Chapters 1-5


Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16&17 (Final)

Chapter One

Alexis stood on the porch and watched as the tide rolled in. The sound of the waves crashing and the sea gulls were now a sound that soothed her baby girl as she slept peacefully in her bassinet.

Alexis stood there starring she should have been enjoying her peace and quiet but she couldnt stop thinking. Thinking about Ned. He had called a few days ago to see how she and Isabella were doing. He actually called often, as did Jax but this time their conversation was more open, more honest and at the end of their conversation Ned asked could he come see them and Alexis said yes.

Alexis knew Ned loved her just as she did him. But getting pregnant with Sonnys child was something she didnt want to make his responsibility, so she chose to have her baby on her own. And she was great at being a mother. The once completely non-maternal woman met her match, and a match Isabella was. Alexis reveled in being her mother. She was happy, blissfully happy. Isabella humbled her like no one ever had and she made her laugh like no one ever had.

Alexis thoughts were interrupted by fussy little cries.

Before Isabella had a chance to even worry where her mommy had gone, Alexis held her in her arms.

Whats wrong sweetheart? She said looking into Isabellas deep brown eyes before bringing her close to give her kisses You have a good nap? Alexis said as if Isabella were to answer her

Alexis was suddenly startled by the phone ringing

Ella we must be very popular today! She said walking towards the phone




My plane just landed and I should be there soon

Greatfifth house on your right #122

Ok Alexis


I cant wait to see both of you

Well be waiting



Alexis hung up the phone and breathed in and the out trying to catch her breath after seemingly holding it during her whole conversation with Ned.

Isabella began to fuss

I know Miss Ella youll be surprised what that man does to mommy! Alexis said as she went to look in the mirror one last time.

It had been months since Ned had last seen her and she couldnt help but want to look good when he pulled up in her driveway.

About 15 minutes later she stood on the porch again and watched as Ned got out of the car. He looked good, handsome as ever. He had gone back as head of ELQ when Alexis had left. You could say he tried to immerse himself into his work..

Before she had left he tried to protect her. He knew she wanted to keep it a secret that she was having Sonnys baby, so when she left Ned seemed to be the one that took the fall. It seemed that Alexis was leaving Ned, not Sonny. But Ned knew the truth and he saw how that little girl was already changing Alexis at the time and he wanted both of them to be happy and safe even if that meant a life without her.

Alexis stood in the doorway waiting for him.

She looked great. Amazingly relaxed, tan and her smile seemed as beautiful and bright as ever.

He walked up to her not sure what the appropriate greeting was until she held out her arms.

Ned sat his bags down at the doorsteps and instead of a long time no see hug he embraced her and she held him back. It felt good to be in his arms. The familiarity of his arms the way the wrapped around her, his scent anything and everything about him was right there. God, she missed him.

They finally had made their way into the house. He hadnt seen the house since the day he brought her there.

She wanted desperately to get away from her life and she actually had picked the place. Not too far but far enough to disappear.

You look absolutely wonderful! Ned said grinning Beach life looks good on you!

You dont look to bad yourself to be overworked! Alexis said returning a grin

Well were is she!?

Alexis smiled at his anticipation and she herself could hardly wait for him to meet Ella.

Alexis brought him into Isabellas room. There she was in her crib lying there seemingly content with the world.

Alexis seemed to stand back for a moment almost as if she wanted to see Neds expression or if she wanted to memorize the way his face looked seeing her daughter for the first time.

Do you want to hold her?

Before Alexis could finish Ned was already reaching for her

Isabella seemed quite content there in his arms. Her dark eyes were like looking into the eyes of an angel but also a clear reminder of who she was.

Shes beautiful! He said as Alexis grinned uncontrollably. And I think she makes you even more beautiful he said looking back at Alexis.

Alexis only shook her head at his compliment as she watched the two of them together.

