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Collide (The End)


Her eyes fluttered


“Good morning”


His voice soft


The dimples in her cheeks quickly appeared


“It was real”


A grin spread across his scruffy face


“It’s all real” he assured her


She reached for him cupping his face in her hands


“Good morning to you too” she said as she began to kiss him


“I have a surprise for you”


Alexis’ eyes widened


“But you have to come with me” Ric said as he made his way out of bed


“It’s not a very good surprise if you’re getting out of bed” she teased


Ric only continued to grin


He grabbed her robe and held it out for her


“I have to get out of bed too?”


“It’s a good surprise I promise” he said as he tugged her arm until she got out of bed


Alexis reached for her robe but Ric wouldn’t hand it to her right away




He was staring at her naked body




He handed her, her robe


He guided her out of the bedroom and down the stairs


“Breakfast? If you would have told me there would be food I would have got out of bed sooner” she said breathing in the smells from the kitchen


“I know, I know I should have mentioned there would be food” he said amused


They made it their way to the kitchen and Alexis stopped dead in her tracks as Viola walked past them smiling


“Bye” was all she said


Alexis went to open her mouth to question… she only told her “bye”


Pancakes, eggs, fruit, coffee, orange juice…


 Two dozen read roses…


And two very wide eyed little girls staring at them…




“Hey baby girl” Alexis said sweeping Kristina in to her arms


Alexis looked back at Ric


“What is this? I mean the girls, when did you get them?”


“I wanted the girls to be here… I wanted them to be here this morning for breakfast. I wanted this morning to be like it will be every morning”


Alexis smiled as she sat Kristina back down in her chair and kissed Chloe who was sitting in her high chair


Ric pulled her chair out for her and he sat beside her


Alexis pulled the napkin that was placed on her plate, to put on her lap


There was a black velvet box sitting underneath


“Open it mommy!” Kristina squealed excitedly as Chloe cheered her on as if she understood too what was going on


The lump in Alexis’ throat


The lump in Ric’s

“What is it?” she asked nervously as the box still sat there


“It’s your surprise” Ric said calmly


“Ric” she said her voice soft and uncertain


“It’s what I should have given you a long time ago” he said reassuringly


He took the box from her plate and opened it facing her




He was overjoyed how obviously pleased she was at the sight of the, in know way understated diamond ring before her


Her hand went to her mouth


But Ric quickly took her hand in to his


“Alexis, you are beautiful, and intelligent, and witty, and strong, and gracious... You are what perfection is to me, you are mercy and grace and love… you are my heart and my soul and I am certain now that I could never live without you.  I love you. I love you because of everything you are, I love you because of everything you’ve given me” Ric looked over at the two little girls entranced. “I love you because no other person on this earth has ever loved me the way that you have and the way that you do… Alexis, I’m asking you to marry me again. But this time I don’t want there to be any misconceptions about what I mean when I ask you to marry me. This time I’m asking you to let me be the best husband to you that I can be. This time I’m asking you to let me be the best father to our children that I can be. This time there’s no consequences or agreements or conveniences… This time it’s just for forever”


Ric suddenly went from seated in his chair to kneeling beside her on one knee


And tears fell from Alexis face


“Alexis, will you marry me?”


“Yes” she said as if it took all the breath she had


But she didn’t hesitate. She just said yes


Her lips crashed in to his


She couldn’t kiss him deep enough or passionately enough


When she pulled away tears were falling down his face

He took her hand


He placed the ring on her finger


“Ric it’s beautiful”


“I’m glad you think so. The girls and I picked it out”


Alexis looked at Kristina who was doing her best to do as she was coached to do by Viola, sit in her seat and let “Ric propose”


“You keep good secrets” Alexis said to a grinning Kristina


“I know” was all Kristina said


Alexis grabbed her in to her arms, giving her kisses


Ric picked up Chloe and sat back down beside them


Alexis reached for Ric’s cheek


“I’ve never felt more complete in my life that I do at this very moment”


“Well get use to it Mrs. Davis-Lansing!”


Alexis grinned


“Saturday mornings over pancakes?” she asked seriously


“For the rest of our lives if you want”


Alexis let out a breathy laugh and reached for the stack of pancakes in the center of the table


Alexis leaned in to kiss Ric once again


She held Kristina on her lap and Chloe sunk in to her daddy’s arms…


Two hearts collided years before and they would never be the same


Pieces broke and scattered, pieces surely in disrepair


Pushed together and pulled apart…


Two hearts, after everything assured that all that they had been through was worth it for the love they built and the ties that bind them together


Two hearts that had to learn together that all they both wanted was Saturday morning over pancakes


The End