Chapter 16&17 (Final)


Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 11-15
Chapter 16&17 (Final)

Chapter Sixteen

Isabella clung to her mother

Isabella didnt need reassurance but her mother seemed to

Not reassurance about Ned, reassurance about herself

Alexis paced, she held her baby in her arms and paced the floor

Back and forth back and forth

Isabella played content as she let her mother hold her

8 months old - she already had a keen sense of when her mother needed her

He loves you, he love me Hes really good for us Isabella

Why did she do this? Why had she become infamous for having doubt?

Back and forth back and forth

Alexis stopped at the sight of him

Youre going to wear holes in the floor

Ned said nonchalantly now sitting in the chair with the newspaper in hand

Alexis watched him.

His jeans washed to death, his hair on ends, his bare feet, his stubby face

What? He said looking up at her

Arent you going to ask why Im pacing the floor?

No do you want to read the business section first?

Isabella intently watched the two of them


Honey I know why youre pacing the floor I know why you do the majority of the things you do cant explain them but there just things that you do

Im not doubting us getting married

Oh youre not backing out now

Alexis smiled shyly

Can we not do the wedding thing?

What do you me not do the wedding thing?

Ned reached out for Isabella

And Alexis sat on the arm of the chair

Ned began to play with the bottom of her stretched sweatshirt , he knew she was thinking

Why does it have to be such a big deal? Cant it just be us?

Yes it can just be us

Are you sure thats ok?

Honey Im marrying you! And I dont need and audience to prove it to everyone. Honey if you like Ill have someone marry us right here

She leaned down and kissed him

Thank you

Youre welcome

Sure you want to marry someone this neurotic?

I was sure before Im sure now

Alexis tugged at her face and shook her head in almost disbelief

Ned swatted her on the arm with the business section

Your glasses are on the counter in the kitchen

Alexis tucked in her bottom lip and then took the paper from Ned

This happily ever after thing has its perks, she said as she stood up to retrieve her glasses

Happily ever after huh?

Yeah you know where you find a man who always remembers where you left your glasses

Well I knew you would need them and then you would have to look for them so he said in a protest

Thats exactly it you knew

Chapter Seventeen

I met my father

Standing on a corner in Port Charles one afternoon earlier this summer

I had gone to see my family

We didnt really resemble each other

I look mostly like my mom anyway

He seemed like a nice man

Seemed happy to see my mother

He kept saying how beautiful she looked

He had a wife and kids of his own, but my mom seemed to know

He said he knew about my brother and then he asked about my dad

My mom held me still

Her grip in my side seemed to clinch tighter the longer they spoke

He didnt know me

He knew my name

He knew whose kid I was

I was Isabella Davis-Ashton, 15 years old, daughter of Ned Ashton and Alexis Davis-Ashton

Not of Michael Corinthos

I didnt know who he was at first but the more anxious my mom got I pieced together it was him

So later that day I asked

She didnt lie

I said dont worry so much mom, its ok

She just smiled

By the end of that day however

The biggest day of my life

She came clean

She told me about my family, she told me about herself, and she told me about the night she finally came to her senses and married my dad.

She had never made it a big secret that my dad, Ned wasnt my real father but I never asked about him

She knew I was curious

But she seemed awkward about it almost as if it were something she was afraid of

So I didnt ask, almost for my mothers sake

My brother however asked when he was seven why I had two last names and he didnt

My response was because youre more stupid

Mom didnt like that answer

But that night

After the day that my father and I stood face to face

In a very honest way she told me she had a one night stand with a man she didnt love and a man she didnt want a part of either of our lives

Sonny Corinthos

What do you say when you find out your father was a one night stand?

I said nothing not because I was shocked but by the look of almost horror on my mothers face

She was strong

She was bold

She was outspoken

She was an attorney

The subject of him made her uneasy, I guess shes still leaving out the part of why its such a big deal why she literally took me and ran from him, without telling him

She also told me that when she found out she was pregnant with me, she had never planned to be a mother and she was clueless to any part of what to do

She then explained in that one moment she had never loved anyone the way she suddenly loved me

My father - didnt seem to be such an important issue then.

I was created for my mom, she jokes for her sanity, but she assures my brother and I that we are cures for the heart

Then there was Ned

The love of my moms life

Shes lucky that way

Finding the love of your life

Shes never said but I think she didnt love a lot before Ned

Anyway my mom said I was the reason they got back together

She said at the time she needed Ned more than anything even though she would have never admitted it

My dad just said he knew that she needed him and thats why he was there

Its a little hard to talk it over with yourself but Sonny Corinthos and Alexis Davis had a one night stand over 15 years ago.

She was his lawyer, she said he had the dangerous mystic about him

This is where you cut in the lecture on how bad boys are never who they seem

They created me

She said it was the greatest thing she had ever done

End of subject

I sat out on the porch with my mom late that summer afternoon watching the tourists out on the beach

In one of my million questions I asked out of the blue why we lived here, why we live by the ocean? Why not in Port Charles?

She said because this is home

It seemed like an odd answer at the time but I thought about everything I had learned about my life in the last month, what I had learned about her life

How she spent her life looking to belong

Her heart

Her soul

Her physical self

Then one day she packed up everything with me in tow

She moved to this little beach side town

And she found home

Finallyfor herself

Andfor me

My brother and I get to know what its like

To know who loves you

To be safe

To be happy and laugh out loud

To know what its like to know where you belong

Rather by blood or more importantly by heart

She made sure of that

She made sure we know where and who home is