Breathe In, Breathe Out
Chapter Two


Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five

Chapter Two

"Well you obviously havent heard"

Jax looked up expecting to see the familiar redhead with her usual scheming look on her face

"Skye, look I dont..."

His eyes caught hers

"Whats wrong? Heard what?"

Skye didnt even bother to sit. She instead unwrapped the paper Jax had yet to open that still sat on the edge of his breakfast table. She placed it in front of him without a need to point out the headline


Jax tried to quickly scan the article but he seemed to choke on every word

He breathed in. He couldnt remember breathing out...


She sincerely looked very sympathetic at the thought of Alexis instead of her usual disdain

"Is she ok?"

"I dont know anything else"

"I have to go. I have to..."

"Jax tell her Im sorry..."

He gathered his coat and left her standing there


Zander slammed through the doors of the Port Charles Police Department

"Wheres Mac Scorpio!!" He yelled giving no thought or care to his surrounding

Nicolas had already fixated his eyes on Zander before he himself noticed Nicolas sitting there

"What happened! Have they found the guy!"

Nicolas stood up

"Zander calm down!"

"Calm down? Calm down? You son of a bitch youre probably not doing anything to help her!!"

Nicolas shook his head... Zander went after him by the shirt collar but Nicolas managed to push him away

"Youre starting a fight with me how is that suppose to help her!"

Zander settled trying to catch his breath, he was right

"Nicolas just tell me what they know about the guy, tell me so Ill know who to look for"

"Zander their out their looking! They dont need you in the middle of it"

"How can you be so calm?"

"Ive been here all night. If I leave they forget about her. If Im in their face they have to keep on it!"

"Then tell me what you know. Let me do what I can. Let me look for the guy!"

Nicolas studied Zander

Zander was beyond frustrated "Man I know were at odds. But this is Alexis were talking about, ok! Just tell me!"

Nicolas now speaking in a more calm and polite voice told him everything he knew

Zander was right about one thing, It was Alexis they were talking about


Ned smiled slightly as she began to open her eyes

She winced from the pain of her sore muscles, and squinted between two black eyes


She tried to clear her dry throat



She nodded her head

Ned quickly responded bending the straw for her to reach easily

"Thank you"

"I wont ask if you slept ok " he said frowning

She had flinched all night long. Whimpering in seemingly one dream after the other. Waking in cold sweats until Ned reminded her again of where she was and that he was there to protect her

She only replied in mirroring his frown


Ned changed his expression to a smile at the mention of her name

"Shes fine. Alice said shes been perfect. She said she kept asking for you... Alice tried to explain to her you would see her soon"

He didnt want to make her sad. He wanted her to know just how much Kristina loved her

But it made her eyes tear up

"I didnt mean to make you sad"

"No I just..."

More tears flowed

"I know, I know"


"Excuse me sir" the guard said now standing directly in front of the door of Alexis hospital room

"The nurse told me it was visiting hours"

"Sir, shes under police protection"

"Please I need to see her. Can you tell her Im here at least?" Jax said frustrated but trying to be polite as he could to the man that would decide if he saw Alexis or not



"One minute"

The guard turned and knocked softly on the door


The voice came from Ned looking up at the guard

"Ms. Davis, a man by the name of Jax is requesting to see you. Should I send him away?"

Alexis quickly thought about him seeing her like this and Ned could tell she started to panic

"Its ok if you dont want to see anyone, hell understand" Ned said reassuring

Alexis let out a deep breath again wincing from the pain of her ribs

"No, I need to face this. Its just Jax, right?"

Ned smiled shaking his head

Ned looked back at the guard "Please tell him to come in"


"If youll be here for a while I need to go home and check on Kristina"

"Go ahead. Ill be right here"

"Jax you dont have to stay with me and Ned go home and get some sleep"

"Ill be right back" Ned said eyeing her, ignoring her requests and closed the door behind him

Jax turned his sad eyes to her

"Hello beautiful"

"Spare me ok"

He turned serious "Youll be back to insanely beautiful in no time"

He could see a smile from the corner of her mouth, it made him smile shyly

"You didnt have to come"

"Youre seriously kidding me right?"

"How did you find out?"

"Skye and its..."

He thought twice about telling her about the front page news

"Its what?"

