Remembering Me
Ch. 4

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Ch. 4          


Ric watched her flinch. He could tell she was in pain by the way her fists gripped the side of the bed. From the moment she woke up she held on for dear life as if someone would take her somewhere she didn’t wish to go. But there were moments when instead of just holding on she would clinch her hands to the bed sheets tightly in to a fist, it was when she was in pain. She had been lying perfectly still literally for two weeks. It was good for her broken bones but now she had to suffer from the pain they caused when having to move for the first time. He muscles were weak, and her left arm was in a cast so it made it hard to maneuver herself with a broken pelvis and not to mention the pain of broken ribs…


“Alexis I know you hate this but I promise it’s to make you better, to get you walking again” the physical therapist said reassuring her


She hadn’t said hardly anything in the time she had been awake. She was too busy studying what was going on around her. She now had a chance to see the faces of all the people whose voices she had memorized… and she was trying to figure out where she or Alexis for that matter fit in all of it


“Ok that’s enough torture for one day… Ric?”


“Yeah?” he said looking to the therapist at attention


“If she’ll let you, continue to help her move her limbs, keep them from getting stiff…”


Ric shook his head


“Alexis I know you’re not looking forward to seeing me but I’ll be back tomorrow” She said with a sympathetic smile


Alexis looked at her blankly as she bit her lip as she watched the woman leave her


Ric was there with her alone once again. She could tell he didn’t exactly know what to say to her. He hadn’t known exactly what to say since he realized she didn’t know who she was


“The girls…” Ric looked at Alexis to see if she had any inkling of who the girls were “Molly and Kristina…”


Her eyes widened


I recognize their names, the little girls from your stories, your children…


“They’re your little girls…” He said hopeful he would see the familiar look spark in her eyes


It took everything Ric had not to cry. He didn’t mean to but the lost look on her face had become devastating to him. She couldn’t remember the most important and precious thing in her life…


He looked away for a moment composing himself


“Um Kristina is 5 and Molly is almost a year old…” he took a deep breath quickly in and then out “They’re your daughters”


I have children? I mean Alexis has children? I’m so confused, he’s confused. He thinks I’m her… what do I do? He seems so happy that I’m here, awake… how do I tell him I’m not who he thinks I am? I’m not their mother…


“I know you may be confused”


I shook my head


Ric then pulled his wallet from his back pocket “See, our little girls” he said holding up the pictures of the two children


They were beautiful, just as he described. Their faces innocent and bright, they looked happy, both of them smiling…


“Kristina” he said holding her picture closer to Alexis


“She’s beautiful”


I said it rather blankly though I meant every word. She was beautiful. The smile of her face, her eyes so full of laughter


“She is, she really is beautiful and smart, she’s so smart and she has the wittiest sense of humor… She’s a lot like you”


Me, not like me. She doesn’t even know me. I don’t know her… He has to know she isn’t like me


“She likes pink?”


I questioned this because she had on a pink sweater. I thought maybe she liked pink, but then again don’t most little girls?


“Pink is her favorite color. When we let her dress herself she will put on head to toe pink” he said grinning


I grinned back at him. Ric telling me how much Kristina loved pink made him smile, so I smiled…


“And this, this is Molly, our baby.” Ric swallowed hard “She’s our baby…”


“She looks like you”


She did, she looked just like him, like Kristina, but more so like him


That made him happy, you could tell


“Where are they?”


“They’re at home. They miss you, they miss you a lot”


“Where is home?


I didn’t mean to ask such a stupid question but I didn’t know. If I was going to live this woman’s life I had to know where she lived


“Home?” God she didn’t know where she lived. She didn’t know who she lived with… “Um our apartment, we live there, you and me and Molly and Kristina… here in Port Charles. Uh, um we’ve been planning to move in to a house for a while now but you um, you… I, I haven’t talked you in to moving yet…”


He was stumbling


“Why won’t I move?


Ric grinned nervously once again


“You like the apartment, you love us there together”


It seemed like such an odd and simple answer and couldn’t Alexis love them in a house or wherever?


I just shook my head agreeing to all that he said


A knock at the door interrupted them; both looked towards the door waiting for who was on the other side


It was the man with the accent. Jax I believe it was… he was handsome, blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. The times before that he had come to see me, I mean Alexis, he talk to me as if he knew me, her well. He talked about how he couldn’t live without her…


The look on his face said he was happy to see me again, he kissed me gently. Ric didn’t seem to mind


“Any word?”


Any word on what I thought?


