Life Happened
Chapter 11 (End)


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (End)

The wedding

Ned and Alexis were married in the spring before little girl number three was born

They chose a corner in Central Park

There was no big church

No over done flowers

No aisle

Their wedding was finally done as it should have been all along


Their girls, their closest friends and family and themselves

A simple dress, a simple bouquet, an informal ceremony literally for a testament of their forever love

She was now Alexis Davis Ashton as she should have been a long time ago


The missing link

Kate Ashton

She was born on the 4th of July

Healthy and screaming

She was undoubtedly the missing piece of the puzzle

The piece that made the rest of the picture make sense

She would by chance be the spitting image of her two sisters

She would be the baby girl that would bind them all for life

Come this July she would be 3 years old


Brooke had turned sixteen

She had moved in over three years ago, she became apart of a family

Three years ago Kristina promised her mommy would take care of her while her mommy was in California

Alexis did just that

She was now the dancer, she took dance of all types but she was mostly a ballerina

She was smart

And beautiful

She belonged


Kris was nine now

The charmer

The off the wall comedian, the wit

She had received the best part of her mother

She also would do her namesake proud

She was fearless, and always willing and adventurous

Ned calls her his butterfly

Kris calls him daddy


Alexis would stay partner in her firm

She would do just as Ned always accused her of doing everything

It was a compromise

A court date

A soccer game

A dance recital

Two hours of nothing but giggles

She compromised

It was never a life she dreamed of

Never a life she thought she would be a part of

But she would never turn back now

She says that all she had been through in her past life brought her to this life



Once again he hadnt abandoned his family

He stayed with ELQ and just as promised made it more successful than ever

He also took two afternoons off a week to be a daddy

He wanted to

Now he comes home takes off his suit put on his jeans and he sings to a 2 ½ year old because one day out of the blue she pointed at her daddys guitar and said sing to me!

He promised Alexis before Kate was born he would make it work

Ned kept his promise


A life once unfathomable

One stranger who met another

Who became lovers

Then friends

Then the love of the others life

At day one it was unfathomable

Literally two lives later it would be forever


Almost four years ago a woman in a slightly revealing little black dress had dinner with a man to whom she made his heart flutter as only she could

Almost four years ago she was suppose to say goodbye to him and promise she would keep in touch

After claiming to break the others heart

Claiming to love another

And claiming that sometimes things just dont last forever

Four years ago love began to last forever

Life happened over and over again

But the love part was forever