For The Love Of A Woman
Chapter Five
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Alexis had now been in the hospital for almost two weeks. She was progressively getting better and the nurse had her up and trying to walk. She had injured her hip pretty bad in the accident and besides a lot of cuts and bruises and a broken arm she would be as good as new soon. The doctor told Alexis she would be free to go as soon as he knew her hip wasnt going to bring any more injuries and she could become somewhat mobile with it and a broken arm too. Ned, Kristina and Jax had kept their promise about not leaving her and though she appreciated it. She was starting to grow tired of the attention. Sonny had come by for the third time since the accident. He didnt want to wear out his welcome at least with Alexis - and she was glad to see him.
He brought her flowers and was very sincere about doing anything to make her comfortable when she got home. It was awkward between them though, before the accident she found herself having feeling for the crime boss of Port Charles.
The thought of it now made her flinch. She new she loved Ned and lying there in a room with blank walls she tried to rationalize that the feeling that she had for Sonny were only to try to replace Ned.
She knew it made Ned crazy when he would come to the hospital but he was almost strangely being civil enough to try and not stand in Sonnys way when he came.

I heard you might get to go home, Sonny said grinning.

She matched his dimpled grin.

So thats what they tell me

Youre looking better everyday

The smile went away from her face.

Did I say something wrong?

No, no, I, I

He looked at her not understanding what made her suddenly switch her mood

I look horrible

Sonny suddenly realized how she saw herself and he felt like the weightt of the room was baring down on him.

Are you kidding me? You look great.

She gave him the youre lying to me look.

Well You look so much better than you did two weeks ago and soon youll be as beautiful as you were before.

Beautiful huh? Alexis teasingly questioning Sonny

Sonny blushed a little realized he had never told her how beautiful she was. He wanted to change the subject but he also wanted to gush over her.

Hows Carly?
Sonny suddenly stunned by the sound of Carlys name.

Oh shes fine, being Carly. He was trying to be as vague as possible so they wouldnt stay on the subject of her.

Alexis gave him a slight grin, she was sure Sonny still loved Carly she just drove him insane.

So uh I should uh get outta here before Ned and Jax gnaw off their fingers. He said again flashing his dimples at Alexis.

She did enjoy him coming he made light of her situation though she knew he took it seriously.

As soon as Sonny opened the door to leave the doctor came in. He had come to evaluate Alexis condition.

Well you seem to be in good spirits today, Dr. Jacobs said pleased with her.

I am actually so can I go home? Please

While writing in her chart he tried to pacify her.

Im waiting on the new ex-rays we took of your hip and then well have another where does it hurt conversation and then if all is good, going home is in your future.

She looked at him and smiled, pleased with what he had said.

Im going to see if the ex-rays have come in. I was told to give them about 30 more minutes about an hour ago so maybe theyll be ready. Ill be back

Jax saw the doctor leave and he went in behind.

Tired of your visitors yet? Jax said with his sparkling blue eyes peering from around the door.


How is my ex-wife this morning?

Much better - the drugs kicked in she said flashing a grin.

How about you throwing some of that Jax charm around and get me outta here

There just making sure your ok you know that

She gave him a sighing pout

Besides Kristina just left to go and get you some clothes

Alexis looked at Jax almost horrified

Jax smirked, its ok Ned suggested something

Good Im not sure the leather mini skirt would have done it for me

Well it did it for everyone else he said kidding her

Shut up she said blushing

Doctor Jacobs walked through the door interrupting their conversation.

I have your ex-rays back and everything looks a lot better. We need to make some decisions on how your going to get around and then well sign some release papers. How does that sound?

Perfect Alexis almost sounding too eager.

While you two talk Ill go and check to see if Kristina is back and Jax left the doctor and Alexis to discuss things.

Jax walked towards Ned standing by Kristina.

What did the doctor say Ned almost afraid to ask knowing if it was anything other than the words home there would be hell to pay.