"Its um, on the front page of the mornings paper"

"Oh God" she said looking pained

"Its ok. And it makes people more aware and on the look out for whoever did this to you... you should be ashamed"

Alexis shook her head... "And Skye must have gotten some kind of entertainment out of this"

"She looked truly sorry"

"I didnt meant to say that"

"Its called honesty, its ok"

"Still, despite what I may profess I know she has a heart"

"Actually she said to me as I was walking away to tell you she was sorry"

"Then tell her I said thank you"

"I will" Jax said gently caressing her arm that now had a cast from her palm to her elbow

"Hey it was good to see Ned here by your side"

Alexis gave a slight smile

"Yeah maybe because I begged him not to leave me"

"Alexis if he wasnt here in this room with you he would be outside in a waiting room chair or he would have his ear pressed against the door waiting to hear you every breath"

"I wouldnt go that far"

"Yes he would"

"He always bails me out"

"No hes just always there for you when you need him"

"And I only cause trouble for him"

"He loves you"

"I know he does. Im just not sure he should after everything thats happened between us"

"You forget things like that when something happens to the one you love"

When things happen to the one you love

Those words silenced Alexis for a moment

"I just dont want him to have to get wrapped up in this"

"Alexis just let him be there for you. No one expects you to just snap back ok"

Alexis turned her head back to the wall no longer able to look Jax in the eye

Jax leaned in kissing her on the forehead

"I dont want to upset you but I know you have the habit of wanting to take care of yourself. And also pretending everything is ok when it isnt"

The truth hurt


"Youre my best friend. I love you. Thats why Im being honest. You need Ned right now you need Kristina and me and everyone else who cares and loves you. Please dont pretend for it not to hurt..."

Tears streamed down her face, he allowed the flood gates to open

Jax was right it hurt. At that moment, and every moment since lat night on the docks hurt

"Youll feel better if you cry I promise"

She cried


She was still in her sleeper with cartoon Santas and Elves

Ned lifted her up in the air

"Good morning sweetheart"

She giggled at the sight of a familiar face

Ned cupped her in his arms, breathing in Alexis scent that still lingered on Kristina

"Shell be ok. I promise shell be ok" he said not even realizing he said it aloud "I know your miss mommy already"

Kristina looked up at Ned

"Ma ma, ma ma"

Ge grinned widely

"Yes Ma ma. Shell be better soon and shell give you a big hug and one of her perfect kisses"

Kristina by then was already preoccupied by something else that caught her attention... Ned only smoothed her curls

"Mr. Ashton. I didnt know you were here..."

"Only a few minutes" he said looking at a concerned Alice

"How is Ms. Davis?"

"She had a rough night... that seems obvious to say. I hope, I think she will be ok. She just needs time to heal... I guess"

He wasnt doing a very good job of explaining Alexis condition but how could he be

"Ive been praying for her. You know how fond I am of Ms. Davis"

"And she is of you and I know she appreciated your prayers"

Ned looked back to Kristina

"I have to get back to the hospital. I wanted to check on Kristina and get a shower. I assume everything is ok"

"She been a perfect angel"

"Thank you Alice for looking after her. You know how much I appreciate it and Alexis feels better knowing shes with you"

"You know I love to have Kristina I just hate it terribly that its under these circumstances"

"I know... Ill call and check on her a little later. Im not sure how long they want to keep her in the hospital shes not much in moving mode right now"

"Well be here tell Ms. Davis Ill take good care of her and not to worry"

"I will"

Ned kissed Kristina repeatedly and promised again she would see her mommy soon


"Im a little jealous the way he had you smiling like that"

Alexis looked up at Ned as he walked through the hospital room door

Jax stood up from his position beside her on the bed

"Well you know Ashton shes always found me way more charming than you"

"Guys I would roll my eyes right now if I could"

"Ill leave you two for now. Ill come back later and check on you..." Jax again kissed her on her forehead "I love you and remember what we were talking about!"

Alexis let out a breath

"I will and I love you too"

Jax patted Ned on the shoulder as he walked past him and out the door

"Deep conversation huh?" Ned said sitting beside her on the bed

"Hes trying to be the voice of reason"

"Damn him"

"Thats what I was thinking"

In the second of silence between them Alexis reached for Neds hand

"I dont deserve you being here. Thank you for being here for me when I need you most"

Ned looked a little stunned at her confession

"You do deserve me being here and nothing would keep me from being here"

"I honestly know that"


She held his hand a little tighter against her