Breathe In, Breathe Out
Chapter Five


Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five

Chapter 5

She was white as a ghost

She just stood there, her eyes seemingly fixated on thin air


Jax went to grab her arm but she began to back away

"Alexis honey?" Ned said walking towards her from the couch

She held the phone away from her

"Who was it?" Ned finally questioned

She looked at both of them

"They caught him"


"That was Mac..."

"Are they sure?" Neds heart was beating a thousand miles a minute

Alexis bit at her lip

"Mac said they were looking for him on other rape charges and they searched the guys apartment. Mac asked was I missing a gray scarf... he said there was a picture of me taken with it on and that probably he took the picture right before he grabbed me..." Alexis glared at Ned "I though maybe it had gotten lost on the ground or at the hospital..."

Much like Alexis both Jax and Ned just stood there not sure of what to say. The moment wasnt a celebration, it was a reminder. A reminder of something Alexis wanted to put in her past. Something they all wanted to put in their past

Jax opened his mouth but he said nothing

"Hey, they caught the guy" Alexis said giving a nervous laugh "All my problems solved"

Ned and Jax looked at her sympathetically

"Hey guys this is a good thing right" She was questioning, not making a statement

And then a fake smile

"Alexis dont do this, you dont have to take this head on, this isnt business..." Jax said trying to reason

"I need to go down to the police station. Mac wants me to make sure the scarf is mine..." She said intently

"He has a picture of you wearing it. Isnt that enough?" Ned protested

"Ned I need to do this. You said to not let this be what defeats me, if I dont do this it will. And he wont see me..."

"Alexis!" Now Jax was protesting

"I can put him behind bars!" She snapped back

Neither could argue with her. She was right. She could put this guy behind bars and it would be for her sake and now obviously others

"If either or both of you want to go with me... I dont want to go alone"

Honesty, the best policy

"No, sure, of course..." They both said quickly responding

Alexis immediately went for her coat

Ned helped her slip it on and she waited patiently for the both of them


She felt the cashmere on the tips of her fingers

A gift from Nicolas, the dark gray cashmere scarf was a gift from Nicolas. He said he saw it in a store window in the city and it called her name

She loved the way it felt against her skin, she loved that Nicolas had thought of her...

Now it had blood stains

Her blood

"Alexis, I take it thats your scarf?" Mac said wanting assurance

"Um yeah, yeah it is, it was"

She didnt want it anymore

"We need it as evidence"

Alexis handed the scarf back to Mac

"I dont want it anymore" She said smiling politely

"Alexis" Mac looked at her trying to assure her "weve got him"

"I want to see him"

"You dont have to, its not necessary"

"Its strange I know. Its almost like torture" she said giving a slight nervous laugh "But hell Im a Cassadine we like torture... I need to see his face"

"Are you sure Alexis?" Mac questioned one more time

Alexis took a deep breath in and shook her head

"Ill set it up"

"Cant wait" she said sarcastically


She had stood alone, frightened more than once in her lifetime. So she wouldnt stand behind Ned or Jax or even Mac this time either

"Bring him in" Mac muttered into the intercom

She, Ned, Jax, Mac and another police officer stood behind the mirror

Alexis stood from the table top she was leaning against

She studied him

He was handsome, clean cut

She realized it was an odd thing to think about, but he was

She expected him to look like a monster not the picture perfect, upstanding citizen

That night she never saw his face just his clear deep blue eyes

Her eyes traveled to his eyes at that moment

Maybe even for that last bit of certainty that it was him, that he was behind bars, that she was safe

She began reaching behind her as if she were looking for something

Ned grabbed hold of her hand

What she was looking for

She stood there for a minute longer everyone just letting her do what she needed to

She then turned back, looking at Ned

"Ok" was all she said

"Ok" he said shaking his head

Ned looked up at Mac

Mac had the man dismissed

"Alexis are you ok?" Mac said looking honestly concerned

"Im ok. I mean obviously Im a little freaked out, Im ok" she assured him

Mac reached gripping her shoulder


Jax kissed and gave her a hug before they reached the door step of the gatehouse

"Youre not coming in?" Alexis questioned

"I think you need some time"

Alexis smiled shyly

She did love the way he knew her

"I love you Alexis"

"I love you too"

