Life Happened
Chapter 7


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

A quarter till one

Christmas morning

Ned trailed kisses down Alexis neck as the lights from the Christmas tree sparkled against her skin

His moist lips sent chills through her

Ned only grinned at the effect he had on her every time

"Merry Christmas"

Her eyes caught his

"Merry Christmas"

Her hands to his cheeks, their lips inches apart, no need for room to breathe

"Of all the times I thought I could never love you more it was only half as much as I love you at this very second" Ned said whispering into her ear as if it was his secret to her against the world

Alexis smiled contagiously

"I love you so much" Alexis whispered back "you know I always will"

Ned kissed her slowly tasting her mouth and her candy flavored lips

"Come to bed with me" She said now pulling at Neds hand to come with her

He followed her not allowing one single step go without a kiss


His hands behind her head

Her lips to his

One body pressed against another creating warmth to a view to a city of fallen snow

She would giggle slightly at his touch, but she was trying to be as quiet as possible

Sparks ignited into fire

Indescribable passion

He made love to her, she made love to him only as they could to each other

The lights of the city would grow dimmer


"Mommy! Ned! Wake up! Santa Clause he came, he came! Wake up!"

Alexis realized she wasnt dressed

"Well go and see what you got! Were coming!"

It went unnoticed to Kristina that Ned and Alexis were caught

Ned laughed

Alexis rolled her eyes at him before getting up and searching for her robe


"One little girl should not get this much stuff" Alexis said looking at the mounds of wrapping paper

"Hey for everything you got her I had to get her something too!"


"What!" He said grinning and quickly changing the subject "Kristina are you ready to give mommy her present!"

Kristina immediately forgot the new toy she was playing with

"Do you remember where we hid it?"

Kristina looked at Ned bright eyed before running to get her mommys surprise

"You two hid it from me?"

"I know you too well!"

"I wouldnt have touched it!"

"You mean to tell me you didnt shake one box under that tree with your name on it!"

"Well its not like I open them and then re-wrap them!"

Ned just laughed at her as Kristina came barreling back into the living room

"Ok remember our plan!"

Kristina shook her head ready and then held the box up to Alexis

"This is for me hmm?" Alexis said taking the box from Kristina

Alexis unwrapped the box and lifted the lid to see a horrific little statue of an elf

Alexis looked down at Kristina masking the honest expression on her face

"Its an elf!"

"Do you like it mommy?"

"Its uh great!"

Alexis looked at Ned strangely

"Kristina picked it out all by herself!"

"Well in that case its my favorite Christmas present ever!"

Kristina let out a devilish giggle

Alexis hugged her, more like smothered her in all her silliness

Alexis turned back around to look at Ned

She expected to see him with a pleased look on his face that he had fooled her

She turned around

And there he was

A T-shirt

A pair of jeans

Bare feet

A stubbled face

And a diamond ring

A diamond ring

Alexis eyes widened

"Ned" Alexis said almost unsure of what was happening

Kristina could hardly contain herself from the excitement and she stepped into place in front of Ned before Alexis

"Mommy, Ned said hes loved you for a really long time so I asked if he would be my daddy and he said that we could buy you a ring and ask you if he could be my daddy. Can he?"

Alexis looked at Ned trying to comprehend Kristinas ramblings at ninety miles a minute

"Can I?" Ned said calmly but slightly holding his breath

Alexis let out a nervous laugh and then looked at Kristina and the anticipation on her face

Tears began to fall down her face


She laughed nervously again




Ned kissed her and then wrapped her in his arms and she still cried. He kissed her again

Alexis tried to wipe the tears from her face

"Put the ring on mommy!"

Ned and Alexis both laughed at Kristina

Ned lifted Kristina into his arms so she could see him place the ring on Alexis finger

"Mommy do you know how long I had to keep this a secret? It almost killed me"

Alexis laughed again at Kristina and then kissed her as the diamond ring sparked

Alexis then leaned into Ned

"I want to give you your present later ok?"

Ned would have thought twice about it but she had a strange look on her face so he played along


Uncle Stefan called and Kristina told him how much she loved her present from him and a much-awaited call from Nicholas in which Kristina told him everything she got and how Ned would be her daddy

Monica and Alan called to wish them a Merry Christmas and so did Zander and to assure Alexis he was doing fine

Kristina literally sat by the Christmas tree and played from sun up to sun down

By 7:30 all the sugar in the world couldnt have kept her awake she was out like a light

Ned shuffled through the toys and the paper gathering Kristina in her arms and he and Alexis tucked her in


Alexis and Ned sat down on the couch exhausted from the day

"I think this was the most exciting day of her life"

"I cant believe she kept everything a secret"

"Did she really ask you to be her daddy?"

"The day we went ice-skating"

"Thank you"


"Telling her you would be her father"

"You dont have to thank meI am her father, I always have beenShe wants us together and I want us together and if this is how she finds out Im her father and finds out we should have been together the whole time then let it be"

Alexis didnt have an argument she only leaned in and kissed him repeatedly

She then crawled on top of him and sat facing him

"I wanna give you your Christmas present"


"But it something I cant take back"

Ned smiled "Ok"

"I mean its a big thing" She was hesitating "I mean I didnt know you were going to ask me to marry you so it seems a little ironic that I "

"Alexis, baby Im getting lost"

"Thats it"


She looked horrified

"A baby"

"A baby?"

She was nervous as hell

It was the first time she had said it out loud

"Alexis are"

"Im pregnant"

A moment of silence and then

An unexpected reaction

Tears fell down his face

"How long have you known?"

Alexis grinned

"The day you and Kris went ice-skating"

Ned grinned

"Youre having my baby?"

"Im having your little girl"

"My little girl?"

Alexis shook her head confirming what she had just said

"Finally" He said looking at her overjoyed that they now finally had a permanent lock