Jax took a deep breath in and then out, then shook his head no


Ric immediately looked disappointed, heartbroken even


Any word on what? What was going on? And why didn’t either elaborate?


“Ric I’ll be here with her, you should take break, she and I need to get reacquainted”


“I’ll be outside”


I saw what was happening




I said his name as if I knew it had rolled off my tongue a million times before




“Maybe you should get some rest… I’ll be right here” Alexis reassured him “And, and maybe just check on Kristina and Molly and then you can tell me how they are?”


I hoped I had said the right thing. I wanted to comfort him, ease his mind for at least a few minutes…I knew asking about Kristina and Molly would help


Ric walked towards me, kissing me on the cheek as if not to frighten me


“I’ll go check on them” he said giving her an empty smile “You’ll be ok here with Jax”


She nodded yes


“I guess I should formally introduce myself, though it feels a little strange”


Alexis shook her head


“I’m Jasper Jacks, your ex-husband…” he said proudly


My ex-husband? Wait ok Alexis was married to him, they’re friends?


“I mean the whole ex-husband, ex-wife thing is a bit trivial between us, which is a long story, but you are the greatest ex-wife in the world. You’re my best friend, you have been for a long time now…”


You’re her ex-husband/best friend… ok


“I know this is all a lot to process. I know that you’re probably really confused, but we’re here for you, we want to help you recover; help you get your memory back. We love you Alexis so much. Your husband, Ric, your little girls, they love you so much


She was loved wasn’t she? He had to stop saying these things, and Ric had to stop saying these things. I was starting to believe them. I was starting to believe that it was my life, that I lived here, that I knew these people, that this was my body and my heart and my mind… It had been over and over in my head and if this was her life, I wanted it… But the other part of me knew it wasn’t mine to just take


“You and I have had some interesting adventures together. You and I crashed in a helicopter in the Sahara Desert…” Jax said grinning


Crashed in a helicopter? Was he kidding? And why was he grinning about it?


“We crashed?”


“Yeah but we survived, obviously”


“Were we scared?”


Again stupid questions


“There were a few moments” he said honestly


Alexis didn’t ask another question and Jax didn’t volunteer another story


He ran his hand down her cheek


“You’ll get through this ok. I know right now everything is turned upside down but you’ll get through this. You’ve been through too much this isn’t the end ok”


Been through so much? What did he mean by been through so much?  What had Alexis been through besides whatever had happen to her now and a helicopter crash? I mean as if that weren’t enough…  But what did Jax mean?


Jax just sat there with me for the longest time. He made sure I was comfortable, told me about investing in a new company and how he needed me to get better so I could give him advice. I thought how would I give him advice? Did I know to give him advice?

I liked that he talked to me about those things though, I knew nothing about them. It made me feel human, normal for a second, not as if I were playing the role of someone else.




He looked better, he was cleanly shaven. You could see his handsome face, the curve of his jaw line, his lips…


I reached for him. I missed him. Glad that this stranger I had become so reliant upon was with me once again. I am not a needy person. I am not dependent on anyone for that matter… I just like him here with me


“Hi you” He said softly “Did you sleep well?”


Alexis nodded her head yes


“I must have fallen asleep on Jax” She said not remembering saying goodbye to him


“He said you nodded off” Ric said giving a slight grin


“Guess I’m not very good company”


“You’re great company; you just need all the rest you can get”


Alexis nodded again


“Hey I brought you dinner, enough of this hospital food right?”


Her eyes widened


“I picked up some Italian. I got you the lasagna from that place on 5th. You usually crave it so I thought…” Ric stopped to look at the expression on her face “I’m sorry you may not have even wanted Italian I just…”


“No, no that sounds great”


“You sure?


Alexis smiled


“Can I help you sit up a little?”




His body was suddenly pressed to mine as he locked his arms around me, trying to help me sit up. I winced in pain


“Are you ok? Did I hurt you?”


“No, it’s just; you know just when I move…”


“You sure you’re ok?”


“I’m ok”


I was more than sure I was ok. There he was close to me once again, his hands touching me, and I had a chance once again to breathe him in…


What was I thinking? Natasha what are you thinking? I don’t know who this man is and more importantly he doesn’t really know me. He is obviously in love with his wife, I have to remember that… but I can’t help it, when I’m around him I just feel… I feel all the things I had only wished to feel before


“Good huh?”


“It is. You’re right much better than hospital food”


We sat in silence for a moment


“Um do we eat at this Italian place often?” She asked


“Put it this way, they say, “the usual?” when we walk in”


Alexis grinned


“Do we eat out a lot?”


