Beautiful And Haunting
Part 2 of 2

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Part 2 of 2


“He cheated on you” Lorenzo repeated the words back as if he wasn’t sure that was what she said


Suddenly he felt a lump in his throat


Alexis by then had turned her head back to the shadow filled wall away from Lorenzo


“I told him to… and he did” she said finally and with a nervous, painful laugh


She never looked back to see if Lorenzo had concerned or satisfied look on his face


She only sat there now with her arms wrapped around herself trying her best to console herself


Suddenly she felt his hand run across her on her shoulder


His touch now only made the tears in her eyes… fall


Her hand quickly went to retrieve the tears. She wanted to hide


She didn’t want him to see her cry




His voice was soft


And her name coming from his mouth sent chills down her spine every time he said it


He made his way beside her on the bed giving no mind to his own naked body


Noticing Alexis tried to hide her hers even more


Lorenzo reached for the sheet that had fallen to the floor and wrapped it around her gently as if she were fragile, as if she could shatter in to a million pieces


He couldn’t help but selfishly fear it would be the last time he would ever have the chance to see her beautiful, naked skin. But he knew how suddenly awkward she felt.  He knew that she was thinking


Thinking about that night… An obvious reveal that her husband had cheated on her, to a fight, to running into him on the docks and now in his bed…


He wasn’t sure how to comfort her or if it were even his place to do so


He didn’t know what to say


And anything he said at that point would have been wrong


“What do you mean you told him to?”


Alexis pulled the sheet closer around her before answering


She didn’t owe Lorenzo Alcazar an explanation but at the moment he was all she had for comfort


“It was a way out of our marriage” She said blankly “He wanted a divorce so I told him to cheat on me… he told me he hadn’t, that he wouldn’t…”


“But you two were back together? I mean you both seemed happy…” Lorenzo stated confused


“We were back together. The hurricane, it was a wake-up call we both… we both realized we didn’t want a divorce we wanted to be together… to have this family” Lorenzo watched her squeeze her eyes shut “He slept with her after we had a fight, long before the hurricane… but he’s been lying to me ever since”


Lorenzo didn’t immediately ask another question though his curiosity to know who the woman was that broke Alexis Davis wide open was on the tip of his tongue


Alexis finally looked at him, she saw the serious and sympathetic look on his face


“Oh God! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do this to you…” she said suddenly panicking


“Alexis it’s ok”


Lorenzo’s arm went around her, pulling her close


She sank in to his arms but she still tried quickly to wipe her eyes once again and compose herself


“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” She kept saying


“It’s ok” Lorenzo assured


“No it’s not… you and I … no it’s not” She said shaking her head


“You’re hurting. It’s ok to hurt”


“Not here, not here with you”


She was still shaking her head though she couldn’t make herself leave his arms


“I’m sure it was a mistake Alexis. I’m sure he regrets what he did” Lorenzo said forgetting that only moments ago they were making their own “mistake”


And why was he defending Ric Lansing?


Why did he care?


Maybe Lorenzo at that moment couldn’t imagine hurting Alexis the way Ric was. His beautiful, intelligent and pregnant wife was hurting so deeply she couldn’t catch her breath or stop the tears from embarrassingly falling down her face


“He said it was” she said again giving that nervous laugh “ He said it was all a mistake… It, it just hurts so badly” she said admittingly as the palms of her hands crushed in to her cheeks


“It’s ok to hurt” Lorenzo reminded her


“But I… us here… look what we’ve done. And it’s solved nothing…”


She was angry


She was angry at Ric and at herself


She was sad


She was sad because of Ric and because of herself


It was all now too complicated


“I know we shouldn’t be here… And I know this isn’t the answer but you’re hurting and you needed someone, unfortunately that someone was me” Lorenzo said truly apologetic


Alexis swiped at her face once again and finally composed herself


“We both needed someone tonight” She said eerily calm though Lorenzo could tell her heart was still pounding “Isn’t it so funny how easily it can happen? How easily you can drown in someone else?”


