Alexis woke up tangled in unfamiliar sheets. Her body was still completely naked from the night before. She lay there for a moment looking at the ceiling that was towering over her. Alexis then quickly set up holding the sheet tucked under her arms as she held the palms of her hands to her forehead.
Millions of thoughts ran through her head. Where was she and why was she here, how did she get here?
Last night had become a complete blur
She dragged her fingers down pulling at her face before letting her eyes wander around the sun-drenched room. She tried to be smart, she tried to remember but the walls didnt mimic her hotel room and nothing at that moment was familiar. Her eyes fixed on the opened French doors that let in a breeze, from what seemed like millions of miles of ocean.
Alexis breathed in and then out letting the fresh air fill her lungs as assurance in all her uncertainty.
She suddenly remembered the balcony behind those French doors. The night before she stood on it letting her bare feet against the night sky dangle between the railings. She remembered hands were around her waist... she remembered his hands around her waistholding her steady as if he were protecting her from being a little too daring after too much to drink... His body pressed against her, the lips trailing down the back of her neck
Alexis squeezed her eyes shut and she opened them looking around on the floor for her shoes that she probably took off in that room, but they werent in plain view from the bed.
Her ears were peaked at the sound coming from outside the bedroom and when she turned she saw him standing in the doorway.
Good morning he said giving a shy smile
She didnt reply only pulled the sheet tighter around her and never took her eyes off of him.
Um I thought you might like some coffee, he said sensing she had become uneasy at the sight of him
Alexis bit nervously at her bottom lip and still kept silent as if she were practicing her privilege to not speak and incriminate herself any further than she seemed to already have.
Are you ok? he said now coming closer and placing the cup in her hand
Im fine thank you, she said receiving the cup and trying to compose herself
Look I know this is awkward he said sympathetically
Alexis let out a troubled laugh at him as she noticed he was trying to sooth the situation
He then watched Alexis shuffle under the covers letting it be obvious that she was the one left there naked and he was fully dressed
Oh umhere He reached for his robe and handed it to Alexis. Let me give you a minute Ill be in the kitchen ok?
Alexis shook her head and watched as he left the room and closed the door behind him quietly. Alexis let out the breath she was holding and let out a small smirk at how amazingly cute he was