"I miss my girl!"
"I miss you too mommy"
Alexis sank down into the couch concentrating on her conversation with Kristina
"Are you and Casey having fun?"
"Yes we played house and Barbies and today after school were going to play soccer in the park"
"Sounds like you two are some busy girls!"
"Yeah pumpkin?"
"Are you gonna come home Sunday?"
"I sure am is that ok?"
"Yes I miss you"
"I miss you too pumpkin"
A knock at the door
Alexis motioned for Ned to come in
"Baby Im gonna let you go ok? Ill call you later tonight to see how soccer was and to say goodnight have a good day at school"
"Ok mommy"
"I love you"
"I love you"
"Bye, bye"
"Bye, bye" Kristina mimicked
Ned stood there and smiled at the unmistakable joy on Alexis face
"She makes you extremely beautiful"
Alexis smiles but she was still puzzled by Neds comments
" youre whole face completely lights up when youre talking to her"
"She has that affect"
Alexis again smiled uncontrollably at the thought of her little girl
"Oh and by the way good morning!"
A morning kiss on the cheek
It felt better than good
"Good morning"
"Shall we go to breakfast?"
People turned to look when they recognized who she was, that she was with him
Some thought it seemed appropriate that they were suddenly seen together after all this time
Others saw old habits being hard to break
By the end of breakfast
By the sound of her laughter
By the now constant reminder of how he wished to confess he always loved her
They walked out of Kellys fingers intertwined
Both as two who had suddenly become love sick
But as two who knew what comfortable was
"I would like to spend the day with you"
"Shouldnt you work?"
"I cant seem to have a complete thought other than you at the moment"
God the way he charmed her
"Ned if you need to work"
She was trying to be rational
"Run by the office with me and then Im yours"
She smiled
She wandered around his office while he returned phone calls
He never took his eyes off of her
She was wondering
She stopped
On the fifth shelf at eye level, there they were
The first picture a then wide eyed 4 year old in a purple dress and unknowingly to Ned a very important stuffed bunny rabbit named Sam
The second picture, them his arms around her, the laughter on her face
She could remember every second the moment that picture was taken
"I just need to put a few signatures on these Alexis?"
She turned to look at Ned
The look on her face
"You need a new picture of herher hair is so much longer and you cant see the freckles on the tip of her nose" Tears welled up in Alexis eyes. "Ned she looks more like Kristina now she barely even resembles"
Silence a sudden heartbreaking silence
"Anyone who asks I tell them shes my little girl"
Alexis let out a breath; it seemed to be a sigh of relief
"She asked about youtheres a picture of us on the dresser in my bedroom she asked who you were"
Alexis turned back to the pictures
"I kept her from you"
"You didnt! Life just happened that way"
"But she deserves you"
A knock at the door interrupted them
Neds assistant peered around the door
"Sorry to interrupt but Mr. Quartermane would like to see you"
He wouldnt leave her there alone
Besides Edward had probably gotten word that Alexis was back in town
Ned took Alexis by the hand
Edward didnt pay Ned any attention
All he knew now was that she was the enemy. She had taken another "Quartermane heir"
"Back in town I see and already trying to take advantage of Ned"
"Grandfather! Alexis, I apologize for him"
"Its ok. I deserve that"
"No you dont! Grandfather was there anything you wanted? Im leaving the office for the day"
"Its not even noonand youre taking off to gallivant around town with her"
Ned let out a devious laugh
"Good day, Grandfather"
And he led Alexis out by the hand
"I have to apologize for Grandfather"
"Ned its understandableAs far as he knows and as far as hes concerned I took another grandchild away from himYou probably should be just as angry as he is for what I did you"
Ned turned to Alexis and pressed the palms of his hands to her cheeks
"Im not angry with you for living your life! Am I realizing how much I miss you and Kristina? Am I regretting that Im missing being with you twohonestly yes!"
"I dont want to screw up your lifeagain"
She pulled away from him
"Ned why cant I just leave you alone? God, its like I haunt you"
"Love doesnt let go, Alexis"
His bold statement
She was stunned that he even brought up the word love
"Dont let me do this to you"
"What if I cant resist? What if I want you to?"
"Its a worn out path Ned"
"Its a familiar path Alexis"
"Then just walk away from me right nowIf thats what you want walk awaygo away! Well forget everything, well get on with life"
She walked towards him, she stood inches from him
"I cant"
"Then dont make me feel guilty for feeling the way I do"
Before she could complete the thought, think of a reply or an excuse
He pressed his soft, familiar lips to hers
When he pulled away, she tried to breathe
He wrapped his arms around her and held her to him, letting her feel comfort
"Ned I missed you so much"
He held her tighter
"Im not sure if missed is the word for it"