I can see why youre so happy here, Ned said looking at Alexis with great sincerity

Alexis paused for a moment choosing her words carefully wanting to say a million things or at least the right thing

Im happier now that youre here. Alexis said

Chapter Two

She laughed

All through dinner her laughter filled the room. He thought maybe she was enjoying adult conversation, maybe she was just happier than he had ever seen her, maybe he took for granted how her laughter took his breath away.

He stared

Her face made his heart beat through his chest, his pulse race, his palms sweat. God, she was beautiful, why was she so beautiful?



Youre staring, you havent blinked

Sorry I was watching you

Why were you watching me so intently? She said giving a slightly blushing smile

I had just forgotten how much I loved your face

Ned! she said sounding embarrassed

He grinned; he liked to make her blush

How was dinner? Alexis said now changing the subject

Great, but you always did know how to find the best take out

What? You didnt think I was going to learn to cook did you?

I figured you would survive

Well I have learned a thing or two, youd be surprised

No not surprised. I always knew you would do whatever you wanted

Well I can fix a mean bottle

Ned laughed and she smiled back

There was silence between them. Four hours and twenty-three minutes and there had been constant conversation between them. Suddenly, silence.

Isabellas cries came from the other room.

Ah she heard silence! Alexis said getting up from the table to rescue her little girl from her tears

Let me get her Ned said stopping Alexis

She let him

Ned lifted Isabella into the air and then down snuggling her against his chest.

She was quiet; her red teary eyes were solaced

His hand patted her back gently and he kissed her bald head.

He loved her from the day she was born and he fell in love with her from the moment he saw her that afternoon.

She wasnt his child, but she was Alexis. He wasnt familiar to her but she let him hold her, hold her as a daddy would his little girl and he felt so at ease having her in his arms.

Ned paced with her in front of the window.

Alexis made her way into the doorway

I was wondering what happened to you two

We just needed a moment

I can tell, you have magic hands.

Ned grinned proudly

He placed her back in her crib.

Her fist now holding her blanket tightly, Princess Isabella slept.

Alexis leaned over her crib allowing her finger to give a soothing touch to her babys cheek

Ned picked up a small stuffed lamb that he had sent Isabella.

The lamb played music. From the day it came in the mail Isabella loved it. The sound of the lullaby, soothed her, it soothed her mother.

Its her favorite toy Alexis said watching Ned from the corner of her eye as he held the lamb in his hands

Ned smiled, he was glad she liked it.

I wondered everyday were you really ok. When I called and you said you were fine and that Isabella was fine. I wondered were you really ok? He said looking to Alexis

You didnt believe me when I said I was fine

I didnt know how much your life had changed I mean I know how a child can change your life but your different now

Alexis let out a shy laugh



Yeah I am

Ned now stood beside her. Both of them watched Isabella breathe in and then out

Mesmerizing isnt it?

Just watching her chest rise and fall


Alexis made a sudden move.

She took Ned by he hand. He graciously accepted and followed her into the living room.

Ive missed you. She said very seriously

Missed isnt the word. Ned said wanting to assure her that he did more than miss her.

Alexis grinned again

So how is everyone in Port Charles?

Everyone is exactly the same, up to their same old schemes and tricks

Alexis knew exactly what he meant by his comment and she laughed

He was waiting on her to ask about Sonny. How he was, was he with Carly? Did he ask about her, did he try to look for her? But she didnt ask. She didnt seem to care where the father of that precious baby girl was.

Have you spoken to Stefan? Ned said changing the subject

He actually came to see Isabella not to long after she was born. He really seemed to adore her. I didnt think he was going to leave after he saw her actually.

Thats totally understandable

Oh and Jax called the other day and told me

She grabbed his arm. She was excited to tell him something. She didnt realized she had touched him suddenly and that when she did he forgot to breathe.

She froze; her hand froze on his arm. He looked quickly and then back to her eyes. She noticed she realized what her touch did. He had hugged her, she had taken his hand but the power of her touch now was electrifying.

Sorry I didnt mean to

She pulled away

They sat there for a moment, she let out a shy awkward laugh.

