barreling back at Sonny with punches of his own.

The two men staggered on their sides of Sonnys living room both feeling blood flowing from their faces.

You hurt her! Ned finally blurted giving some sort of reason for barging in Sonnys penthouse

What do you mean I hurt her?

You know every woman you have ever even thought you cared for has become a victim of you. I watched Brenda become a victim of you, but you will not get away with doing it to Alexis. Youve gone too far

Look Ned what was between me and Alexis is our business

Youre business? When you have the love of my life fall for your little games and your charming over stuffed ego and then break her because someone else or something else peaks your interest, and you literally forget her as if you would rather have thrown her away well then it becomes my business

I dont have to have this conversation with you Sonny said rather nonchalantly

Ned only shook his head in disbelief at Sonnys calmness and what seemed his lack of caring for what he had done to Alexis

The two men stood there for a moment before Sonny tried another cheap shot

Hey Alexis chose to be with me maybe if you didnt try to control

Control? Ned questioned his comment


Ned went at Sonny again this time knocking him to the floor

Alexis was about to knock on Sonnys door when she thought she heard Neds voice screaming from the other side. She quickly turned the knob of the door to see Ned and Sonny wrestling on the floor.

NED! SONNY! STOP!!! She said appalled at what she was seeing

They both stopped throwing punches and looked at Alexis. Ned quickly stood up and blood poured from the cut above his eye from where Sonny had hit him.

Alexis Ned said sorry that he had been caught

What are you two doing? What are you fighting about

Sonny was now to his feet

Seems Ned here wants to defend your honor

What are you talking about? Ned what are you doing?

Alexis I couldnt just let him break your heart. I cant watch him do what he does

Ned Im fine hes done nothing to me

Alexis knew good and well she too had fallen victim to the charm of Sonny Corinthos. Though she consented to what had happen between them and deep down she did know he was still in love with Carly, but when he went back to her Alexis couldnt help but be hurt and Ned knew she was.

Alexis now stood between the two of them so they couldnt go another round

Alexis will you tell him everythings fine

Alexis turned and looked at Sonny and then back at Ned and without saying anything she pushed Ned out of Sonnys penthouse slamming the door behind her.

Ned what are you doing?

Alexis hes hurt you

Ned hes hurt you what were you thinking

I cant just let him go on with his life letting you continue to be his faithful lawyer while he pushed you to the side for Carly

Ned its ok

Alexis its not ok. Youre not just some woman he can discard

Alexis swallowed the lump in her throat and then opened the door to her penthouse pointing Ned in.
Ned stood inside her penthouse and Alexis came back with something to fix his cut and ice for his eye.

Ned I knew he was still in love with Carly

Alexis it wasnt fair that he used you like that

Nedwhat happened between me and Sonny, I consented to

That doesnt give him the right

Right? To push me out of his life


Isnt that what I did to you? Didnt I have it coming?

Alexis we were in a relation ship we broke up, its different

A Silence went between them

Ned why are you defending me? Why do you even care anymore?

She looked at him with her deep brown eyes that were begging him for the answer she didnt deserve


Alexis was now sitting on the coffee table in front of him. She sat there for a moment looking at his face before trying to soothe the cut above his eye.

Whose turn is it to say Im sorry? She said asking as she gave out a nervous laugh

Maybe if we said it a million more time

Are we going to do this forever?

What? Fight for the same thing?

Break each others hearts She said boldly

Am I?

What? Breaking my heart? Alexis let her eyes wander away from Ned Maybe Im breaking my own

God Alexis why is this so hard

I dont know

Ned looked down to see Alexis hand resting on his knee and Alexis quickly noticed


Dont be

Alexis again looked away trying to break the tense moment they had created between them but Ned took hold of her face and gave her a soft familiar kiss.

Her heart raced

Ned, dont please

I cant get over you he whispered

Alexis looked at his at first stunned that he said it out loud

Dont say that. You know Ive hurt you, you know me She pleaded

Ned pressed his lips again to her this time devouring her mouth and she responded. But they again didnt let it go any further

Alexis bowed her head not letting Ned see her face and then Ned suddenly caught the quiver of her shoulders. She looked up at Ned and before she could make another argument or defend why tears were welled up in hers eyes she caught tears falling down his face

I cant live with hurting you again She said hoping he would know that she could never be more sorry than she was

I cant live without you, he said honestly

He watched as tears were now falling down her cheeks and they suddenly let out a relieving breath


Dont! He said stopping her from what she was about to say

Ned, she said now shaking her head

Alexis please for just this moment lets pretend

Without making another excuse she leaned in and kissed him but this time unable to stop or to control the too familiar kisses from the love of her life.