Life Happened
Chapter 3


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

Her flight would leave tomorrow at 10:33 AM

The thought of her leaving was heartbreaking to him

The thought was heartbreaking to her

She had a different life to go back to

She had her daughter

But leaving him had never felt the way it did at that moment

Good-bye had never been goodbye until now


Their last night together

Dinner, and a glass of wine with good conversation courtesy of the Gatehouse

One hour fifty three minutes later reality had set in

Tomorrow she would be gone

He held her in his arms

God, the way it felt when he would just hold her

He buried his cheek into her shoulder

She took in the scent of his neck hoping his smell would linger on her

She wanted to save everything about him in her memory

Her hands ran soothingly up and down his back

Ned looked at Alexis

Her eyes were dark but they still sparkled by the little light in the room

He was looking, searching

"Can I?"

She didnt answer, she didnt need to

He found what he was searching for

Ned began a trail of kisses down her neck to her shoulder until her shirt hindered him

Ned looked up to see her biting down on her lip as if she were trying to resist

Her eyes shut tightly

His lips went a little further

"Ned we shouldnt"

She suddenly looked frightened at what to do

"Alexis just let go, do what you want"

He was so close he could tell she had stopped breathing

"I want you"

His hands now cupped her jaw line

He kissed her, and kissed her and kissed her



A serious question

He wanted her to choose, he wanted everything to be perfect for her

He would take his time

He would remind her

She grinned and he scooped her off the ground

Before she knew it she was standing in the same room she had made love to him in a thousand times before


Neds fingers grazed down her neck until he reached the first of the sealed buttons on her shirt

Every second he took to undress her was too long

She let out the breath she had been holding

In anticipation she reached to untuck his shirt

In that moment Ned was sure he would make love to her as she would to him

There was no uncertainty

There was no turning back


A revelation

Each button revealed a little more of her skin

Her breasts seemed to spill out of the black laced bra

His visions on her were no longer a memory

His fingers traced her body as if he were following a map the one down to her soul

Chills ran through her, his touch was electrifying

Her palms kneaded at his skin responding to every tingle that he sent her

He loved knowing that she would let him know what he did to her, what he still did to her

His lips made there way up her body and back to her lips

"Alexis I want you completely" he said looking into her eyes

Then a moment of silence

Neither spoke

But a conversation of a million thoughts and words were between them

He ran his hands down her body until he reached her hips

He latched his finger onto the sides of her black panties and pulled them off

He couldnt take his eyes off of her

The way she looked lying there before him completely naked and more beautiful than she had ever been

She was that epitome of a woman


Ned took his time exploring her body.

Touching and kissing, reminding her of what she was missing

His kisses between her thighs, the taste of her only made him crave more his touch every move, every flutter of his fingers made her want to scream even more

He knew when to stop and start and where everywhere


She wanted him

She wanted him inside her

She wanted to be as close as she could to him at that one moment

She rolled over him, taking control

Her body dangling over him, taunting him

She kissed, she nibbled until he needed her

She lowed herself on to him

He was more than ready for her

His hands at her hips he guided her as she rocked back and forth with his pace

She was relentless

She would lean in to kiss him and then take her lips away

And she moved with him until he couldnt hold out any longer



He exploded inside of her and she tried to hold on bringing him as much pleasure as he did her

Legs trembling

Sounds of pleasure and pain

Until they both collapsed



She listened to his heart beat through his chest

His scent lingered on her

She hadnt felt so satisfied, so comforted in the longest time

Alexis reached for Neds hand and they intertwined their fingers, mimicking their naked bodies

She then looked up at him staring into space but caught his attention she still didnt say a word - she didnt need to state the obvious

They knew he would watch her get on a plane in the morning

And that goodbye now meant goodbye