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One month, three days...


Alexis eyes stared at the dark shadows on the wall. They were cast by what was left of lights from the streets of Port Charles at 4:30 in the morning

He was sleeping beside her

His strong arms wrapped around her

His beautiful skin, that she satisfyingly felt she kissed every inch of

His hair curled at the ends from where she had ran her hands through it over and over

His body

The clock

His body

The clock

She tugged at his arm gently trying to slip out from under him


She stood beside the bed for a moment watching him, making out what features she still could of his

Even at 4:30am the adrenalin rushed through her

Hours ago it was passion. At that moment it was responsibility

For one month and three days it had been passion ceased by responsibility

Her eyes searched the room for scattered clothing

Her clothes had become pieces of the puzzle she needed to bring her back to her reality

Her reality, her responsibility...

Her baby girl

She would be there when she woke up every morning whether her mother had spent the night with her father or not

No kiss good-bye. She wouldnt wake him

She would once again leave her lover


The faint sound of the door closing

He would listen for the door to click shut before he dare move

She had escaped once more

And he let her...

He would let her over and over again until she felt she could stay

He would keep his promise, one night with her and the next move was hers

She would call it breaking the rules of the game... in his usual overprotectiveness he had Max follow her home every time

They didnt discuss her leaving

He kept his promise


She had a routine

A shower

An hour of sleep

And then she was up in time to give Kristina her good morning kiss

"Good morning my angel"

"Mama" Kristina said already standing at the side of her crib waiting on her mommy

"Youre getting so big!" Alexis said lifting her up in to her arms

Kristina pointed her finger to the stuffed animal left behind

"You want your lamby to go with you?"

Kristina nodded her head still pointing

Alexis reached for the lamb tucking it safely in Kristinas arms

Then they made their way down stairs for breakfast

"Well good morning you two" Emily said greeting them as they made their way in to the kitchen

"Good morning"

"Coffee?" Emily said offering

"Please" Alexis said looking thankful

"So do you two have any big plans today?"

"Kristina has a check up this morning at 10:45..."

"Not looking forward to that?"

"She actually does pretty well. I think she gets that theyre just making sure everything is ok... No shots" Alexis said finishing her sentence with a funny face to Kristina


"I have a 10:30 meeting, if we could meet afterwards?" Sonny waited for his answer on the other end of the phone. "Good"

It was business as usual

He buttoned his shirt to the second to the top button and slid on his jacket. He didnt bother to take a last look in the mirror before he called for Max standing outside the door

"Yes sir?"

"Will you tell Frances to have the car ready. I want to be on time for my meeting this morning"

"Yes sir"

Max could tell Sonny was in good spirits today. He would bet most of it, he would bet all of it on the fact that Ms. Davis had spent the night at the penthouse last night

Sonny was a different man when he was with her. With Carly he was in constant turmoil. With her, anyone could tell he was at peace. He was clear headed, patient even jovial

He was different man when he was with her


Kristina, Alexis and the doctor emerged in to the hallway from the examining room

"Thank you for being such a good patient Miss Kristina"

"Thank you so much Dr. Kelly" Alexis said holding Kristina by the hand

"Of course and it was good to see both of you"

"It was good to see you"

Dr. Kelly left them and they made her way to a chair in the lobby to put on Kristinas coat

"You were such a good girl today!" Alexis said putting Kristinas arms into her coat, Kristina had quite a few words to say of her own about how good she had done...

Alexis kissed her repeatedly making giggle

"Alexis, hello"

"Oh hi..."


"Edward... Edward everything will be fine" Sonny said patting him on the back to assure him but instead came off condescending

Just as Edward began to grumble his eyes found her

She was standing at the end of the hallway just as beautiful as when she had left his bed early that morning

He would wait until she ended her conversation

He wouldnt dare interrupt with the chance that someone suspect anything between them

There was also nothing wrong with saying hello when she was alone again

He waited



"Is she ok?" He said looking concerned at why she and Kristina were at the hospital

"Oh, shes fine just a check up"

"Good, good"

A silent pause

"What are you doing here?"

"Board meeting or should I say Quartermane gripe session"

"Edwards really something..."

"Edwards impossible" Sonny said sounding amused

Alexis smiled, she understood. Everyone understood

It seemed that Kristina was waiting for their next pause to make her move

She held her lamby out to Sonny. Her dark beautiful eyes looked as if they were trusting him with her prize possession

"Are you going to give your lamby to Sonny?" Alexis questioned Kristina and then gave a smile to Sonny

"I think she likes me, kinda like her mother" he said without skipping a beat

Alexis didnt let her nervousness show. She didnt try to get Kristina as far away as she could from Sonny. For one it would all seem obvious. She instead had this amazing calm come over her as if she could suddenly handle life and how unpredictable it could be

Sonny ran his hand across Kristinas soft curls admiring them "Alexis, she really is beautiful"

It was the first time he had even touched his own daughter

His touch did make Alexis a bit more tense

"Thank you" she said cooly again figuring she had fooled him this long

Kristina began her gibberish. Telling what she had to say

Sonny tried to listen intently

"Sorry, shes talkative today"

Sonny only smiled in response

"Well we should go. I have to get Kristina lunch and I have work"

"Yeah, yeah me too. I was headed to another meeting"

"Um Ill see you..." she said as she bit at her bottom lip

He grinned

"I cant wait to see you again"

She returned the grin


As soon as the elevator door closed Alexis took a deep breath out

Kristina began to talk again, some words more clearer than others

Alexis tried to pay attention to her but the scene that just happened began to play over in her head already

"I think she likes me, kinda like her mother"

"Alexis, she really is beautiful"

"I cant wait to see you again"

It was a simple conversation to anyone who didnt know them

It was a conversation on any other day that would have cause Alexis to have a stroke

"Well we handled that well. Dont you think? You of course were your usual charming self... me, I didnt do so bad did I? I mean I didnt stop breathing, I didnt run away..."

