Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Epilogue

The outline of her lips were pressed perfectly into the rim of her glass . He question if the rest of her lipstick was gone from her lips from where she bit nervously but discretely at her bottom lip

Her lips were still perfectly stained

A black dress...

A black dress he wasnt, he wished he was familiar with. Like where it zipped, how easily it would come off of her...


Ice had deluded his drink

He had yet to notice. He had only one sip and he was intoxicated. Intoxicated by her, his eyes fixated on her

He shouldnt be having these thoughts

But he couldnt help himself

Few men knew her secret

She was discrete, but it was obvious once you knew her. Once you became cast under her spell...

He knew if he told her those exact words, "under her spell" she would blush , her soft Greek skin would blush...

He suddenly had the urge to touch her but she was off limits...


In the game...

Boy meets girl...

Girl falls for boy...

Boy loses girl...


Boy meets girl...

She had a way with him

She was smart, funny, beautiful...

A million different things made her beautiful

She was unlike anyone he had ever known

And she understood him


Girl falls for boy...

From the moment he met her, he needed her

He needed her but never like he imaged he would need her

She became his lawyer, his savior

She became his lover, his temptation


Boy loses girl...

He never got to explain

The day after, the day after he was finally able to make love to her, everything fell apart...

Soon there after her beautiful brown eyes began to shun him and had since


He was standing behind her

Standing only feet from her he couldnt stop himself before her name rolled from his tongue


The sound of her name coming from between his lips was unmistakable

It made her heart race

She didnt turn her head

He took his chances and sat down beside her at the bar

"Waiting for someone?" he asked suddenly feeling bold

She took a moment and then turned her head slowly towards him, her eyes meeting him dead on

"No, Im not" She said as if it were his dismissal

Sonny gave a cocky snicker under his breath at her answer

She didnt look amused or willing to play

He straitened his face

"You shouldnt be here alone"

"Where you wanting to discuss something in particular?" She asked coldly

He couldnt hear the voice in her head pleading to say the right thing

"Just making conversation"

Now she looked at him amused

He wanted to say "I didnt mean to ruin your life." But she would have said stop being so pompous and arrogant

The Alexis he knew, he once knew would have said that

"Youre just making conversation? With me?"

"Am I allowed?"

"Youre asking? Sonny Corinthos is asking permission?"

"From you, yes"

Alexis took another sip of her drink

"You look beautiful" he continued

He watched her close her eyes taking in the compliment. When she realized what she was doing she looked at him in disgust

"Shouldnt you be home with your wife or your girlfriend. Or whatever it is you have these days..."

"Keeping up with my love life I see"

"Dont flatter yourself" She said interrupting

"Alexis" He said interrupting her


Then he said nothing. The last thing he wanted to do was pick a fight

"Look Sonny..."

"Its been a long time... a long time since weve even said two words to one another, much less had a descent conversation"

Now she said nothing, she couldnt

"Weve both been through a lot Alexis"

"Please dont compare my life with yours, especially your troubles with Carly" She snapped

"Carly and I are over"

"I know... what is this like the 5th or 6th time?"

He didnt have an answer. She was right. It was obvious he and Carly deserved each other in Alexis eyes. They were a glutton for punishment

The bar tender took request for another. They both obliged

"You dont have to like me"

"I dont"

"Alexis its been almost three years. Im trying to make some peace here, you were my best friend"

"It didnt matter then, why should it matter now? Is it because youre lonely?"

Sonny was taken back by her last question

The bar tender sat their drinks down in front of them which silenced them both

"Hows your little girl?"

It was an innocent question

"None of your concern" She knew that was harsh "Sorry... shes fine"

Sonny stirred his drink and shuffled nervously in his chair

"You know you can tell yourself over and over your heart is breaking"he cleared his throat "But then one day you realize it wasnt the feeling of youre heart breaking at all... it was the feeling of breaking someone elses"

She couldnt say anything, she couldnt breathe, she felt nauseous

"Can I say Im sorry?" He continued "Can I apologize for everything?"

She wanted him to stop. She wanted to cry

This wasnt a court room, she wasnt trying to prove blame, this was personal and she herself had some apologizing to do

"Sonny we shouldnt do this. I dont want to do this"

"You dont want to forgive me?"

"No I dont want to you to take advantage if I do"

"I wouldnt"

"Youve already proven you will"

"So I get no reprieve?"

