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Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Had she left it on purpose?

It was no secret by now Sonny was looking for any excuse to "by chance" encounter her. But the black cashmere scarf that lay pushed aside in the chair of his living room seemed too easy

It was a trace of her, a reminder....

He held the scarf to his cheek imagining her skin being like the soft cashmere. He breathed in, her scent, unmistakable

Not the smell of a store bought perfume it was the smell of her skin. You couldnt bottle the clean, pure and soft smell that was no ones but her own

He folded the scarf neatly in half and draped it across the back of the chair. Running his hands across it one more time as he tried to stop his compulsion to touch it as if he were touching her


Her glasses sat almost on the tip of her nose. To the average observer the bookworm had her nose in a book. But the bookworms mind was caught up in the thought of him

She took a frustrated breath and tried to focus again

"So whos the mystery man?" Nicolas said fishing for answers as he sat down on the other side of the desk

Alexis mouth unconsciously hung open

"Im not sure of whom youre speaking of"

"Come on Alexis he sends you flowers, he sends you more than just flowers, and youve been lost in your own little world for over a week now..."

"I havent been lost in my own little world"

Nicolas lifted one eye brow at her protest

"Look at me and tell me what the last paragraph you just read in that book was about"


"My point exactly!" He said being jovial

Alexis stood up, laying the book down on the desk and immediately went for a subject change

"Wheres Emily?" she said walking past him and now trying to occupy herself by nervously shuffling papers on the table behind him

"Dont change the subject"

Alexis turned and looked at him annoyed

Nicolas laughed

"Youre enjoying every minute of this arent you?"

"I wouldnt say that. Im just curious" he said, his grin becoming wider

Alexis paused just looking at Nicolas as if she were studying his character

"I have to go, I have errands to run..." She said tugging her coat that laid across the chair he was sitting in, he finally leaned up giving her some slack

Nicolas couldnt help but be amused at how frazzled one simple question made her

She stood on the outside of the door pulling her coat over her shoulders. She realized she was missing her scarf but she wouldnt dare go back in there. She would be sure to avoid the "mystery man" answer for as long as possible, if not forever


He had been holding the key to the penthouse in the palm of his hand for hours before Maxs lunch break

He had made sure his men were nowhere in sight before her dare take that walk across the hall

He fumbled with the lock. He took a step back and a grin appeared across his face

He tried for the lock again, this time successful


Not a trace of her

Even when Jason moved in the penthouse after her. It still was hers. Her furniture, her things... everything was gone but it was still hers

His heels clicked against the hardwood floor with every move he made it was just another reminder of the empty penthouse and why she didnt live there

She would open the door to him knowing she couldnt refuse but still wanting him to know that she didnt appreciate his next illegal annoyance

She was a problem solver, she would protest his antics but she would do anything to help him

She was loyal

Whether she was his lawyer or his best friend

She was loyal

And he returned the favor by telling her he was loyal to her and then betraying her in a very personal way, it was that simple

Sonny turned the doorknob and before leaving looked back into the living room, from nowhere he replayed a conversation between them...

"I'm not trying to get away from you. I'm just having a bad day."

"Well, your bad day kind of started when I -- at Kelly's, I told you I was back with Carly, so..."

"I want to make this easier for you. I am not a school girl whose heart that you've just broken. I am an educated, independent woman who knew what she was doing and who she was doing it with. And however unplanned, I am not, nor will I ever be, sorry that it happened. So you can stop worrying, go to your apartment. Don't worry about the consequences -- if there are any, I'll handle it. There's no problem..."


Sonny was unaware of what the real consequences were


"Shes beautiful!"

The Port Charles socialite did everything but reach down pinch Kristinas cheeks

Which with Kristina being so much like her mother would have not pleased her

"Thank you"

"Shes like a little doll, those curls and that skin..."

Alexis smiled and again said thank you

"It must be the Greek in her, that beautiful Greek skin"

Alexis smiling, not denying it was her greek skin

"Well, I will see you at the charity benefit next Saturday?"

"Yes of course"

"I assumed you wouldnt miss it I know the Neonatal ICU at General Hospital is dear to you and your familys hearts"

"Yes it is, we are very, very grateful for them and Nicolas and I wouldnt dare miss an opportunity to give extra support to the NICU"

"Well then I look forward to seeing you there"

Alexis said as she looked down at her baby girl that was now standing on her own two feet

"Say bye bye"

Kristina looked up still checking out the stranger "bye bye" she said quietly only doing as she was told

Alexis held her hand and waited patiently for Kristina to take her steps to the door of Kellys before lifting her up and taking her inside

"Hello Elizabeth" Alexis said with a welcoming smile and sitting Kristina up on the bar stool

"Well hello you two, hi Miss Kristina"

"Hi" Kristina said throwing her hand in the air obviously familiar with Elizabeth

"What can I get for ya?"

"A nonfat latte and a chocolate chip cookie please"

"Ok, coming up"

Elizabeth handed Kristina her cookie

"Hows your little one?"

"Hes perfect, hes spending the day with Grams"

"I bet she adores him"

"She really does... so you two out on the town today?"

"Just running errands mostly and we had to stop here on the way home and take care of our bad habits" Alexis said eluding to the latte Elizabeth had just handed her

"Ok baby girl time to go" Alexis said zipping Kristinas jacket as she held the cookie tight in her hands "Thanks Elizabeth"

"Have a good rest of the day"

"You too"

Alexis and Kristina made their way to the door. Max stood on the other side holding it open for them

"Max, hi"

"Ms. Davis, Miss Kristina how are you?"

"Were fine and you?"


Max stood there with a noticeable pause. He wasnt sure if he should bring Sonny up or not

He didnt have to

"The day off?"

"No just a lunch break"

"How is he?"


Who she meant was obvious

"He fine, hes been working a lot" Max said telling that somewhere in that sentence he wasnt telling the exact truth about what he was saying

Alexis shook her head. She got the information she needed

"Alright well you have a good lunch"

She thought to say tell him hello. She decided not to

"Thank you"


He was making his move, he picked up the phone

"Mrs. Harrington, Sonny Corinthos"

"Why yes Mr. Corinthos"

"Im looking forward to the benefit youre giving next Saturday. Thank you for the invitation"

"Mr. Corinthos you are one of our greatest supporters at General Hospital your invitation is always open"

"Well thank and I would also like to make a silent contribution to the Neonatal ICU. It means a lot to a dear um, friend of mind"

"Mr. Corinthos that is very kind hearted of you"

"Well thank you. Its the least I can do. Also if Im not to intrusive could you tell me if Alexis Davis is on the guest list"

"Its funny you should mention her. I ran into her just today and yes she assured me she will be attending"

"Very good, very good and I will have the contribution check to as soon as possible and if I could make the anonymous donation in honor of her daughter, Kristina Davis..."

"That would be lovely. Shes a beautiful child and seems to be very happy and healthy..."

"Yes maam thanks to General Hospital"

"Alright, then I will see you at the benefit"

"Yes maam"

Sonny sat down the phone satisfied

He didnt want to be self serving, and he did want to use his money for good... however he couldnt help but be pleased with himself that this would more than please Alexis

He would give anything now for her happiness


End Ch. 3