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Chapter 5

He made his move

He took the black cashmere scarf from around his neck and placed it around hers

His scent engulfed the scarf allowing her not to have to question. She actually said nothing as if she wasnt surprised to see him standing there or that he had her missing scarf

She had that look in her eyes

The look she had that night at the bar

"Should I prepare myself for your ex husband?"

"Im alone"

"You shouldnt be"

Alexis let out a slight laugh as if she were humored by how suave he was

"You had my scarf the whole time?"

"I found it in the chair in my living room"

"And youre just now giving it back?" She said teasingly

"I wanted to wait until it was the right time to see you again"

Alexis began to nervously fold the corners of her napkin

Sonny sat down at the table beside her

"Thank you" she said now looking him in the eyes


"For making the donation"

"How did you know it was me?"

"I would say it was obvious but"

"It was that obvious?"

"I know youre a generous man... and you know that General Hospital appreciates your generosity. I appreciate your generosity..."

"I know it means a lot to you. They saved Kristinas life"

Her name on his lips

Alexis only shook her head agreeing. She wouldnt try to further imprint Kristinas name into his head

"Alexis you look... you look stunning, literally stunning tonight"

Those were powerful words to her

She grinned shyly. He could tell she took the compliment

"Thank you"

Sonny then tried to make himself comfortable in the chair and also to fill up the moment of silence


He could hear a certain boldness in her voice

His full attention to her


She began to shake her head

He was waiting for her to question him, to search for an answer of why he was really there. What his intentions were

He then watched as if she were pulling herself together, he watched as she reached the full length of her spine

"You and I"

Sonnys eyes never drifted from hers

"You and I were amazing together. I mean from looking at our relationship personal and professional... we were amazing together"

Sonny shook his head agreeing, he didnt need convincing or to be reminded of that

He still allowed her to speak

"We had a great thing. The way we understood each other, the way we didnt ask questions... I mean you were the mobster and I was the lawyer... by anyones standards that alone is atrocious." Her eyes left his for a moment looking to the ceiling as if she were trying to stop herself from getting emotional "But you became more..."

"Alexis, Alexis"

"You became more. You became a poison that ran through me. You made me lose control, you made me feel exhilarated... I was intoxicated by you and I couldnt resist drinking more and more of you no matter who told me that you were poison to me... Her eyes now glared back at him "But they were right. It happened to me. All that they had warned me about. Everything about you. Your lifestyle, Carly everything. They warned me about everything... But I put just being a woman before being a lawyer..."

"I wanted you to"

"And I wanted to. Its just I was at my most vulnerable. You told me to let go and I trusted you at that moment more than anyone..."

"Im sorry"

"Dont apologize. Its life. I ended up on the losing end of you. Im the one with the bitter taste"

"I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to explain what was going on, how I felt..."

"Pride, that ol pride thing wouldnt allow me to listen to you anyone"

"Alexis" he said taking her atention

She looked at him deeply

"Youll never let me in again will you? No matter how hard I try..."

"Not the way I did" She answered honestly

"You have to know I adored you. Everything about you. Your mind, your wit, your strength, your body, down to your soul. I adored you. You never made me be anyone but myself. When you didnt like what I was doing you told me so... and you made me think. You made me try to make better choices because I wanted to, because I adored you"

"Its easy to be blind"

Sonny shook his head agreeing, understanding exactly what she meant. He himself at that moment was blinded by her

"Alexis if I say Im trying, If I say no stings attached..."

"There are too many strings attached that cant be cut away. Sonny I cant even began to tell you how complicated things are now"

Sonnys elbows rested on the table, he had already tugged his tie down opening the top button to his shirt

His face now against where his hands were clasp together as he thought, trying to be smart. Not to outwit her. But to think on her level

His face turned to her

All of her emotion was in the center of her eyes

"Alexis I know its complicated. I know how you feel about having me in your life because of your daughter but, Alexis I need you"

"You need me? For how long? One night? Maybe two? Maybe until next week or... Weve done this..."

They were honest questions

"I need you. I had to learn the hard way that I need you. I know now. I know I cant always have what I want. But you can... you can have me when you want. I need you that much"

"Isnt that a little one sided?

"You deserve that"

Alexis reached her hand over her chest and closed her eyes

He said nothing, letting her think.

She liked to have time to think

"I can feel the poison running through me" she confessed

His heart seemed to hurt the faster it would beat

"Please let me kiss you"

Her words in protest escaped her

He pushed his chair out a little now facing her. His hand had slipped to her knee as he guided his way to her lips

"Sonny" she whispered

"One more drink Alexis. Please one more drink"

She watched his tongue slowly moisten his lips

She could feel her own breath cool on her lips as she tried to calm every breathe she took

She couldnt stop herself

He wouldnt volunteer too

She wanted one more drink just as he did

Their lips touched

A warm soft kiss

A reminder of what they had both spent many nights trying to recreate in their heads

"We cant..."

"Please let me kiss you"

"Im risking everything" she said in desperation

"Ill change everything for you..." he said in desperation

Alexis pulled herself away and stood up from the table

Before Sonny could protest her hand went to his cheek

She shook her head not able to find the right words. She only said,

"Goodnight Sonny"


His body ached. When she walked away from him she had taken his heart with her

His hands went to his face

He tried to make sense of his every thought

If he had any pride left at all he was about to risk it. It was no longer worth anything in comparison to her


The balcony

She stood on the balcony, the scarf wrapped neatly around her neck her eyes faced to the stars

"Ive always been poison to everything and everyone I touch... but you never made feel that way. You always cared, you never left me alone, you let me trust you when I trusted no one else. You, Alexis were the cure to my poison. Despite all of my bad you where what was always pure and good

"Sonny" she said turning to face him

"You were my cure, every intoxicating drop of you cured me"

She shook her head as if she were trying to shake away his words. As if she were trying to keep up her defenses

"Doesnt it mean anything that Im saying all of this to you?"

"I afraid theyre just words..." She said now whispering

"You have to give me chance..."

"Why are you doing this?"

Sonny leaned in without warning and kissed her. He soaked his lips in to hers, holding her to him just enough that she didnt have the strength to fight after getting lost in his kiss

"Let me have one night. One more night with you... Then you can make the next move. And if you want me to never even say so much as a hello to you again. Then thats how it will be"

"You went from a kiss to a night"

"You want more than a kiss" He said revealing he hadnt lost all of his cockiness

"What am I doing?"

He leaned in and kissed her again

"Its your call"

Alexis squeezed her eyes shut. Why couldnt she resist him? Why did she believe every passionate word like it was forever?"

"Regret" was all she said

"I wont regret having at least one more night with you"

She wouldnt either

"Go home with me?"

She didnt answer right away

She looked around taking note of the unfamiliar faces that were left lingering inside

She took another look at the stars

He watched her swallow her courage

"Pancakes?" she said looking from the sky to eyes

"With strawberries"

"Oh God, what am I doing?"

She let out a shy grin

Sonny grinned

"Youre giving me my second chance"