Life Happened
Chapter 1


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

The little black dress was tantalizing

Her smooth long legs and the hint of her breast in the low cut dress only made him want her more

Chemistry was undeniable

And she was food to a starving man

He hadnt seen her in over five years

Life had taken Alexis away from Ned

A life that one warm spring afternoon decided to happen

Kristina, her baby girl was then 6 months old and Ned and Alexis had fallen short when it came to commitment again

Alexis loved Ned and he loved her but life sent Alexis opportunities and Ned agreed it was ok to let her go

Alexis was offered a partnership in one of the biggest law firms and she couldnt refuse

She and Kristina had moved to Manhattan

And with time Ned and Alexis learned to live without each other


They sat at a private table in the corner of the Port Charles Grill

An opportunity fate, had allowed them to meet again while he visited the city

She missed him greatly.

She agreed to make a trip to Port Charles

She was still extremely sophisticated but never the less extremely, sexy

He could tell she was happy, that life finally had been good to her

Neither barely touched their dinner

They both lingered over red wine and they talked about the way they were

An unmistakable dimpled grin lit his face.

The sight of her, how he missed her beautiful brown eyes, her smile, the radiance of her tanned skin


"She loves school"

"How could she not? I think that would be in her genes"

"Are you saying Im a nerd?

She bit down on her lip flirtingly and then let out a shy laugh

Ned grinned

"No just extremely intelligent"


"Trying. I hope its working"

"It definitely is"

She smiled at him again


Her leg grazed his when she would cross and uncross her legs, her hand would inadvertently touch his arm when she got excited or she was just caught in the moment

She noticed

He noticed

Undeniable chemistry yes

Unforgettable chemistry without a doubt


A bottle of wine between them

She sat a little closer

So close at times she could feel his breath on her half bare shoulders

The table in the corner had become the center of attention

They were the last ones there

"Mr. Ashton I apologize for the interruption but if you or Ms. Davis will not be needing anything else, the kitchen would like to close for the evening"

Ned looked at Alexis

"Do you need anything else?"

"No thank youI didnt realize it was so late"

She gave the waiter an apologetic look

"Were fine, thank you Michael"


"I really should go up to my room"

"May I walk you up?"

His question was sincere

She grinned



He again stole glances of her in the elevator up to her room

And this time with full intentions her finger overlapped onto his hand on the elevator railing

The doors opened

He would walk her to her door

He would be a gentleman

In trying not to create too much awkwardness between friends, ex-fiancée, former lovers he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek

"Tonight was good"

She was fumbling for words

"It was good for me"

Ned wasnt

"That makes two of us"

She agreed

A moment of silence between them

It wasnt awkward it was comfortable

"Would it be too forward of me to ask you for breakfast?"

"Not too early?"

Something's didnt change about her


"No breakfast. I dont think I want to waste a minute I have here with you"

She was in all seriousness

He appreciated her forwardness

"Ill call you"

She nodded

Another kiss on the cheek

He watched her close the door behind her and he walked to the elevator

Ned turned around and look back before stepping on to the elevator

"Ive missed you Alexis Davis. God, Ive missed you"