He ignored her sudden fumbling

Can I kiss you?

She breathed in she forgot to breath out. You think she would have learned.

Ned, I, we shouldnt I mean things are different and

Alexis, he said interrupting her I need to kiss you

Her lips engulfed his.

Their kiss wasnt simple. It was passion it was want. The feel and the taste of the others familiar lips only made one kiss deeper and more extravagant than the other.

She pulled away now holding on to his arm for assurance her backing away was not her letting go.

Her grin was of a schoolgirl who knew she had won over the boy.

But she had won over the boy years ago.

Chapter Three

An ivory colored sweater.

The way the sleeves swallowed her arms and hands she seemed suddenly so young, standing there.

Baby girl fitting perfectly into one arm as if her mother had mastered the art of multitasking. A baby, a cup of coffee.

Do you sleep at all anymore?

She turned following the sound of his voice and then smiled at the sight of him

Ive learned to enjoy watching the sun come up

Stubbily face, hair on ends, his bare feet now seemed to make him relaxed like her

I havent slept that good in a long time

Its the quiet and the ocean

I think you have yourself quite a little secret here


Having a little paradise all to yourselves

Well never tell

Ned walked over to her seeing Isabellas fluttering eyes

She seems content this morning

This is our ritual

Am I interrupting?

No, we were just discussing how glad we were that you were here

A seat for two, a rocker painted white to match, she sat down, it was implied that he sit down beside her and he did.

Oh do you want coffee?

Ned looked hesitant

A sip of yours

She smiled

Of course

He made a face, a good face

Better, I know and she grinned again

So when did you learn to make coffee?

Fool proof coffee pot

He reached out his arms for Isabella to relieve her mother.

The way she looked his arms. Her head knew comfort, her fingers assured by the soft washed cotton of his T-shirt

His hands seemed enormous against her. She still seemed so tiny. A tiny perfect little girl that he was already sure could take on the world.

Alexis leaned into him. Her cheek pressing against his shoulder. A symbol of trust, a symbol of comfort.

The smell of her hair, the touch of her skin, all right there against his body.

A man fulfilled, a woman, a child. Now no masquerade, no other to break them apart.

A morning filled with a vague sun and a wintry like sky craved the moment they were in. Alexis had brought peace to him. A man that constantly worried, who took care of everyone, everything now seemed at that moment to worry about nothing. Not even the worry of when this would end. When he would have to go back to Port Charles, when he would leave them.

Babys brown eyes look up in question, momas brown eyes look up to answer

What is it baby? Alexis said smiling at Ellas inquisitive face

Ned held her up to kiss her. His quick subtle kisses made her grin. He use to make her mother grin that way.

Alexis hand ran down the back of his head and her fingers grazed at his neck

Did she realize what she was doing? Or was it a familiar habit?
Ned looked at her

She smiled

She knew what she was doing

The sound of a cell phone ringing broke the silence

Ah you can take the work from the woman but you cant take the woman from her work!

Guilty she said as she stood up to retrieve her phone

Have you figured out yet that youre mommy is a workaholic? Ned Said looking into Isabellas staring eyes

Indeed it was work. Alexis had been doing some local consulting. She had to work it was in her blood. How could she give up her favorite thing in the world, law? For her new most favorite thing, Isabella? Compromise, Isabella seemed to understand.

Her glasses on. That was her familiar face, working, thinking, concentrating.

She stopped in the doorway.

Alexis had held that little girl every morning since the day she was born. Talking to her telling her everything. Telling her about her father and her family, telling her about Ned Ashton. Some mornings Alexis would cry, some mornings Isabella would cry. Sometimes Alexis actually wondered if Isabella could ever understand why all the people she was telling her about were so important why they made her cry.

And there he was holding her, without Alexis being there. She was fine, he was fine as if Isabella did understand he was the one, the one that when mommy cried it was because she loved him, because she missed the love of her life, because she knew he was the love of her life.

He turned around to see her standing there and he walked towards her.

