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Collide 9

Ric paced, he hated himself at that moment. He hated himself for feeling like he had done this to her. He was there. He was arguing with her and it happened…  He also hated himself for thinking that Dr. Fix All was helping her and he could do nothing…




Ric turned to see Peter standing there


“Her heart has been restored to a normal cardiac rhythm and we’re still monitoring her…”

“So she’s ok?”


“For now”


The words ‘for now’ echoed in Ric’s head


“Do you know anything about her family history? Her mother? Do you know if she had any type of heart related problems?” Peter continued


Her mother


Kristen Bergman: Opera singer killed by the slit of her throat, Mikos Cassadine’s mistress, beautiful, her children beautiful…


No he knew nothing about her


“She died when Alexis was young...”


Peter was about to ask her cause of death when Ric said “She was murdered”


Peter’s eyes widened not sure of how to respond to finding out Alexis’ mother was murdered


She did have a past he knew nothing about


Her story was complicated


“So is she going to be ok? Is it just severe panic attacks?” Ric said picking the conversation back up


“The panic attacks are causing severe heart palpitations that are putting too much wear and tear on her heart and may be causing an onset of heart failure”


“So what does that mean?”


The blood was draining from Ric’s face


He felt his lip quiver


“It means she has a chance at being absolutely fine if she gets the right medications, and as long as we try and stop these attacks, because like I said they’re only causing more damage”


“So medication will help?”


“Yes it will. And it will be a part of her life and so will her stress factor. But she can manage it. She’ll have to manage it! Her heart can’t take the stress”


Ric sat down in the chair nearest to them running his hands over his face


“Could she die from this?”


“Yes” Peter said abruptly as he stood there with his arms folded


Ric glared at Peter and then shook his head, looking away


Peter stood there for a moment as if he were studying Ric and his level of grief and regret


He wouldn’t loose his voice of bitterness towards Ric


“You can see her in a few minutes. A nurse will come and get you” Peter said walking away


Ric watched him go


Peter had every right to be angry with him. He was the main cause of the stress in Alexis’ life


And this was a woman they both cared for…


Ric was the enemy as far a Peter was concerned when it came to Alexis and her well being


He waited until the nurse came to get him


She was awake but only her eyes jumped at the sight of him


He tried to smile slightly for reassurance




His hello soft and much different from the one earlier that day in the apartment


He sat down next to her on the bed


She watched Ric take note of where the sounds were coming from as he looked up at the machines around her


“Why does this keep happening?”


Her voice dry, emotionless


No one had given her any explanation since she had woke up


“I don’t know” He said honestly “Too much stress… too much to worry about”


“I just don’t understand why this is happening… what’s wrong with me?”


“The panic attacks are causing severe heart palpitations and it’s doing damage to your heart”


He couldn’t hide worried in his voice


“What kind of damage?”


“Peter said you could be developing heart failure because of it. But right now medication can help you. He said you could be fine!” Ric said trying to be hopeful


“Heart failure? Medication?”


“It will be fine everything will be fine. It’s just medicine, it’s just a routine. And you just have to watch your stress level and everything will be fine”


“Are you simplifying it?” she asked seriously


Ric brushed the sleeve of her hospital gown back and forth”


“It’s a serious thing… but you have the opportunity to take care of yourself and be fine”


“You keep saying “fine””


“Because you will be!”


Alexis paused for a moment and then shook her head


“I’ll be fine” She said unsure if she was assuring herself or if it was for Ric


They sat in silence for what seemed the longest time


A million thoughts, not a thing to say


Ric shuffled her bangs to the side


He observed


He would notice the little things


Her eyes, how they seemed darker than usual


Her skin, more pale


She seemed thinner… why didn’t he notice before?


“Could I die?”








He lied


Peter had told him should could die from this and he just lied to her


She didn’t argue about dying


She only lay there in silence once again


Ric waited for the next unbearable question


She didn’t question, she requested


“Please don’t forget that I want Kristina to be with you”


A mother that would never give up her daughter


“Alexis we’re not talking about this!”


She had to talk about this… talk about it with her husband


“Ric you’ve been more of a father to her than Sonny ever will be. And I don’t want her and Chloe growing up without each other. I want them to be close. I don’t want my mistakes to separate them”


“Kristina and Chloe will grow up together because you will be right there making sure that they do”


“Just promise me they won’t be separated and that if you have to you’ll fight for Kristina”


“We agreed on this during the hurricane last year remember?”


“I know but we’ve been through a lot since then. And I just want to make sure that you know that despite anything and everything between us I think you’re a good man… and you’re a great father to both of them”


“Because they are both our little girls Alexis”


“And I’ll never regret that”


Did she mean to say that aloud?


Was it fear talking?


“And I will never ever regret it” He said squeezing her hand “Look its fine that we discuss this if it makes you feel reassured. But you’re not going anywhere. Like I said before they’ll get you on the right medications and will figure out the rest from there… ok?”


Alexis shook her head and a tear fell down her face




A knock at the door interrupted them


“Hi there”


Alexis wiped tears from her eyes as she smiled at the sight of Jax


“I can’t leave you alone for a second!”


Jax studied her face for a moment making sure the tears she was wiping away were out if happiness


“I know I’ve become such a troublemaker”


Jax leaned in kissing her


Ric stood aside knowing their greeting well


“You didn’t have to come”


“That’s not up for negotiation”


Alexis grinned


“The girls?”


