Beautiful And Haunting

Home | Part 2 of 2

Part 1 of 2


Something happened between them


A night that was long and anything but alone


He watched her, cautious by nature his eyes spotted her long before he took his next step on to the open dock were she too could see him


Her long thin legs appeared even longer in the heels that jutted out from her jeans, a thin cream sweater that not only helped conceal the night air but her pregnant belly as well


Her hair was pulled up, the summer breeze pulling strands of it slowly away


She didn’t move, her mind obviously lost deep in thought


“You shouldn’t be out here by yourself”


His voice startled her


“I’m fine”


“These docks, their dangerous at night and you shouldn’t be out here alone, especially since you’re pregnant”


Alexis turned to Lorenzo


She couldn’t comprehend his concern for her


“I like standing out here… it reminds me of who I am”


Lorenzo looked out across the water to what Alexis’ eyes were fixated on




“That’s not who you are” he said bluntly


“And how would you know?” She shot back


“Because I’ve seen you at your worst and your best” he stated


Alexis turned to see him standing there


He had seen her at her worst and her best


His hands resting in his pockets, his face solemn


“Shouldn’t you be spending your time trying to fix all of Carly’s problems instead of out here on there docks concerned with me?”


“Carly has no problems” he said without hesitation


Alexis lifted her brow intrigued by his comment


She then let out a bit of laughter


“You find me amusing Ms. Davis?”


“I guess we’re all gluten for punishment at some point in our life”


This time Lorenzo let out a bit of a snicker


“Yes I guess we are. You think I can repent and be relinquished of my current husbandly duties?”


His jovialness very uncharacteristic


“Being married to Carly not all you had dreamed it would be?”


Alexis didn’t mean to ask questions


She didn’t want him to think she even cared


“I will give you one thing Ms. Davis…”


Alexis’ eyes rose to his curious of what he was about to say


“… in love with each other or not Sonny and Carly were meant for one another”


“They deserve one another”


That slipped from Alexis’ mouth


She actually looked horrified that she had said it


Lorenzo only chuckled out loud


“That they do… and speaking of marital bliss shouldn’t your husband be wondering where you are? I’m sure he wouldn’t be too thrilled to know that his pregnant wife is standing out on the docks after dark with me…”


Alexis didn’t answer she only set her sights back to the water, back to Wyndamere


Lorenzo understood now that her standing there wasn’t about longing her Cassadine roots rather than reminding her self that she was a tortured soul


Lorenzo would do that too, he would remind himself of his hard exterior


Lorenzo now also understood Ric Lansing had done something to her that made her want to shut out the world… or at least her feelings


“I guess it isn’t wise for me to speak of Ric at the moment?”


“Maybe you should go” Alexis said turning back to him


Her eyes dark


She was the Cassadine princess


“Not until you agree to leave when I do. Like I said before, you don’t need to be out here alone”


“Here alone, home alone” was all she said in response


Lorenzo swallowed hard


His sympathy for Alexis confused him


Maybe it was sympathy for her unborn baby, for her daughter. He couldn’t possible feel her emptiness, and feel the want to console her


“You really aren’t going to leave me alone are you?” Alexis asked finally


Lorenzo reached for her placing his palm at her spine


“No I’m not”


Alexis clenched her eyes shut at his touch


“Let me see that you get home, ok”


Alexis’ hands had now reached for her bangs as she shuffled them out of her face


“I’m not going home”


“Alexis whatever Ric did… you have to go home, you’re pregnant you can’t just stand out here on the docks until the sun comes up. And besides what about your daughter, she’ll miss you…”


“She’s with her father” Alexis said expressionless


She was alone, she felt alone


On the docks, at home anywhere she went that night she was alone


Lorenzo once again placed his hand to her back but this time nudging her


She pulled away


Lorenzo let out a patient breath


“Walk with me”




Lorenzo knew how absurd his invitation seemed


“Take a walk with me”


“You must be kidding”


“You said you weren’t going home so the least you could do is join me on a walk”


“Just walk with you? In case you’ve forgotten you and I don’t take evening strolls”


“You need the company as much as I do” he said dryly


Alexis looked up at him


She crossed her arms over her chest and took a few steps to stand beside him


She never said only shook her head yes


They walked


“Please tell me when you get tired”


His concern and sincerity was frightening and charming all at the same time


“So… the baby is ok?”