She suddenly leaned up and kissed him

He smiled

And what do I owe the pleasure?

For making me feel She answered bluntly

Feel? Feel how? He questioned bluntly

The way it feels to be in love with a man She said unwavering

He looked stunned by her boldness.

She was satisfied by what she had just revealed.

Chapter Four

Darkness, candlelight, a night out

Stiletto heels: black, strappy. Painted toes, cherry red. A black dress, revealing legs. The body of a woman.

The reason why a man would do anything for a woman.

Did I tell you how insanely beautiful you look

Only about a thousand times

Windows adorned the room so the ocean could hide behind the windowpanes. It seemed every place in this town had a view of the ocean, this place was no exception.

Tourist, locals, honeymooners everyone danced and dined. Nothing pretentious, only relevance to the mood, a romantic mood.

His arm slid up her back and held her close to him.

He was warm, comfortable, sexy

He pulled away and looked at her

Should we call and see if Isabella is ok?

Isnt that my line Shes fine. Alexis said assuringly

Youre right. He said grinning as if he had forgotten it was her line

A dimpled grin - A dangerous feature to acquire. The way he wore them on his face would melt any woman, they melted her.

Would it be wrong if I asked to take you home? He said still holding her very close

It depends on what youre implying

Alexis I dont want to go too far. I dont want to make things too complicated

If I have learned one thing Ned Ashton, she said in a very calm voice you and I are not complicated, actually very simple

Simple? So if I told you I was implying that when I take you home I want to make love to you we wouldnt make it complicated?

When you and I met years ago we were complicated. Now life, time, people have made us more real, more understanding, maybe even more sincere. So if we ever became complicated again I would think of all the reasons we dont need to be

Are you saying love should be simple?

She smiled letting a silence go between them, an intriguing silence.

He smiled, he understood

Can I take you home? He said taking her hand


Kisses, kisses in the dark. Cold wintry air and only shivers provoked by one kiss after the other.

We have to go inside She said pulling him along

He followed her lead

Silence a house that was silent. Baby-sitter gone home, baby wrapped in pink pajamas, asleep peacefully in her crib.

He kissed the back of her neck and she held his hand at her waist. The feel of his lips on her was all she wanted at that moment.

The way her dress unzipped with no interruption, his finger chased the zipper, as it slid down her back.

She bit her bottom lip and turned to him

He could honestly say he never wanted her as much as he did at that moment

His jacket on the back of the couch, her dress in a puddle on the floor, a blue shirt, a coordinating tie, shoes, socks, strappy black stiletto heels - left a trail.

Cotton sheet under naked skin. Ned Ashton was where he belonged in the arms of Alexis Davis.

They had started out this way, in bed. No attachments no outwardly expressing consolement and especially nothing concerning love.

But she was right it was simple now.

Everything that was once so hard to describe sex, their relationship, love, everything they once made so complicated, now it was simple. They had come full circle. Sure there were things left unsaid, left undone, things unsure of, but they had reached the point of simplicity, when a man who loves a woman and a woman who loves a man no matter what.

She held him he was inside of her. It was romance. Every breath meant one moment closer that they could feel each other again. It wasnt lust it was passion.
It wasnt hurried it was calm.

She pressed against him; their bodies had created an amazing warmth.

She laughed out loud

She was happy

He kissed her more, he loved the pleasure on her face

They made love throughout the night and each time was more invigorating and more inviting than the last.

He held her. Fingers strolled down each others skin. Lingering touch.

She watched his face and instead of questioning he let her. Her beautiful brown eyes looked as if they were looking for something, as if they wanted to say something.

I cant describe it, she said finally revealing all that was running through her head

You cant describe what?

This, us. What it feels like to be right here

Ned looked at her grinning knowing he knew exactly how to describe what it felt like



Home, right now it feels like when youve found home

Alexis let out a breath as if it had been taken away from her and she had suddenly just now been able to breathe again.

Home She said smiling letting tears fill her eyes

Chapter 5

She smiles.