At that moment she wasn’t recognizable anymore to Lorenzo


Her eyes were blank


Her voice empty


“Alexis don’t… don’t beat yourself up…”


“Don’t beat myself up? Why shouldn’t I? My husband, the supposed love of my life, the father of my unborn child has been lying about cheating on me… and now here I am in bed with you!”


”So now what, you’ve cheated on him… you’re even” Lorenzo shot back almost coldly


Alexis was a bit stunned by his blunt reaction


She didn’t have a quick rebuttal


“It is an even playing field now” she said again, her voice lifeless


“But you don’t want to play that game. And I don’t think you can…”


Alexis looked at Lorenzo


“You don’t have that fight in you Alexis. You’re hurting too much”


“I always get through it. Just when I think I don’t have it in me I get through it. I always have and I always will…”


“Is that why you were standing out on the docks looking out at Spoon Island? To remind yourself that you can get through this and on your own?”


“Why do you suddenly think you know everything about me and how I feel? You know nothing about me” she said defensively


“No I don’t, but I can relate to you. And yes I’m guessing but I think I’m right”


“You’re being smug”


“You’re hurting” Lorenzo said ignoring her quip


“Stop! Stop saying that!”


“You needed someone to comfort you”


“I didn’t need anyone!” She fought back “I’m a grown woman and this isn’t the first time I thought my heart was breaking… You and me it was just sex! That’s it! You and I are enemy’s, not friends, not lovers, just two people who had sex!”


Lorenzo paused, looking at her, bleeding in to her


“Maybe I should have just held you instead of…”


He stopped himself


Alexis looked at him horrified that that was how he chose to fight back


“Held me?” She said with a breathy laugh “Instead of? Having sex with me?”




“What so Lorenzo Alcazar could get a rile out of being a savior to his enemy? To be the hero Alexis Davis needed? Hold her, pity her… I’ll hold her secret over her head; she’ll be indebted to me…”


“Alexis that’s not what I meant!”


Alexis took a deep breath as she placed her hand over her swollen belly


A moment of silence


“Are you ok?” Lorenzo asked watching her intently as her palm pressed against her stomach


“The baby… she’s just kicking”


Lorenzo would now speak in a calm voice


“Alexis, I don’t regret what happened here tonight. We were obviously meant to find each other, to console each other. I wanted it to happen just as much as you did. The reality is you have more to lose than me…”


“I have nothing to lose” She interjected


Lorenzo looked at her


She was right on the surface she had nothing to lose. To her she had already lost it all, lost… thrown away Ric Lansing


Lorenzo didn’t continue talking; he placed his fingers at her cheeks and ran them down, mimicking where her tears had fallen, cupping her chin


They had started a fire that night that wouldn’t go out


Despite how wrong it was burning


“Right now is the time that you should decide to stay or go” Lorenzo said holding her face to his


She managed to focus her eyes on the blank wall




She closed her eyes and tears fell down her face


“Please open your eyes” He begged “I want to console you, give you what you need… you deserve that much” he said somberly


Tears streaming still, Alexis stood up from the bed


But she didn’t walk away


Lorenzo sat there for a moment


He caught himself holding his breath


Should he touch her? Should he encourage her to walk away?


He decided


Lorenzo’s fingers traced down her spine to where the sheet wrapped around her had fell


He could feel her breathe


She didn’t protest


Lorenzo stood now


He leaned in kissing her


She didn’t refuse him


This time his kisses soft, gentle


He was in no rush


He had no apprehension or guilt that he was continuing what they had admitted was wrong


He kissed with thought and detail


“Lay down with me”


His request


Alexis looked in to his eyes


His eyes weren’t filled with regret or pity rather they were on fire


She lay down per his request and he followed her on to the bed


He kissed her once again…and again


Slow, perfect, passionate


Hovering over her, his lips then left hers and began trailing down her neck


She didn’t stop him


She didn’t want to stop him


Her bare shoulders kissed…


Lorenzo pulled the sheet from her


She was lying there naked once again for him to admire


Her eyes to the ceiling


Tears falling, falling


Alexis bit her bottom lip


Part of her questioned what he was doing, what he was thinking. The other part of her thanked God he was just there


There to console her


Lorenzo began kissing her breasts, his tongue lacing the crevices


Her nipples hard


Her body reveling in his kiss


She unconsciously arched towards him


It was apparent she was aching for something… Was it his kiss or his comfort?