Lorenzo Alcazar was making small talk with Alexis Davis




“Do you know if you’re having a girl or boy?”


“So far we’ve managed not to find out”


“I’m not sure if I could stand not knowing”


Lorenzo’s comment threw her off


The thought of him being a daddy, of him turning to mush at the thought of whether he would have a baby boy or girl seemed unfathomable


But why did it? He was human


“Yeah it drives me crazy some days a little more than others” she said giving him a slight smile


Lorenzo returned the smile


“What do you think the baby is? I mean do you think you can tell?”

“I think it’s a girl. I mean this baby is much more of a kicker than Kristina was but I still think she might just be a feisty little girl”


Lorenzo chuckled


“You having a feisty little girl? No way!”


Alexis looked at Lorenzo


“What are you implying Mr. Alcazar?”


“Oh I wasn’t implying anything!” he said again a smile plastered across his face


Alexis laughed


They walked


“Do you mind if we take a break here?”


They had made there way in to the park and the nearest bench lined up along the sidewalk was too enticing for Alexis


“Of course”


Lorenzo let her sit and then he sat beside her


This was as close as he had ever sat beside her


Silence but it was soon broken by her breathy laugh


“What is it?” he asked inquisitively


“If I’m not mistaken this is the first time we’ve ever had civil conversation”


“Yes I believe it is”


“So you never said why you were visiting the docks alone” she said inquisitively


Lorenzo looked at Alexis


“She and I don’t see eye to eye about Sonny” he said bluntly


“That’s a little too familiar” Alexis said letting out a deep breath


“So I walk taking in the night air and civility of the outside world and Carly schemes while still managing to sulk in our bed”


“But you’ll take her back in the morning?”


“It seems to be one of the bigger flaws in my character… what about you? The forgiving kind?”




“Yes whatever you and Ric are fighting about… you too will forgive him and be back in bed with him by tomorrow?”


“Not this time” she said bluntly


Lorenzo shuffled pressing his back further in to the bench


His arms fell to the back of the bench behind her


She looked quickly


“Oh sorry I didn’t mean… habit”


“No” she said stopping him from moving his arms “It’s fine”


They sat there in silence once again


“You’re right I should probably go home” Alexis said suddenly


Lorenzo shook his head “Ok… I’ll walk you back to your car. I assume by the docks”


Alexis stood up and Lorenzo followed


Their conversation seemed to flow smoothly on the walk back to the docks


“That’s my new boat” Lorenzo said pointing to the ridiculously large boat docked on the far end


“It’s beautiful”


“I must say I’m quite proud of it”


She could tell he was buy the kid with a new toy grin on his face


“You should be it’s the most beautiful boat out here”


“Thank you… would you like to see it?”


His question innocent




“I mean if you’re too tired, I don’t want to bore you with a tour”


“No I really would like to see it. I dated a guy one time who had a fascination for expensive toys like that”


“Ms. Davis dating a playboy?” Lorenzo asked amused


“It was along time ago… I was young, money fascinated me then”


“And it doesn’t now?”


“It’s a necessity, a luxury. It doesn’t thrill me”


Lorenzo helped Alexis on to the boat


The touch of their hands surprised them both but Lorenzo wanted to make sure he held her tight as she stepped onto the boat. He feared her losing her balance


The boat was beautiful up close as it was in the distance


Extravagant to say the least


“There’s something to be said about being on the water at night. It’s beautiful and haunting all at the same time… I love it” Alexis said looking through the large windows of the main room


“That’s a great way to describe it, beautiful and haunting”


Lorenzo was watching her from behind


He had watched her all night. Her body, her facial expressions, everything about her that night made sense


It made sense why Corinthos would fall for her. It made sense why Ashton would lie for her. It made sense why Jax would do anything and everything for her, and why Ric Lansing would be just another victim under her spell


There was a new revelation in everything she did, it was intriguing and enticing


“You can stay here tonight if you want”


Alexis turned her attention away from her view to Lorenzo


“I don’t want to impose and this is your…”


“You’re right it’s mine! And I invited you to stay. You are not an imposition if you’re invited”


“It’s beautiful but I can’t”


“You can’t or you shouldn’t?”


