Breathe In, Breathe Out

Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five


Chapter One

She could feel the excruciating pain though she couldnt tell exactly where it was coming from

She could hear her own heart beating so rapidly it seemed it would burst

She couldnt breathe, much less swallow but her dry throat ached to do so

She winced in pain and tried to move slightly for comfort though it only caused more pain

Suddenly she heard a voice telling her to be still, to be careful not move

She tried to respond, confused she wanted to say, "Kristina, Kristina" but no words only a murmur came from her mouth

"Alexis lie still, just try and relax... everything will be ok"

Alexis eyes darted back and forth as she then tried to fixate on Monica Quartermane staring back at her

Suddenly fear rushed through her from the look on Monicas face at the sight of her. Alexis again began to squirm ever so slightly

The pain became more and more intense

"Alexis! Alex..."

She could see nothing but darkness and the voice calling her name went silent


Alexis stood on the docks breathing in the fresh winter air as she admired the Christmas lights strung throughout the trees

It was the first time, in a long time she could breathe

She was ok. Finally the past had become the past. Life was becoming dare she say normal

Alexis had gone Christmas shopping, her arms loaded with toys and presents for Kristina

She would spend Christmas this year with her daughter. It would be Kristinas first real Christmas

Ned had come by to pick up Kristina and spend the day with her per he and Alexis new agreement

Alexis would be home in plenty of time to be waiting for her baby girls return

She would only take a moment to breathe in and breathe out

When he grabbed her

His black leather glove slipped over her mouth before she could let out a scream

He picked her up like a rag doll not thinking twice at her fighting with every bit of strength she had

They were gone, disappeared

Nothing but packages left scattered all over the ground


Hours later he left her seemingly lifeless and badly beaten body on the ground not far from where Kristinas Christmas presents still lie scattered, untouched

The Christmas lights no longer twinkling

Everything was dark to her swollen black eyes

She couldnt move. The gash in her head blead profusely, she was in excruciating pain

She remembered trying to scream again at the feel of someone elses touch to her now aching, bruised skin


"I dont know! I dont know! Will she be ok? Is she ok?"

Nicolas, a grown man could easily been mistaken for a blubbering child at the sight of his aunt

"Were doing the best we can Nicolas. Now do you know what happen, where did you find her?"

"I told you I dont know what happened. I found her on the docks. I was just passing through and I saw a woman lying there and as I got closer..."

He tried to wipe the teas from his eyes

"Mr. Cassadine if you would please wait in the waiting area... we will take care of her"

Nicolas began to walk away not turning his back on Alexis

"Please tell me she will be fine!" he pleaded

Monica found her way to the patient

"Alexis!!" she said surprised to see her lying there on the gurney

Monica looked up at Nicolas "Well take care of her..."

Nicolas only nodded

"Alexis! Alexis! Can you hear me? Alexis can you open your eyes... Alexis?"

Alexis eyes fluttered



Nicolas paced the floor of the waiting room

He stopped at the sight of Emily

"Nicolas! Why are you here? What happened?"

"Alexis" was all he managed to get out

"What happened!"

"I found her on the docks... someone... I dont know. Someone..."


"Someone beat her... she may have been raped"

"Oh my God! Nicolas Im so sorry. Can I do anything"

"I need to find out where Kristina is. I dont know if she was with her!! I dont know if shes with a sitter..." he said now showing his panic

"Shes ok... she fine I just left the house. Ned was there with her"

"I need to call Ned. I to tell him shes here"

"Ill call him, Ill call him. Its ok" Emily offered


He wondered if he couldnt breathe when she couldnt breathe

Was her heart racing just as his was

He became more hysterical at every red light...

"Where is she! Where is she!"

"Mr. Ashton!"

"Alexis Davis? Where is she?"

"Theyre still taking care of her" The nurse said looking at him sympathetically "Mr. Cassadine is in the waiting area"

Before she could finish Ned had disappeared realizing he was getting nowhere


"Have you heard anything?"

"They said they would tell us as soon as they had something"

Ned realized he still couldnt catch his breath

"Kristina?" Nicolas said looking up at Ned

"I left her with Alice. Kristina knows her..."

Nicolas shook his head satisfied with the quick explanation


"Is it too late to say Im sorry?"

"Alexis" Ned said looking at her, to her surprise, sympathetically

"Ned, Im so sorry. Youre right it all made me crazy... literally" She said, yet not trying to humor anyone

"I knew it wasnt you. I knew that you were tangled up in all of it. I knew you were protecting Kristina. And I knew you thought you were doing what was best"

"I thought I was doing what was best and I cant take any of it back but I know I hurt you terribly in the process. I went to you, because you know I trust you more than anyone... and then I betrayed you"

"Alexis things got out of hand. We both got caught up in all the madness... I got caught up in listening to Skye..."


"Look, I agreed to be Kristinas father and you know I love her like shes my own... But I agreed too. You asked, I agreed. Thats what make me equally responsible. And you and I should be the last people to be at each others throats. We should just worry about loving and protecting Kristina and how were going to do that together."

