For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Eight
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She could feel his hands clinching the sides of her waist. When he touched her it was the feeling of knowing she was in her skin again. Skin that was being kissed by his lips down her neck and onto her shoulders. His lips sank into her collarbone and it felt so good to taste her sweet taste.

I miss you so much he whispered as his fingers trailed down her arm sending a chill throughout her body. She knew what he meant she missed him too. She gave him the look that begged for him, the look that told him time and time again how much she wanted to have him.

Staring into her deep brown eyes he began to unbutton her shirt not noticing the flashes of lightning that had them surrounded. He didnt notice anything. All he could do was look at her. He had never seen a woman wear a white dress shirt so sexy. The way the shirt caressed her and reveled enough of her tanned skin to make him beg to see more. He ran his hand down her chest feeling his way around, familiarizing himself again with every part of her.

The t-shirt that had replaced his suit, she lifted over his head and breathed in his scent.
The tips of her fingers ran back and forth down his back as he kissed her neck. She bit her lip taking in the feel of his lips on her body and the warmth he gave her pressed against her. She had lost any thoughts of fixing what they had been through and had given in to all that was right there.

They both knew what they wanted, Ned stood up and scooped her into his arms, trying to be careful not to hurt her.

He had picked her up where the left side of her body was against his and she seemed flustered with what to do, trying not to hit Ned with the cast on her arm.

It wouldnt be good if I decked you trying not to interrupt the seriousness of the moment.

I appreciate you being cautious! he said flashing his dimpled grin.

He carried her up the steps being cautious himself. He loved her; he wanted her, but not if it meant making things painful for her.

He placed her on the bed and he lay down beside her. His fingers flipped a part of the end of her hair back and forth as his eyes searched her body, he couldnt take his eyes off of her.

I wish you could see the way you look through my eyes, you are insanely beautiful.

He kissed her over and over all over her body. She stopped him only for a moment and
took his hand and placed it over her heart just as he had earlier to her. She pressed his palm against her chest. And he too could feel her heart beating inside of her.

My heart she paused staring deep into his eyes still she said whispering, trying to match the sincerity of the words he had said to her. Ned - could never stop beating for you

Ned looked into her eyes following the path that seemed to lead to her soul. They couldnt fight what was between them. It had been too long since they had been together and they both needed each other.

They had both seemed to forget the confusion and the mistakes and the disagreements that they had experienced in the past months. The long days and nights that they had been apart had come down to this night.

Make love to me Ned Ashton, she said surrendering

Without hesitation he did as the rain fell against the roof, carefully, passionately, wanting her, lusting for her. He knew her wants; he knew what made her crazy. He had perfected making love to her but still was surprised by the thrill and passion it brought every time.

The morning sun shown through the window in her bedroom of the penthouse. She woke up finding herself in a familiar position lying beside him. The cast on her arm rested above his as he was spooned against her . She sadly for a moment did question if making love to Ned was the right thing for her to have done. She didnt want Ned to be apart of her vulnerability, she wanted to be with Ned and make love to him for the right reasons, for the reasons she use to.

On the other hand things felt perfect to her. She felt his chest breathe in and out. It was a familiar, calming ritual for her to lie there and to feel him. It always brought her comfort knowing she was there close enough to him to feel him breathe.

Her hip had become stiff from lying in one position and she tried to move without waking Ned. His eyes fluttered at her movement just in time to catch the look on her face as her nose scrunched up from the slight pain that ran through her. Neds eyes shot open.


Its ok, just a little stiff, she whispered, catching his eyes and ven forgetting the pain when he called her honey

Ned also had more of a look of pain than she did.

He kissed her forehead as her body finally rested comfortably beside him. She propped her arm on his chest looking up at him reassuring his move. It was almost funny that she had to deal with a broken arm again much less after making love to him. Ned loved the fact that she was lying there, he loved the fact that if she did have a broken arm it was his annoyance to deal with it too.

This is nice, he said as he buried his face into her hair.

It is

Ned could tell by the tone of her voice that her mind had suddenly wondered elsewhere.

Hey where are you?

Hmm? Just in a daze I guess

Alexis knew exactly where her head was. She was trying to rationalize why she was lying there with Ned. She was trying to make love and want not lust and need. She loved him, she loved how good the world was in his arms, she loved who she was when she was with him, but she had to be sure they werent lying there just to console or pity each other.

Breakfast?! Alexis said taking her mind off of her panic of questions.

Hungry this morning are you


Maybe if you grunt or say more than one word at a time

She started to fidget

Sorry you know how I am before coffee, she said sorry for doing what she was doing to Ned. She needed a moment to think without letting the sight of him get in the way of her thinking clearly about what she was doing.

Could you help me up?

Of course, you do your thing and Ill see if I can manage to get a cup of coffee to you.

I know I know Im being a pain in the ass and she gave him a grin as she limped to the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

He watched her until the door closed. Puzzled by what was going on inside her head. He knew her too well not to get it. He just wasnt sure what it was about and he was hoping it wasnt him.

Alexis leaned in to the bathroom mirror. Starring back at herself. It was ok she slept with Ned. She was supposed to sleep with Ned. She was supposed to be his wife. He did know how she was before coffee and he called her honey all the time.

THIS WAS NOT A BIG DEAL! she screamed inside her head.

She broke her stare with the knock on the door

Madam your coffee he said presenting her coffee to her while bowing his head. She had been jerk ordering her coffee out of the blue like that but she was panicking and she hadnt morning after sex panicked in a long time.

I am sorry for being a little whacked out this morning

Youre fine I promise, he said meaning it sincerely. He realized all that she had been through this year alone and she deserved to be a little neurotic and he had decided he too needed to try to take things a little easier especially with her.

Would you go out to breakfast with me?

Breakfast seemed like a good idea. It was something that they would normally do and all she wanted right now was to make things normal as they could be.

I would love to have breakfast with you

Alexis and Ned both got dressed and headed to Kellys for breakfast. As they walked in the door she felt like everyone was watching her. She wanted to scream yes I walk funny now but I didnt do this on purpose! Ned saw shyness take over her and he gripped her hand tighter to let her know he was there.

Ned helped her sit down slowly at the table for two. He was wonderful he did make it seem that he was being more polite than helping her get into the chair.

Why do I feel like everyone is staring at me?

They think youre hot he said teasing her. They also could be glad to see youre still alive and kicking

Paranoia hmm?

Just a little he smiled back at her.

Bobbie walked up to them greeting them and giving Alexis a hug.

Alexis were so happy to see you without the crutches and you look wonderful!

Thank you Bobbie thats so sweet! Im happy to be without them too

The conversation went one for a minute or so and they ordered breakfast. Ned was right it was nice. Nice to be back in his arms, and back sitting a table for two with him.

Maybe it was the best thing for them, to start in bed. Thats how their first four years had started.