“We only eat out! Neither of us can cook very well”




Ric let out a tiny bit of laughter


I longed to hear what he sounded like when he laughed


It was blissful


“Maybe it won’t be much longer and you’ll be out of here… I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, anything you want for breakfast, lunch or dinner…”


It wouldn’t be much longer? How long would it be? Where would I go? With who, Ric? He’ll find out I’m not her, he’ll hate me…He’s smiling, he promising me breakfasts together…


“I would go home with you? To our apartment?”


I had pieced all the pertinent information together. But it was as if I needed to verify everything these days


Ric shook his head “Yeah, you’ll come home with me…”


I couldn’t help but take in a deep breath


“Hey, we won’t go until you’re ready ok?”


Alexis looked at him with relief


“You have a little sauce at the corner of your mouth” Ric said grinning as he reached to wipe it away


Alexis pulled away quickly and Ric’s hand hung frozen


Why did I do that? Why did I pull away from him? Part of me I know is getting acquainted with him, and maybe it is the other part of me that’s just not comfortable with someone touching my face


“I’m sorry”


He looked at her crushed


“No, don’t be, it’s me ok”


“No it’s not you”


Alexis tried to lean into Ric


“Are you just gonna leave sauce on my face?”


I was trying


Ric ran the napkin gently across her lips, doing his best not to disrupt her now yellowed cheek


He stopped and stared, her eyes watching his


“Can I see?” Alexis asked watching him look at her


“Maybe you should wait a few…”




Ric leaned over and pulled the hand held mirror from the bedside table drawer


You could tell he was hesitating


“I need to see. I need to see how everyone sees me”


There was more truth to that than she told


Alexis looked at herself as Ric held the mirror up to her


There I was, or at least with the face I remember. If I was being mistaken for someone else... I must have been a hell of a ringer for Alexis Davis. My eyes wandered around my face and neck. My cheeks were yellow, though they were still outlined a bit in a deep purple. My eyes were dark and the cut on the top of my forehead must have been where I received my concussion. I had stitches there, but it was still swollen… My top lip was still a bit swollen too, and you could tell that it had also been bloody… my neck was slightly bruised and had marks that had been impaled in to me… It was my face, there I was or there she was… it’s funny I didn’t know anymore…


Alexis began to cry, tears falling from the corner of her eyes


“Its ok, it’s ok. You’ll heal, you’re beautiful face will heal. It doesn’t matter Alexis!” he was stumbling and she couldn’t stop herself. She had finally seen with her own two eyes what had happened to her, and why there were so many sympathetic eyes… “Alexis listen to me, it’s ok, it’ll be ok... Alexis”


“My name is Natasha!” She blurted


Ric’s eyes widened and he took a step back from the anger in her voice


Oh God! What had I just done? I got upset… I saw my face, I got upset…And then I just blurted it out, I blurted my name out


“Oh God…oh God, oh God” was all she could say


And he didn’t know what to say


Ric opened his mouth but no words followed


He knew that he was standing there face to face with his wife. The woman he loved and adored. The mother of his children… the woman he would die for…

But she didn’t know that and now with a million different unanswered questions not only did she not know that her name was Alexis but she was sure it was Natasha…




He said her name out loud


“I wanted to tell you who I was but you seemed so happy to have her back. I didn’t want to disappoint you. I didn’t want to tell you I wasn’t her, and you kept telling me about how happy you were and how much you loved her, and your children and , and…” She couldn’t catch her breath


They both sat there in silence, neither knowing what would come next until it did


Ric finally said the only thing he knew to say


“I love you”


She looked shocked. After all that she just told him, he said that he loved her?


“You don’t know me” She protested


“Hey, hey… listen to me” he said taking her hands in to his


She stopped to listen, and then he said what he said…


“It doesn’t matter if I’ve known you for the last two weeks or if I’ve known you for the last twenty years, I know that I love you. And I know this may scare you but if you never remember your life with me before now it’s ok because I will stand by your side and always be here to hold you and answer your unknowns and just love you… You don’t remember how we got married but I didn’t know you very well then either and now I can’t live my life without you… I will call you by whatever name you wish but on the inside; in your soul, and inside your heart you are still the person that I love so much. And in time maybe you’ll realize that I’m the man that you love so much…”


She just stared at him


“So what do I do next?” She said, her voice broken


“Trust me… just trust me” he said not taking his eyes from hers


She was holding her breath


End. Ch.4