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Chapter 4

She looked like a snow angel

Dressed in winter white with little white tights and patten leather shoes to match

Curls, one unruly one in particular that fell down on her forehead

She sat amazingly content watching her mother flutter around the room, trying to get ready

"What do you think these earrings or these?" Alexis said holding one up to each ear

Kristina pointed, followed by gibberish as if she had made her decision

"These? Yeah I think so too"

Alexis finished putting her earrings in . . . "ok shoes and were out of here"

Alexis took one last look at herself and then reached for Kristina who was now more than ready to go

"Ok a baby girl . . . please be the angel that you usually are tonight. A lot of very important people will be there to see how happy and healthy you are... so please be my sweet girl" She said giving Kristina her final pep talk


"Look at the two of you!" Nicolas said grinning as he watched the two of them come down stairs

Alexis and Kristina did a little showing off for him

"Show Nic your dress" Alexis said holding on to her now by the hand

Nic kneeled down to her twirling her around

"They might think Im biased but you are the prettiest little princess Ive ever seen" He said giving her repeated kisses on the cheek

Kristina giggled in delight

"And Alexis you look fabulous" Emily said chiming in

"Thank you and so do you, as usual"

"Well I could quite be the luckiest man alive to be showing up with the three most beautiful woman..."

"Ok Prince Charming" Alexis said rolling her eyes and grinning from ear to ear


Standard tux, dress coat and an interesting choice for an accessory...

He draped the black cashmere scarf around his neck

He had kept it neatly stashed away and it had yet to lose her scent

He took one last look in the mirror

He was sweating


Sonny Corinthos was nervous

A knock at the door

"Sir, we should be going if you want to be on time"

"Ill be right there"

Max closed the door

One last look

One last inhale and exhale


The room was full, white lights, camera flashes, table among table of elaborate centerpieces and extravagant people


Alexis spun around to see Monica Quartermane calling her name


"The donation you and Nicolas made is wonderful"

"Well, I owe everything to the Neonatal ICU and to General Hospital. Its a small amount for what I got in return"

"Speaking of... where is she?"

"Actually Emily was walking around with her"

"Well I was looking for Emily so I will see her then... Alexis shes a beautiful little girl"

"Thank you Monica"

"Excuse me ladies and gentleman"

Mrs. Harrington voice filled the room as she spoke into the microphone

"If I could have your attention please"

Emily had found Alexis and Monica

"We would like to start this evening off with acknowledging some of our contributors that have made this night successful. First and foremost we would like to thank the Cassadines. Nicolas Cassadine and Alexis Davis for their more than generous contribution. Little Miss Kristina Davis knows first hand what kind of care you receive at General Hospitals Neonatal ICU. Today she is a healthy beautiful little girl


Black lace covered the simple black dress underneath. It was low cut. Not distasteful, classy. The length just below her knees allowing her long legs to still be revealed. Her hair up loosely as small strands fell to her bare neck

She was a sight, clearly happy, clearly appreciating life and the reason why she was here tonight

On her hip, resting on her hip was a little girl with her hands that clung tightly to her mother

The little girl was quiet and reserved, very well behaved

Other children would run wildly, scream at the top of their lungs, or at least squirm in their mothers arms

She clung tight to her mother, satisfied

There were no toys insight nothing to keep her occupied. She wasnt amused by frivolous toys but rather would stay content by just observing people

He could tell she was destined to be smart, cautious... she was destined to be witty and a charmer

If anyone would peel away the surface, it was obvious of who she was...whose blood ran through her veins

To Sonny Corinthos it was only obvious she was the daughter of Alexis Davis which could explain it all


"We would also like to acknowledge a silent sizable contribution that was made in little Kristinas name" Mrs. Harrington continued

Sonny watched Alexis eyes searching

She found Nicolas, he too looked confused

He saw her eyes searching again. This time she was unnoticeably, yet unconsciously biting her bottom lip

Photographers went crazy when Mrs. Harrington handed Kristina the check for a photo opp

Her eyes still searched

"You observing or stalking? Its hard to tell with you these days Corinthos"

"Luke" Sonny said acknowledging him

Luke took a moment to see what he couldnt take his eyes off of

"Ahh yes Natasha"

Sonny turned his head to Luke but still not looking him in the eye

"Shes a hard woman to get over. Just ask ol Nedly... wait I guess you know that first hand too"

"Luke, did you with something?"