Kristina looked up at her mother rambling

"Dont look at me like that"


She didnt see Sonny that night or the next

"Can I cook dinner for you?" he said giving in to her absence

Their secret affair didnt allow dinners out. It didnt allow anywhere out

He would make the best of it... two things he knew that would make the dimples set in to her beautiful face was to make dinner for her and to trail kisses from her head to her toes

Sonny was actually pacing while he waited for her answer over the phone

"Yeah. Um I have some work to finish and I need to put Kristina to bed. Would that be too late?"

She didnt want to say no

"Ill have it ready"



He was relieved

It seemed odd that he would worry about her refusing his invitation after all of this time. But he never forgot that what they were doing, that every time they made love to each other, they were risking telling their secret

She had the most to lose


Her eyes

He stared at her eyes from across the table

Her dark beautiful eyes

Were her eyes the same? Did her eyes match her eyes?

Or did they match his?

Her skin

He studied her skin

Everything from its color to the light freckles that graced her nose

Was her skin the same? Was it her Greek skin?

Or was it his skin?

And her dimpled cheeks

They could be easily like her mothers

But could they be mistaken for his?

Hair, lips, fingers, toes... Everything about her

He didnt try to memorize that little girl but the image of her was permanent

The spitting image of Alexis

The spitting image of him

Sonny hadnt slept in two days

Question after question

He wouldnt let Alexis know that...


They had made their way to the couch

"That was wonderful, Im stuffed"

"You had told me once before you really liked it so..."

"You remembered" she said charmed

"I couldnt forget"

She leaned against him on the couch and they sat there in silence for a while

"Youre really quiet tonight" she said finally getting a bit restless

"Im just thinking"

Those words actually slipped out of his mouth

"Thinking? About?"

A quick save...

"You. How beautiful you are. How glad I am that you agreed to see me tonight"

"Charming but Im not falling for that!" She said grinning

He grinned too, her smile, contagious

"Can I kiss you now?" He said serious

"You can more than kiss me now" she said detecting his mood

One kiss led to another kiss. Which led to one touch to the other...

She broke the kiss

"Sheets" She said almost giggling as she stood up from the couch

"Sheets? You love my sheets dont you?"

She did

She took him by the hand knowing the path well to his bed


His hands

His hands ran down her body slowly

He had made love to her and her body was now unconscious from it

She lie there letting him touch her where ever he pleased. She didnt care if she was exposed to him.. if she was lying there just for him to admire

His hands circled her stomach over and over

Her breast and then her stomach

His hands moved down her body as if he where feeling it for the first time, feeling as if he were trying to feel something different

He was trying to feel what her body was like... to feel what he had missed, when she was pregnant

"Youre thinking again"

Sonny leaned up looking to her eyes

"Youre strong"


"Youre strong and fearless"

Alexis let out a confused breath

"Sonny, I am far from fearless"

"And youll do anything to protect your little girl wont you?"

Alexis body tensed

Sonny noticed

"Yeah... yes I will"

"I cant blame you for wanting to protect her from me"


"Its ok"

He didnt raise his voice, he wasnt angry

"Shes my life, my soul. Shes all I have" Alexis protested feeling her breath becoming more shallow

"I understand, I really do"

Sonny began to touch her again. Trying to sooth her. It was obvious she had become tense talking about Kristina

"Why did you say that?"

Alexis wanted to know why he suddenly brought this up

"When I saw Kristina the other day... I just realized how beautiful you were together. How much you loved her. How far you would go to protect her..."

"Ill do anything to protect her... Sonny I never thought I could love someone so much that I could hurt from it or feels so deeply for someone... Shes my life" Alexis reiterated "Ill do anything, anything to protect her"

"I know you would. I admire you for that. I admire you for doing everything to protect your daughter even from me"

"I hate it has to be that way"

"I live a dangerous life..."

Alexis didnt know whether to argue or to break in to tears

Instead Sonny began kissing her on her shoulder and then to her neck. One kiss after the other

Alexis had a million thoughts run through her

What was he talking about?

What was going through his head?

Why did he even bring up her daughter? Much less about protecting her


Her eyes dared to his

"I didnt mean to upset you"

"No, no Im fine" she said giving him a slight assuring smile

"Let me make love to you again"

Her lips fell into his softly kissing him with each kiss he gave

He couldnt know, he would be angry. He wouldnt just make love to the woman he knew had kept his daughter away from him all of this time...


The clock

She would be late

She slid out from his arms and again searched for her clothes

She quietly tried to get dressed

This time instead of wishing she didnt have to leave. This morning he just wanted to get back to her daughter

She slid on her black heels and turned the door knob


His voice almost startled her

"Yes" She whispered back

"Tell her that love her but I do understand that her mother is protecting her"

Alexis was numb

Her heart stopped in her throat



"Ill... Ill tell her" Alexis said and closed the door behind her

The End