Alexis let out a nervous laugh to his honest question


“Mostly because I shouldn’t”


“So you’ll go home…”


Alexis’ eyes shot to Lorenzo’s stopping him in mid sentence


“Do you have anything I can sleep in?”


He had obviously pushed her buttons, reminding her of why she didn’t want to go home in the first place


Lorenzo took Alexis by the hand


Again his touch to hers startled them both


He led her to the master bedroom


“Everything is here; a robe is hanging on the back of the bathroom door. If you want to take a bath and relax please do so everything should be stocked to your needs… I apologize for not having the proper sleep wear for my guest but I do have a pair of pajamas…” Lorenzo reached in to the drawer and handed Alexis a pair of midnight blue, silk pajamas


“They’re perfect” Alexis said grinning


“Ok” Lorenzo said seemingly nervous “I’ll let you relax, take bath whatever you’d like to do to forget your troubles”


“You’re leaving me? On the boat? Alone?”


Lorenzo smiled “No, I wouldn’t. I mean if you don’t mind home is not the best option for me tonight either so I’ll retire to another room”


“But I’m taking your bed I don’t want to…”


“You deserve it… ok”


Alexis bit at her bottom lip and shook her head ok


Lorenzo left her standing there


A few minutes had past and Lorenzo had made had made his way out on to the deck. Alexis was right it was beautiful the way the lights hit the water but haunting all at the same time


The night and incoming ships as they tried to creep their way in where the only sounds


Suddenly silence was like a blow to the gut, a painful reminder


But then suddenly her voice


The voice that told him earlier ‘she wasn’t going home’ and that ‘Kristina was with her father’


“I don’t want to be alone”


Lorenzo walked towards her


“Then let’s at least get you out of the night air”


When Lorenzo followed her in he realized how small she really was


She was still dressed but her heels we’re lost somewhere between there and the side of his bed




“I’ve never seen you barefoot”


“Yes you have… remember that little hurricane?”


“I guess I mean you standing on your own two bare feet”


“And what’s so intriguing about me having bare feet?”


Lorenzo stood closer


Too close


He towered over her


Neither said anything


The fear of the danger that stood between them was for a moment paralyzing


Then she did it


Not him


It was her


She leaned in and kissed Lorenzo Alcazar


Want vs. need


At that moment it was what she wanted and what she needed


He didn’t stop her and she didn’t stop him from touching her


Their mouths crashed in to the others


The taste new and different, thrilling


Their tongues clashed, their lips sucked


He devoured her; she never took time to take a deep breath, to think

There was no turning back


And neither could even think to do so


Alexis needed to be touched; she needed to feel the comfort of someone wanting her…


She couldn’t have that with Ric now


The cream colored sweater that once hugged her body now fell to the floor


There she was


Her breast obviously swollen as they almost spilled from her black lacy bra


And her pregnant belly, beautiful and smooth


She was statuesque, the body of a goddess


His hands went straight for her breast trying his best to hold them in the palms of his hand but they overflowed


“I want you”


The first words said came from his mouth


Alexis began to undo his dress shirt feeling his skin and his tight muscles under her fingertips


He had an amazing body


His bed


His bed where he had invited her to stay, to rest was now where he would take her, follow her lead, do anything she wanted him to do…


He wanted her


Alexis unbuttoned her jeans and Lorenzo helped pushed them to the floor


She got in bed crawling to the center


If she looked this hot pregnant he could only image what she looked like when she wasn’t


Her legs


Her voluptuous breast were amazing but her legs perfect


Long, lean, tan…


Alexis reached for Lorenzo’s belt and unbuttoned his pants, no underwear


And there was no hiding what affect Alexis was having on him


She grinned slyly


Then she licked her lips and his penis only became more erect


“So you like what you see?” She asked devilishly


“You look so fuckable right now” Lorenzo said running his hand down the inside of her thighs


“Then what are you waiting on?”


