For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Three
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Kristina and Jax took turns pacing the floor. Ned sat hunched over staring at the tiles on the floor. He told her it was over between them. He told her they were never connected like they once thought. His heart was racing. He didnt mean it. He loved her; he worshipped the ground she walked on. She could have her secrets Ned interrupted himself with the silence that was between the three of them.

Then a nurse came through the doors.


They all looked at one another

Im her sister!

Would you like to see her?

Kristina swallowed hard Yes

She followed the nurse to Alexiss room but she stopped at the doorway

Its ok you can come in, she would probably like to hear a familiar voice by now.

She would be strong, strong like her sister, but when she saw her she started to shake her head

Its a lot of swelling, it should go down in a couple of days. The nurse assured her.

Kristina walked towards Alexis and sat down beside her. The nurse was checking the machines but she mostly wanted Kristina to get adjusted to the sight of Alexis. The nurse heard Kristina making a smirking noise.

What is it honey?

She broke her left arm.

The nurse looked at Kristina puzzled by her chosen comment

She just got a cast off her left arm shes left handed Kristina looked up at the nurse shes a lawyer - a great lawyer shes very left handed. Kristina found herself rambling to this complete stranger.

The nurse just smiled at her realizing that this was not just any woman she had as a patient

Are you going to be ok?

Kristina nodded but still unsure.

My mane is Betty, you let me know if you need anything, ok?

Kristina smiled back at her And dont forget to talk to her she can hear you as she closed the door behind her.

Kristina turned back to Alexis. She had taken her eyes off her for one moment and she had forgotten how she had looked. It made a shiver run down her spine.

Everythings gonna be all right I promise. She paused, ok so Im not good at this but Kristina felt unsure of anything she could say to her.

She paused minutes between and made herself aware of all the things that were around her. She glared at the heart monitor and watched Alexis heart rate change she shook of her stare

I love you she paused again I do so much, just like that. The day you walked in Jaxs penthouse I knew I loved you Ned and Jax are outside. Ned is a mess and Jax

She realized she was rambling again. Jax says that you and I both ramble. You think?

Kristina gently put her face against the top of Alexis fingers careful not to hurt her. She then stood up and kissed Alexis on her the tip of her nose. Its gonna be ok, she whispered, please be ok.

Kristina walked out of the room and pressed herself against the wall trying to hide the tears streaming down her face. She then stood up straight wiping her face with the back of her palm. She walked towards where Ned and Jax were waiting. They had already tried to explain who they were to the nurse at the desk. She was adamant about relatives only and she finally agreed to let them be the exs. The ex husband, the ex fianc the ex whoever.

Jax told Ned he could see her next if he wanted to. He didnt feel like it was his place to go before Ned.

Ned felt like he was walking to his execution. He thought he could already smell the scent of her. He inhaled all the air he could to prepare not to be able to breathe when he saw her. Ned opened the door and his bottom lip began to quiver. He held onto the wall behind him with tears falling down his face. Forget his pride or his manliness or anything he was supposed to front for her now.
He starred at her - he was afraid to touch her but all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms. He went and sat beside her. The only thing that seemed to fill up his emptiness was regret.
He brushed her bangs slightly to the side reveling the deep cut that went from the tip of her eye to across her forehead. He studied her body soaking it all in looking for a place that wasnt broken or bruised or cut. He didnt say a word. He opened his mouth but air only seeped out. He couldnt comfort her with words. He didnt have any words - he was empty. The one person he realized made him full was too close to being lifeless.

Two days had gone by and Kristina, Ned and Jax took turns keeping her company. She was doing better by the day though she hadnt woke up. Jax had Stefan tracked down by the few clues he had. Jax could tell that Stefan was sincerely shaken by what had happened to his sister and he made it possible for communication because he wanted to be updated regularly.

All three of them had decided that they couldnt leave Alexis. Nothing seemed more important. It wasnt as if they could go on as usual so they waited, waited for her.

Ned had just come back from Alexis room when he saw Sonny walking towards them