She had grown accustom to him
It was if they had met in a former life
Or at least a lifetime ago
She didnt question why he stayed
She knew her mommy was happy and that she laughed more
Kristina didnt question why, life just happened
Santa Clause would come soon
Manhattan was lit corner to corner and ice-skating rinks and Christmas shopping made everything seem to fit together
Made it all seem right that they would never spend another Christmas apart
He held her hand as they tried to stumble their way from the center of the ice to the bench
Kristina propped her foot atop Neds knee so he could re-tie her skate
"Why do you love me so much?"
Ned was stunned by her question
"Why do I?"
"I heard you tell mommy you loved me so much"
Neds heart fluttered
"Because you are absolutely irresistible"
Kristina giggled satisfyingly
"Yeah sweetheart"
"Are you in love with my mommy?"
Honesty is good
"Yes I am"
"Where you in love with her before?"
He was fishing for what she knew
"In that picture on mommys dresser did you love her then?"
The nail on the head
"Yeah I did"
"So youve loved mommy for a really long time now?"
"Yeah baby I have"
"Good huh? How come thats so good?
"Because if youre in love with my mommy for a really long time then you can be my daddy!"
"You want me to be your daddy?"
"Yeah I think you would good at it"
Ned couldnt help but laugh
"You think we should tell your mommy?"
Ned stopped to think for a moment
"Hey Kris maybe we should tell mommy for Christmas!"
"Yeah thats a great idea!"
"But it has to be our secret until then ok!"
Kristina looked at Ned bright eyed zipping her lips
"Our secret!" she said leaning into him so no one would here him
Alexis looked at her watch knowing Ned and Kristina would be back at the apartment soon
She uncrossed and then crossed her legs again
She was stuck in the back seat of a cab in holiday traffic
She had picked up a doll for Kristina at FAO Shwartz on her way back
She would use it as her excuse she would also say she just wasnt in the mood to shop that would explain where she had been all this time
Alexis let out a deep breath trying to earn herself some patience then she pulled the doll out of the bag and smiled knowing Kristina would absolutely love her
Alexis looked up at the overcast sky and kept the smile on her face
She hadnt felt this ok in a long time
Peace seemed to hover over her
She was ok with everything life had to throw at her
Even sudden twists of fate
"Mommy! Mommy!"
"Hey pumpkin!" Alexis said lifting her into the air and into her arms "Did you go ice skating?"
"Yeah and Ned taught me how to skate like the grown ups he said Im a pro-feshi-nal"
"A professional really? Im so impressed!"
Ned stood watching the two of them
He was charmed at the sight of them together, the way Alexis eyes seemed to have an undeniable sparkle when she was with her little girl
"Did you get some shopping done? You didnt come back with very many bags" ned said now focusing his attention to her almost empty arms
"Um yeah I got a few things, I guess I wasnt in the mood to shop"
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah everythings fine" she said running her fingers through Kristinas hair "Ned"
"I think everythings finally perfect"
He smiled
"Yeah I think so too"