“Their fine, I left them both sleeping peacefully”


Both Alexis and Ric smiled satisfied


“They haven’t been too much?” Ric asked


“No no they have both been great. I’m afraid that Kristina is going to be smarter than me by the age of five!”


Alexis grinned again


Jax knew just what to say


“I’ll let you two talk” Ric said as he leaned in giving Alexis a kiss on the forehead “I’ll go and see if I can’t talk the nurse into letting me get you dinner from anywhere but the cafeteria…”


“If they let you, have the Metro Court deliver something here” Jax said


Ric nodded “Thanks I will… if that’s what you want” He said looking to Alexis


“I would be fine with the cafeteria food!”


Ric didn’t respond only trailed his hand from her shoulder to the palm of her hand and squeezed it tight


He left her and Jax alone


“This is getting to be a habit of yours” Jax said as he pulled the chair to the side of her bed and took her hand in to his


“Well it is a way to get attention” Alexis teased


Jax smiled


“So you’ll make a few changes in your life… you’ll figure it all out”


“You’ve been briefed”


“I forced Peter to tell me at least the highlights. I assured him you wouldn’t care”


“Its better he tell you than me”


“You ok?”


“Yeah… yeah”




“I am ok. At the moment I’m having a bit of a pity party for myself but I’m ok”


“You’re entitled to have a pity party but tomorrow I’ll hear nothing of it!”


Alexis smiled


“I know and I will be fine. I just have to take the meds and de-stress…”


“Which taking the meds is a hell of a lot easier for you than de-stressing”


“I have stress… I have Kristina and Chloe, I have my job, I just bought a house…”


“Don’t forget your love life!” Jax poked


Alexis swatted at him


“Don’t joke!”


Jax knew it wasn’t a joke at all. But she had, had enough energy and worry around it


A moment of silence went by


“What is it?” He asked studying her face


“Do you think I’m doing this to myself?”


“What do you mean?” Jax asked confused


“I take pride in striving on stress. On doing things on my own… maybe it’s all too much? Well obviously it’s all too much and I was warned. I was told to stop doing it all and look at me, here I am again!”


“So you’ll learn to manage, you’ll learn to let go of things that are truly unimportant, you’ll rely on other people… that won’t all be so bad!”


“Isn’t that all easier said than done?”




Ric stood watching Alexis and Jax from the hallway


He loved her face


Whether she was happy or sad


He loved every expression on her face


He found himself standing there looking through the glass. He would smile when she would smile, his face would frown when hers seemed to turn to sadness


The longer Ric stood there and watched her the more his own emotions got the best of him


He was angry about everything


He was hurting her, himself, their little girls


He was standing there staring at a woman that had given him everything; a family, a home, love, a life… and he had done nothing but lie to her and betray her and cause her pain with an occasion kiss and I love you


“Thank God she has Jax”


Ric spun around to see Peter standing there watching him


“Excuse me?”


“I said thank God she has Jax”


Peter knew Ric had heard him but he repeated what he said to sting him


“Yeah I’m glad she does”


“Too bad her husband, or are you her ex-husband? I get confused… sort of like Alexis does when it comes to understanding what kind of relationship you two are in or out of”


Peter was in for the fight


“I don’t need you lecturing me about the relationship I have with MY WIFE!” Ric said coldly “You’ve been around her what a month? And you’re trying to get in bed with her? Why don’t you just but out of our relationship”


“I would if she wanted me to. But she seems to like having someone who makes her happy. Who treats her with respect…”


“You don’t even know her and you certainly don’t know me…”


“I know enough, I’ve seen enough… You make her hurt, you make her cry and confused! Marriages have their ups and downs but with a woman like that… a beautiful, brilliant, incredible women like that who gave you everything she could give you including two perfect daughters and you manage to do what you do to her! She doesn’t deserve that! She doesn’t deserve you!”


Ric barreled at Peter shoving him against the wall


Ric held his shirt collar between both of his fists


“You don’t think I regret every moment I’ve made her sad! You don’t think I hate that I can’t seem to fix everything I’ve broken!”


Peter glared at Ric before Ric once again slammed him into the wall


Peter then suddenly punched his fist in to Ric’s face


“That’s for her!”


Ric doubled over for a moment before going for his own punch and then another


Another and another while each man fought for one woman


Before either could retaliate once again Jax swung open the door to Alexis’ room


“What are you two doing!” he said pulling Ric away from Peter


Both of their faces bloody


Their fists stinging


Ric and Peter just stared at one another


Jax stood back just far enough to look at both of them


“She doesn’t need either of you in her life if you’re going to be bloodying up each other’s faces over her! Give her some respect! You think this is some turn on to her? You think she falls for whoever is the most barbaric; the one who can physically beat the other guy to a pulp wins her love? Neither of you obviously know her that well! Look at the two of you!”


Jax returned to Alexis’ room leaving both of them standing there


Ric looked down at the blood on his hands unsure if it was from his knuckles or his face


Peter took a deep breath and started to walk away


“Don’t forget she’s my wife!” Ric prodded “And I’m not giving her up that easy!”


Peter turned to look at Ric


“We’ll see” was all Peter said as he turned the corner


End Ch. 9