Lorenzo had stopped earlier at her belly. He only sensually touched her before bypassing the sensitive subject


But this time he kissed down her belly


He had never kissed a pregnant woman’s belly but he now kissed every curve of the perfect sphere


He wanted to make her feel as beautiful as she was


He continued to kiss and Alexis’ hands finally touched him, taking his head in her hands following him and where ever his mouth went


He could feel her cry, he could feel her shiver, he could feel her body reacting to his kiss


It was almost as if she could burst with everything that was happening to her mind, her heart, her body that night…


He wanted to console it all… and if only for a moment kiss it all away


The inside of her thighs, the inside of her knees to the slit of her folds… kisses


Her breath’s short, faint… he was slowly making her forget. Just as he hoped he could do


“I want to be inside of you” he whispered in to her ear


He was learning about being creative when making love to a pregnant woman


He sat up in bed and pulled Alexis in to a seated position on his lap


Her back to him, he continued his kisses all over her back and shoulders


She began to rock him inside of her


Slowly, rhythmically


He felt so deep inside her as her walls closed around him


Her hands reaching for him, running through his hair as he massaged her breasts


Her hands now to his thighs, she began to passionately rock him harder


Lorenzo moaned trying his best not to lose control


Alexis again reached for his head as he kissed her neck




His name on her lips, his name while he slid in and out of her


“It’s ok… just lose control, cum inside me”


He would, he had to


Lorenzo reached around them sinking his finger in to her soaked folds


Her clit already sensitive from his skin on her skin made her jolt from his touch


She rocked him, he slid his fingers quickly across her clit


Lorenzo began to climax and Alexis kept coming down on him


He shot his cum inside her but quickly went back to working her clit until she to came in his hand


They held each other there for a moment. His hand at her mound, he still inside of her…


That was it


Mistake propelled


She didn’t kiss him again


She didn’t want to be held anymore


It was done


She buried herself in this mistake for hours… tomorrow she would wake up knowing what Ric had done to her and what she had done with Lorenzo Alcazar


She got out of bed as he continued to lie there


She let him watch her


He watched her slip her panties back on, her bra, her jeans, and her sweater now once again hugging her body


“My shoes?” Alexis said finally as she looked around


Lorenzo got out of bed slipping on his pants


He looked for her shoes


He found them, handing them to her


“Thanks” she said as she slid them on


Alexis, no longer standing on her two bare feet


“Look um…” She hesitated what she was about to say


“It’s our secret Alexis”


“I guess I shouldn’t really care if Ric knows… I don’t really owe it to him to… But I mean…” She was rambling. She did when she was nervous “Lorenzo I’ll keep our secret I don’t want to ruin your marriage to Carly…”


“I think it’s over” Lorenzo said calmly


Alexis shook her head


And Lorenzo let out a slight smile to her


It was about their both understanding


Understanding about Ric and Alexis


Understanding about Lorenzo and Carly


“I want to take you home”


“I can get home… I’ll be fine”


Lorenzo didn’t push though he did walk her to her car


He opened the door for her


“Go home and get some sleep. You and that little baby of yours need it”


“Thank you” she said


Lorenzo shook his head


“No, I mean thank you. And not just for the sex but for being there for me. You’re right Lorenzo, I needed you”


“And I needed you Alexis”


Lorenzo closed her car door and watched her drive away


He would have someone make sure she was ok


Lorenzo looked out over the water


The boats, the lights, Wyndamere in the distance… the sights, the sounds…


And the memory they have together… beautiful and haunting