Alexis watched as he got in his car and drove away

Ned stood in the door way waiting on her

She didnt turn back to him for what seemed like the longest time

"Are you coming inside? Its freezing out here"

She then turned to him, tears flowing down her face, her eyes already red, her cheeks flushed


He held out his arms

She tucked her chin to her chest turning her eyes from him

Ned pulled her inside and sat her on the arm of the couch, her face buried to his chest

"Its ok, its ok. Youre safe now.... just cry. Just cry and let it all out"

She did, she couldnt help it

Everything poured out of her

She had stood in the police station in her suit of armor. She did what she had to do... she didnt have to do it anymore. Ned was right she was safe... and she had been brave, now she could cry

He felt a shiver run through her as her body shook

And he could tell she couldnt catch her breath

"Alexis, Alexis its ok" he said trying to assure her again

She then looked up at him with the saddest eyes

"I know, I know" she repeated

He finally pulled her coat from her and led her to the couch

She still had tears rolling unconsciously down her face, though she tried to catch each of them

Ned wrapped his arms back around her holding her tight

She stayed right there in his arms for the longest time. Letting him do what he always longed to do. Take care of her, be her protector

"Want me to get you a blanket? You still seem cold" Ned said finally breaking the silence

Alexis nodded her head

Ned got up and returned with a blanket. He wrapped them up in together on the couch


"Yes, thank you" she said softly as she snuggled closer to him

Alexis let her eyes wander around the room and then to the Christmas tree

"Kristina did a job on the bottom of the tree"

Alexis now studied the bare limbs that were an obvious trace of where her baby girl had been

"Well you only have one first Christmas tree. She should decorate it as she pleases I guess"

Alexis laughed and Neds own laughter soon followed at the thought of Kristina and a Christmas tree with no ornaments from the forth limb down

She kissed him

She had gotten good at surprising him with a kiss

This time her kisses had other intentions

It wasnt a goodbye kiss

It wasnt a thank you kiss

It wasnt about friendship

It was about now, about knowing what they knew, and having been through what they had been through

This kiss was passionate

This kiss trailed from lips to cheeks to a jaw line to a neck to a collar bone

This kiss unfastened buttons

This kiss made you forget when the last time you even needed to breathe in... or breathe out


They pulled away at the sound of someone at the door

Ned stood up just in time for Alice to come through with Kristina bundled up in her arms as Alexis buttoned the appropriate buttons on her shirt

Alexis went immediately for her girl. She was just now able to hold her standing up. She wouldnt miss the opportunity

"Sorry we didnt come back sooner. Nicolas and Emily were at the main house and I assumed you wouldnt mind her spending time with them. She really seems to adore Nicolas"

"Not at all Alice" Alexis grinned, pleased

"Well Ill be getting back. You two seemed like you were in the middle of something" Alice said with a big smile

Ned looked puzzled and Alexis looked at Ned. She quickly went for his lips trying to wipe away the lipstick that adorned his lips

Alexis laughed and Alice couldnt help but chuckle with her

"Thanks Alice" Neds grinning and a little embarrassed


"Goodnight Alice"

Ned closed the door and Alexis once again leaned in and kissed Ned

Kristina squealed

"Im glad you approve" Ned said giving her, her own kiss on the cheek

"I think its about her bedtime dont you?" Alexis said playfully

"Shes probably really worn out from playing with Nicolas and Emily" Ned said agreeing

Alexis headed for the stairs with Kristina


"A bath, some time in the rocking chair, a little rub on the back, a certain little lamb and shes out like a light"

Ned grinned, opening his arms

Only days ago Ned lying in his own bed with his arms open was her protector, her healer

Tonight lying there with his arms open he was her lover

"So where were we?" Alexis questioned. Sounding a bit more nervous than when she walked in

"I believe I was following your lead" he said now seriously

She crawled onto the bed beside him and then lay her head on the pillow next to his. He leaned in beside her

"Im not pushing you to do anything. It feels right to me but if its not the right for you just tell me. Ill just hold you...

"I want you to remind me..." she said interrupting him "I want you to remind me how good it feels, how wonderful it is... not how..."

He stopped her, letting his fingers trace the outline of her lips. Stopping her, knowing what she was about to say

"Ok..." He then trailed kisses down her throat. " Im right here, right here to remind you how it feels, how good it feels... all you have to do is concentrate on breathing in and breathing out. Im right here.


The End