"Im just trying to loosen you up a little oh buddy. Aint nothing wrong with having a crush on Natasha. Youve seen the legs on that woman and shes got the brains too"

Sonny just shook his head. Mostly trying to hide his own embarrassment

"Well I leave you here all dreamy eyed and flustered with that woman..." Luke took another sip of a drip "damn those legs" he reiterated

Sonny couldnt help but grin as Luke patted him on the back and then walked away to his next victim

By the time Sonny looked up again her eyes had stopped searching

The little girl in her arms now rested her head on her mothers shoulder and twisted her little fingers through the strands of her mothers hair uninterested... Kristina had tired of the attention

Alexis however smiled and shook one hand after the other

He watched her laugh. He could almost hear the tip of her laughter from across the room but then scolded himself for his overactive imagination


He couldnt hear the thoughts in her head.

He couldnt hear the list of names she tried to run down thinking of who could make a sizable donation. Who would in Kristinas name...

She tried to ignore the thoughts that he would. It even scared her a little to think that thoughts of Kristina were on his mind

He would though. He was generous man. He would do it for the sake of the hospital... and Kristina just happen to be what was connected to her. And they had recently spoken... it could have made sense.

Alexis was trying to rationalize

Why had she done that? Why did she directly put Kristina in his thoughts...

Alexis tried to completely stop thinking about it as she continued to smile and make her way through the room


She was in reach, his eyes no longer straining through the lights. No longer reaching over crowds of people

She had made her way back across the room

She handed her daughter to Emily

"Shes out like a light"

"I think shes had to much excitement for one night"

"Yeah I think so too, I should be home in a little while"

"Shell be fine! Have fun the rest of the night. You deserve it and besides shell sleep right through it"

"I hate you and Nicolas cant stay..."

"Nicolas needs to get some sleep before his meeting in the morning. Its fine...Alexis shell be fine"

Alexis smiled finally agreeing, giving her baby girl one more kiss goodnight

"Thank you Emily"

"Youre very welcome. Have fun"

Alexis watched as Kristina was carried out

It was Sonnys chance to make his move

His chance to ask her to dance, to tell her how beautiful she looked...

To at least say hello

Then he watched him walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her


"You look absolutely wonderful"

"You say that to all the girls"

"I do not!" He protested then gave her a quick kiss on the lips

"How about dance with the your ex husband?"

"I guess I could manage to squeeze you in" She said grinning

He took her by the hand


He was jealous

Jealous of Jasper Jax

Jealous of a man he knew she had no romantic feeling for


He had watched them dance

Watched the way it was so easy for her to talk to him, so easy to laugh, touch. She was comfortable with him. Jasper Jax was someone in her life that didnt cause drama or turmoil. He didnt scare her or cause her to be put in danger. He never used her... he never mislead her

When their dance was done Jax went to get them a glass of wine

Alexis stood for a moment enjoying her own silence. She turned around just in time to see his dark unmistakable eyes staring back at her

She looked at his seriously

Sonny made no effort to go towards her

She then gave a slight smile as if she were flirting with her highschool crush

He returned a smile

And then he watched her lips part and to say "thank you" and then smile again

Thank you. Thank you for what? Did she know? Did she know he had given the money in Kristinas name? Why would she be thanking him

He only smiled again this time more shyly

"One glass of Chardonnay for you" Jax said holding the glass out to her

"Perfect, thank you"

Before Alexis turned her attention back to Jax, she fixated her eyes on Sonny making sure he saw the expression on her face

She looked at him disappointed almost sad for reasons she couldnt just walk up to him and explain

Then she turned away from him, leaving him standing there in regret

End Of Ch. 4