"Sonny Im not Carly"

"I know"

"Then dont expect me to react the way she would or forgive you the way she would"

"I thought you were done with me"


"You were pregnant with Ashtons baby"

"It was one night"

That wasnt a complete lie

"You and Ashton have quite a past"

Enough of a past to make Sonny believe her little girl wasnt his too

"Can we not talk about Ned. Ned and I are fine, were friends"

"And hes the father of your child"

Panic attack, panic attack

"And your point?" She said keeping her infamous cool

Sonny backed off

"Sonny let me simplify it for you. Im not who I was three years ago. Ive made a million mistakes since then that Ive had to learn a lot of hard lessons about. I also had the most beautiful and most important thing happen to me. I became a mother and I adore my daughter, shes my life... Im not the same woman who had a school girl crush on you. Im not and I cant be..."

"Youre allowed to have a crush Alexis" He said using her words

"Youre right Sonny, youre right I am. But I cant put myself in a dangerous situation anymore. I cant do anything that might have the slightest chance of hurting my daughter"

"And just sitting here with me is putting yourself in a dangerous situation?"

"Yes in many more ways than one"

They took a breath as if they were both reloading their guns

"I quit the business..."

"Good for you" She said making sure she didnt sound convinced

He couldnt break through

"Its like being clean and sober. No mob, no Carly"

"Who are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

"I dont have a chance in hell of getting anywhere in this conversation do I?" He said frustrated

"I think weve talked enough for a lifetime"

"Then how about we dont talk so much"

"I told you Im not interested"

"Mr. Corinthos, your table is ready"

Sonny turned to the uniformed man standing there waiting to seat him and then back to Alexis

"Dinner?" he asked obviously not getting the point that she wished to be alone

"Are you serious?"

"I couldnt be more serious"

I dont think so"

"Well Im not starving yet. I can sit here at the bar with you..."

Alexis looked at him annoyed

Sonny turned his attention back to the man waiting

"Thank you, but I will be a while"

The man nodded and walked away

"Im honestly not sure what your intentions are but I..."

"My intentions are to get back what makes me happy"

"Good for you"

"I was happy with you"

"I hate to sound so... what can I say, bitchy? But your happiness in no longer any of my concern"

"Alexis I was happy with you. I laughed out loud with you. You made me feel good, you made me feel..."

"Desperation is not very becoming"

"I didnt intend to make myself look good"

She took note at how serious he was and then took note at how her drink and his had disappeared

"Sonny what am I suppose to do? I was sitting here minding my own business and then suddenly here you are wanting to kiss and make up and go back to being best friends... God why dont you just say you were looking for sex. That would have been easier and less complicated for you... Are you at least getting how absurd this is?"

"Alexis when youre world falls part and for some reason youre left standing and I mean barely standing. It makes you evaluate..."

"But havent you evaluated before?"

"Ive never lost everything like I have now"

"Im sorry if Im having trouble with your sincerity"

"Youre right, you should"He said admittingly

"Another round?" The bar tender said catching their eye

"One more" Sonny spoke up before Alexis could protest

"Alexis I dont want to start where we left off. And I dont want to just have sex... I need to make things right with you"

Alexis head was spinning

"Sonny I have to say goodnight" She said standing ungracefully

He tugged at her arm

"I dont beg" He said letting his dark eyes meeting their match

"No one asked you to"

"Alexis you know what its like to lose everything"

"Yes I do"

"And you wanted the chance to get your life back"

Alexis didnt answer

"Give me my chance"

"Sonny youre not understanding The part where I cant repeat the past. Where I cant put you back in my life because of my daughter not because of just myself..."

His bloodshot eyes actually looked more sad than lost

"Sonny" She said sympathetically

"Ok, ok" he said trying to understand

"I need to go"

"Can I please give you a ride home?"

"No" she said softly

"Max will..."

"No ride home..."

"A walk to get you a taxi at least?"

She finally didnt protest

He stood, he himself finding it difficult on his own two feet


A now familiar black dress that he had made a point to memorize and lips that were nolonger perfectly stained

Sonny took one last look into her beautiful untrusting brown eyes and closed the door to the taxi

He handed the driver a $100 bill to ensure she got back to Wyndamere safely

He stood there dazed by too many sips of her

"Goodnight Alexis"

End Ch. 1