When she smiled it was better than sunshine, better than ice cream or chocolate, better than anything else in the world.

He hadnt realized that until that one moment. A moment when her mothers silly face brought a smile to her and then caused contagious laughter.

He remembered Alexis use to laugh that way, her dimpled cheeks, her open smilethen there it was again as if it had just magically re-appeared, Isabella the magician.

Glasses needed to read, newspaper wanted to be read. Little hands reaching. Mommy not reading rather more preoccupied with whom the little hands belong.

He had awoken to a day that was bright.

The night before he kissed her in the wintry air and today there seemed to be a unmistakable sigh of Spring, now in the air, in his heart.

She had to leave him in bed. He wasnt use to the morning ritual but he would be soon.

Good morning she said seeing him peer in the doorway

He walks in he kisses her and then grins.

Did you sleep well?

He had slept in her arms, he slept better than well.

I slept wonderful

She smiled

He reached for Isabella and Alexis gave her up

He kissed her shoulder, his thank you

Read, well get the coffee

Thank you she said knowing he really just wanted Isabella

Alexis got butterflies in her stomach when he held her. The way they looked together. The way she couldnt help but stare.

The newspaper, front page, there he was. SONNY CORINTHOS ARRESTED.

She bit her lip, you could tell his name under her breath made her uneasy.

She tried to remain calm she read on.

Two coffee mugs, cobalt blue. He handed one to her now seeing her face, concentrating. He sat his cup down shifting Isabella in his arms.

Honey what is it?

Hmm, nothing

She was distracted


Sonnys in jail she said with complete lack of emotion

Ned read over her shoulder

Alexis he said as if he were ready to calm her

Looks like he needs a better lawyer she said as she grinned shyly

Ned didnt smile back, he didnt respond, her joke wasnt funny

Alexis its ok if it upsets you

Why? Im not surprised, its why I left. Isabellas name would be in this paper if I hadnt done what I did

Isabella let out a squeal at the sound her own name.

Both Ned and Alexis eyes glared at her. She didnt understand.

Alexis stood up and walked out of the room leaving them. Just as Ned had always told her, Sonny Corinthos would be her evil.

Ned didnt go after her she needed to think. Think about everything she had thought about a million times before.

He watched them.

She had gone into shelter mode and she needed her baby. She wasnt rejecting Ned she just needed to be.

A pale purple jacket that bundled around her rosy cheeks. She was content, she knew the ocean, she knew the sand. The sight, the sounds. She didnt know Sonny Corinthos.

His arms folded against his chest as if he were trying to comfort her from a mile away.

She was a woman that created a good life from mostly bad. The biggest problem was that it haunted her every second.

He could see her smile. Again Isabella the cure of all pangs.

She needs a nap Alexis said boldly coming inside.

She had a purpose, a plan of avoidance.

Ned only shook his head allowing her to do what she needed

He sat he waited

Finally she showed her face again

Are you hungry because we can

Again trying to avoid the subject


Ned I know you want to talk this through or whatever but Im ok its ok

He stopped her, holding her still. He made her look at his sincerity.

Alexis, I want to be Isabellas father

The kitchen faucet has a leak. Was it new? All the times that she had been there alone. All the times she had sat there in silence she had never heard the water drip into the porcelain sink.

Ned dont, dont feel obligated to make things better

I love you

She was stunned, those were his words he chose to use. He brought up the word love. She was furious, she was heartbroken, she was scattered, she was confused she was relieved.

She wanted it to be a reality. Not just a good man.

She laughed.

Not the enticing, beautiful, contagious laugh that he now craved but a laugh that was cold and empty

I want to do this Alexis

He whispered

He watched her chest rise and fall, rise and fall

Suddenlyshe cried.

Not a single tear, hundreds of tears

She couldnt hold back, she couldnt be strong.

This wasnt about her mother or her family. It wasnt about her.

It was about a soul, it was about a heart that she needed to protect, it was about Isabella.