Lorenzo quickly leaned in snapping the hooks of her bra undone releasing her breasts


“My God you’re beautiful” he said then taking a moment to look at her


And Alexis let him look. The way his eyes studied her she didn’t dare shy away


Lorenzo began kissing her, her lips, her neck, her shoulders… taking her breast one by one and gently sucking and licking her nipples until they were hard against his own lips


His warm breath, his tongue against her skin felt amazing, comforting


His kisses trailed almost to her belly but he noticeably stopped  


He ran his hands gently across her belly


That wasn’t his child, it wasn’t his place to kiss and caress her belly as if he worshiped the life inside


Her panties; his hands teased for a moment tracing the out line of her panties that clung to her most intimate parts


Lorenzo gripped at the sides of her hips and trailed her panties down her legs until they were free and to the floor


His finger ran across the top of her wet folds




He grinned, satisfied


“You’re pussy is dripping wet” he said dipping his fingers slightly in and out


All Alexis could do was shake her head yes from the way he was touching her


“You want my face in your pussy?”


“Yes, yes” she whispered


Lorenzo didn’t hesitate and he had no more time or patience to tease her


He spread her legs apart


His hands roaming up and down her thighs once again


He dove in, his mouth sinking in, his tongue already lapping her up, sucking her clit gently


Her hand at the back of his head pushing him further


Lorenzo loved it, it let him know Alexis was enjoying every second


His tongue back and forth over her clit, her pussy wetter and wetter from her self and from his mouth


He was relentless


He was a perfectionist


“I’m going to cum; oh my God I’m going cum… I, I don’t want to please” she begged


Lorenzo gave her a second of relief before she could shutter in his mouth


“I want you to fuck me. I want to cum with you inside me, fucking me”


He loved this woman… He loved that she screamed ‘fuck me.’ He loved that the prim and proper Alexis Davis was uninhibited in bed


Lorenzo hovered over her kissing her neck and at the lobe of her ear


“The baby?” he whispered


“It’s ok” she said  


Alexis pulled Lorenzo in to a deep tongue twisting kiss before pushing him to lie on his back


She climbed on top of him kissing him passionately once again


Her lips sucking his bottom lip then trailing down his neck


Biting, kissing until she couldn’t stand it anymore


She lowered herself on to him


Alexis closed her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath to relax


Lorenzo filled her completely; his cock was big but still comfortable after she adjusted to his size


Lorenzo watched her


Every breath she took, every move she made


She was beautiful, God she was beautiful


She began to move back and forth


“Ride with me, cum with me” she begged


Lorenzo placed his hands at her hips


She began to ride him


She felt so good. The walls of her pussy amazingly tight


And she was still soaking wet


“You feel so good” Lorenzo moaned


Alexis only rocked him harder pushing him further inside of her


His hands roaming with every thrust


He reached for her clit


Lorenzo had managed to reach her clit while she still rocked him back and forth inside her


The look on her face, her mouth an amazing shape of erotic pleasure, her eyes desperately trying not to clench shut


“Are you about to cum?” He asked now barely able to make a complete sentence




Lorenzo vigorously rubbed her clit again and again


She began to shutter but she tried her best to keep her rhythm with him


“I’m have to cum inside you!” He said now gripping her ass


“Cum now, cum now!” Alexis screamed


Both stopped, their bodies jolting. His orgasm only prompted hers to continue as he shot his cum inside her


Lorenzo’s head hit the sheets and Alexis now lay beside him


Sweat beaming from both of their bodies as they tried to catch their breath




Nothing but the sound of the night, incoming ships as they tried to creep their way in and now both of them lying there trying to catch their breath


Alexis sat up on the side of the bed, suddenly naked


Her back turned to him; she still covered herself with her arms. She covered her breast but there was no chance of hiding her swollen, revealed belly


Her face then went to her hands




Her name on his lips


It was the first time that night he has said her name


“Alexis, it’s ok”


Lorenzo suddenly felt horrible. Not only was he realizing what they had just done but he was realizing how it was hurting her




He just kept saying her name unsure of what he really should say


Lorenzo watched her head rise to the ceiling


“Please say something” he begged


She turned to Lorenzo with tears flowing down her face “He cheated on me” was all she said


End. Part 1