Life Happened
Chapter 10


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

It seemed like and all too simple answer to the equation to her

Brooke was Neds little girl like she was Alexis little girl.

Why was it such a hard decision for everyone to make that Brooke live at their house too?

"Is it time for Brook to be here?" Kristina questioned as Alexis pulled the baby blue sweater over Kristinas head and then struggled for a moment to get both of her arms through

"Just about"

Her innocent eyes, her intrigued face

After many deliberations, a few fights, tears and a lot of understanding, Brooke would soon be here to stay

Alexis had done just as she said and thought it over so much that she was fine with the whole situation.

She actually was the one who talked with Lois "woman to woman"

They were the ones that decided that in the end there was a 13 year old who was willing to compromise at what seemed any means to stay with her "other" family in New York and so her mother approved


An apartment that for the moment seemed quite empty

An apartment that was chosen and at the time was way too big and had unnecessary space

Now would be full

A family of two

Then three


And soon to be five

Alexis looked around from ceiling to floor

Deep breath in deep breath out


Kristina had sat down in the floor facing the door

"What are you doing sitting on the floor pumpkin?"

"I want to see her first!"

"Well I dont think shell miss you right there"

Before Alexis could make it back into the living room the knob to the front door began to turn

Kristina jumped up

Ned eyes widened at the sight of her excited little face

He moved from out of in front of Brooke and Kristina ran towards her

"You got here, finally!!"

Brooke seemed just as excited to see her

"Ok you two There are four hundred bags to bring in"


"Excuse me three hundred ninety-nine"

Brooke took a moment to see Alexis standing there

And Brooke began to walk towards her

Before Alexis could decide on how to welcome her Brooke wrapped her arms around her

"Thank you for letting me live here"

Alexis looked at her

"Welcome home"


Ned was close to being right. A 13-year-old came with a lot of stuff

Brook stood in the center of her new room looking around

"I wasnt sure what you liked so I left it the way it was but if you wanna decorate or whatever we can" Alexis said watching her from the doorway

Brooke smiled

Alexis was trying

Brooke was trying

They had agreed to a long journey


"I think Kris is in heaven," Ned said walking into the kitchen where Alexis sat at the counter

"Brooke should be ready to kill her by say the end of the week?" Alexis said shaking her head

Ned laughed

"Those little sisters"

Alexis grinned

"Ned I really think we did the right thing"

"I do too"


So it would be

They were a family just like that

Brooke knew this was what she chose, as did Ned and Alexis

They would have to make it work

A daughter, a sister, a dad and a mom and soon to be the ties that bind

All agreed that they needed each other to be complete to make a family