Looks like shes going home Jax replied

Did you get her clothes?

Yeah, I got them. Were doing some serious shopping though when she gets better. Who knew the suit over here is in love with the actual other suit!

Ned looking annoyed but still grinned back at her for her comment.
Ned hated her calling him a suit but he loved the fact that Kristina said he was in love with the OTHER suit.

The nurse came towards them. All right rat pack I need to get some papers signed to get her out of here before she crawls out of here herself.

Kristina handed Ned Alexis clothes and walked with the nurse.

Ned looked at Jax I better go make these clothes useful As Ned headed to Alexis room to give her clothes to her.

Hi Ned said walking into her room.

Hi! Im going home!

I heard and I brought the get away clothes

She smiled back at him. Im a little anxious I guess


Ned handed her the bag with her clothes. She reached for it and winced from her sore muscles.

Hey, you ok?

Yeah just grabbed a little too fast

He looked at her a bit helpless. A year ago he wouldnt have thought twice about helping her get dressed but they werent the same Ned and Alexis from a year ago.

Do you want me to get Kristina to help you

No Im fine just

She looked at him frustrated. Frustrated that she had a broken arm, that she couldnt walk around, that she couldnt let Ned just be Ned and help her.

This is ridiculous isnt it? I mean look at me I think Ive finally out done myself

He was biting his bottom lip watching her frustration he couldnt help but watch in amazement that one woman could be so stubborn and beautiful at the same time.

Can I help?

She looked up at him flustered finally giving up. Please

Ned walked towards her.

Ned I she paused

What is it honey

She smiled at the fact he had just subconsciously called her honey.


Oh I know. Its ok

You could tell it was taking a lot out of her just the feeling of surrendering and being helpless even if it was Ned.

Ned leaned behind her and untied the back of her gown

Neither of them ever thought it would be so awkward having one undressed in front of the other.

Alexis looked up at Ned

Do you want me to look the other way?

That seemed so silly but he was glad he asked.

Alexis hesitated a little. No

Her gown slid down and they both could see the cuts and bruises that covered her body in masses. The sight of them made Neds mouth go dry. He noticed the bruise across her stomach from the seat belt had started to turn yellow. He looked back up at her. She was staring into his eyes when their eyes met. The expression on her face was as if she was in agony from embarrassment from the way she looked.

Its getting better he said tried to assure her

She bit her bottom lip and nodded her head in agreement.

Ned pulled the creamy white sweater from the bag.

The temperature dropped last night so its a bit colder today I hope this is ok

My favorite she said with a slight smile

I know, he said looking back

The scar from the surgery on her hip was beginning to show. They had taken the bandage off two days before. Ned could tell Alexis was uneasy about him seeing the scar and he quickly went to help her with her jeans.

One leg in

I never thought I would put your jeans on, but you have to admit I was great taking them off.

Ned flashed a big grin at her and she shaking her head and almost blushing she smiled back at him.

Ok some shoes and were ready to go.

Just then Kristina knocked on the door and She and Jax and Nurse Betty filed in.

Lets go already Jax said slightly making fun of Alexis impatience with being in the hospital.

Betty had a wheelchair ready to go.

Alexis gave it an evil look.

Im not dragging you out of here Kristina said making light of Alexis expression.

Here lets stand up for a second

Betty stood beside Alexis with her arms around her waste.

Now try to put your weight on your left side and keep it off the right

Jax, Ned and Kristina all made funny faces as they watched Alexis face of pain. Everyone had become quite and you could hear Alexis short breaths as Betty helped her into the chair.

Ned knelt down beside her grabbing her hand. She squeezed it relieving that last bit of pain she had from moving.

Everyone in tow they headed out the door.

Betty was shaking her head back and forth Alexis, honey you have been an outstanding patient but I promise you I have never seen three people more protective of one person in my life

Alexis looked back at her you just do not know she said grinning.