"I dont want to be at each others throats... and Im so sorry"

"I am too"

"Ned... you know I love you" she said only being up front and honest

"As much as I love you"


Both Ned and Nicolas shot up at the sight of Monica coming towards them

Neither of them had to ask

"Shes regained consciousness..."

They could tell she was being hesitant about what she was about to tell them

"Monica please be straight forward" Nicolas pleaded

Monica motioned for both of them to sit down

"She was sexually assaulted. She has a concussion, three cracked ribs and her left arm is broken in two places and Nicolas as you could tell, she was badly beaten.."

Ned looked as if his stomach turned

That was straight forward enough

"Can we see her?"

All Ned wanted to do was see her

Monica reached for him "Ned Im sorry. Ill let come back to get you when you can see her"

And Monica was gone

Nicolas sat down beside him

"I know she will be ok. You more than anyone knows shes a fighter" Nicolas said trying to convince himself with his own words

Ned seemed to be in his own world never making eye contact with Nicolas

"I wasted a year fighting her. For what? For her own daughter?"

"Ned shes your daughter too" Nicolas said trying to make him feel better

Ned finally looked up at Nicolas

"All that happened between us. It never should have happened"

"Ned she told me it was in the past, that you two had apologized to each other. Ned she knows you care about her"

"I dont just care about her I love her"

Nicolas seemed stunned that Ned was so willing to admit that he still loved Alexis after all they had been through

"I know you do"


She didnt blink

One eye swollen completely shut the other wide as she could manage to open it, only stared into space

Tears stained the side of her face revealing the only signs of life in her

He beautiful face, her flawless tanned skin now covered in scratches and bruises and claw marks

Ned turned away at the first sight of Alexis and he composed himself

"Alexis" his voice trembled

He actually couldnt believe she responded from the state she was in but from the sound of his voice it seemed to break her trance

She turned slightly acknowledging him


She had to know where she was

He looked at her so sadly

"Shes ok. I left her with Alice. I asked her not to leave her side... you know she will take good care of her"

Alexis didnt respond. She only didnt question more. Ned knew she was ok with him leaving her with Alice

Ned wasnt sure what else to say to her. He went to reach for her hand

Alexis noticed him hesitating at the sight of blood and dirt under her once perfectly manicured fingernails

Tears fell from her eyes

He let her fingers fall gently into place into his hand

"Did Nicolas call you?" She said still looking horrified that he was there to see her like this

"Emily ran into Nicolas in the waiting area of the ER. Emily told him Kristina was with me. He was worried that something had happened to Kristina... Emily called me"

She turned her head to face the wall, to face the picture of the scenic ocean view matted in pale blue

"Alexis" he said sympathetically

She tuned towards him, tears still streaming down her face

"They took pictures of me..." She said in a voice like a child

She said it clearly ashamed

Ned couldnt find the right rhythm to breathe

"They had too"

He knew, she knew that

"Why did this happen to me?" She pleaded

"I dont know... well find who did this. I promise"

"Why did I deserve this?"

"You didnt, you didnt deserve this. No one deserves this..."

They were interrupted by the nurse

The nurse realized quickly she was walking in to a seemingly tense conversation

"Something for the pain" she said holding the small white paper cup to Alexis followed by the styrofoam cup with a straw

Alexis looked relieved that she was there. It was nice to know someone was there willing to help literally ease the pain

"Can I get you anything else? Anything to make you more comfortable?"

Alexis only mumble no thank you

The nurse was gone

Ned bundled his nerves

"Can I sit?" he asked pointing to the edge of the bed

Alexis slightly shook her head

He sat and began to brush her bangs from the bandage on her forehead

"Well find who did this ok" Ned said reassuring her

She didnt respond only stared in to space before making her request

"Please tell Nicolas Im ok. I could tell he was so angry and I dont want him getting into trouble because of me"

"He wont Alexis. Hes just upset right now. He just needs to calm down and hell be more rational. Hell be fine... Besides dont worry about him. Lets concentrate on getting you well..."

"He raped me"

Those three words spilled from her mouth as if she had ben wanting to say them the moment he walked in the room

"I know he did. Im so sorry"

"I tried to stop him, I tried to scream..."

Instead of comforting her Ned tried to hold back his own tears but had to turn his head

She at that moment didnt cry alone


"I want you to find the bastard that did this!"

"Look Nicolas youre not helping anyone by doing this. We have men on it. Their looking for him, but we dont have much to go by besides the usual dark mask, dark clothing and leather gloves"

Mac stood outside of Alexis hospital room with Nicolas obviously in hysterics

"Shouldnt your men at least be doing something?"

"I need to speak with Alexis. I need something to go by"

"Mac shes hurting enough"

"Nicolas thats why I want to do it myself. I want whoever did this to her to be caught and to be punished. You know I do!"

Nicolas finally backed away

Mac stood up against the door and before he lifted his hand to knock he took a moment cursing that he had to do this. Scared himself to se the sight of the feisty defense attorney he himself admired so much. He took a second to breathe in and out

With a quick hello and a moment of unprepared grief that came over him at the sight of her...

"Alexis I hate to do this, but I need o ask you some questions..."

End Chapter One