Alexis fidgeted with the key in the lock and cursed again why she hadnt moved out of that penthouse. She opened the door to see Ned standing there talking with Kristina.
Oh am I uh interrupting, Ill just go up
She said nervously not sure what she had walked in on
No Alexis, Ned actually just asked where you were and I told him I hadnt seen you this morning
Alexis suddenly realized under her coat she was wearing the dress she had on from the night before as both Ned and Kristina looked her up and down.
Sensible shoes for a morning jog? Ned said saying the exact wrong thing to a woman just caught in a sticky situation
Alexis looked at Ned and Kristina caught the look and tried to intercept
Um Ill be upstairs Kristina said bolting up the stair before Alexis could try to stop her
Awkward Ned said letting out a nervous laugh
Just a little she said agreeing
Matthew he blurted wishing he was wrong
Alexis took her eyes off of Ned and let them wander around the room
Yeah she said answering quickly as if she were a child that had gotten in trouble
Ned hesitated for a moment
Well maybe I should go
Alexis watched as he etched his way closer to the door
Ned? What did you want to see me about?
Um, I forget, he said letting out a shy smile
Alexis stood there for a moment unsure of how to respond know knowing that he had a reason to be there
Do we need to talk? She finally said trying to be an adult about the situation
No I uh, I should go
Ned turned the doorknob
Ned if I would have known you were going to here her this morning
You what wouldnt have come home?
Alexis this is your penthouse, its your life. Youre free to do whatever you choose with it
Alexis bit nervously at her bottom lip unable to have a comeback
As long as youre happy Ned said trying to ease the tension between them but failing miserably
Alexis didnt answer. She only stood there wishing she could crawl out of her skin
He does make you happy? Ned asked wishing for the first time in his life that she wasnt
Alexis only nodded agreeing
Well I should go and you probably want to get out of that dress, so
Uh yeah
She leaned against the open door as Ned walked through to the other side
And she watched as he pushed the button to the elevator
Before Alexis could close the door to her penthouse the elevator door opened and Matthew met Ned eye to eye.
Oh excuse me Matthew said unaware of the tension that was looming in that hallway
Ned stood aside
Mr. Ashton Matthew said greeting him
Mr. Kale Ned said as he took one last glance at Alexis before entering the elevator
Matthew walked towards Alexis who had a terrified look on her face
Did I miss something?
Alexis was now pressing the palms of her hands in to her face
Ok I missed something, he said now imagining what might have just happened
Before Alexis could even try to explain Kristina started down the stairs
Is it safe to come down now. I heard Kristina looked up to see Matthew standing there
Oh, Hi Matthew She said sounding less than excited that he happen to be standing there
Hi He said smiling shy making it clear that Kristina had just walked into an awkward moment just as he had
Should I go back up stairs? She said quickly turning to Alexis
No do whatever it is you were doing Matthew, sorry I got a little sidetracked Ill go change
And before Matthew could answer Alexis bolted up the stairs leaving Matthew there with Kristina
Sorry Kristina said apologizing for her sister
No dont, its ok
Matthew she doesnt mean to she just
What happen between them? Matthew asked boldly
She and Ned?
She ran out on him at their wedding
Is that it? I mean she must have had a reason?
Scared I guess
Scared of commitment?
I guess shes complicated like that
But she still loves him?
Just be honest
Yes I think she loves him. Is she still in love with him? I dont know for sure
Matthew sat down on the arm of the couch not sure what to say next
Matthew I know that you and Alexis are married Kristina said telling him she understood his situation
Good one huh?
If you want a chance with her, I think you have a good one
I married a woman in love with another man
Which one is her bedroom? he asked now bringing himself to his feet
Second to the left, but Matthew
Im her husband he said as he walked up the stairs
Matthew knocked on the closed door
He didnt hear an answer
He pushed at the door leaving a crack to speak through
Alexis? he said now more pleadingly
Ill be down in a minute ok, she said as her voice clearly quivered
Instead of walking away he peered into the room. Alexis looked up at him, her face obvious that tears had fallen down her cheeks. He sat down beside her on the bed.
I pictured you as the down comforter type
Alexis let out a small smirk as she shook her head at his out of the blue comment
You know sometimes you just dont fall out of love, especially when you think youre suppose to
Matthew what are you talking about?
We can get a divorce
Alexis stood up and Matthews eyes followed her
I told you last night that Ned and I are over
Yeah I could see that he said sarcastically
Please dont make it complicated
I think its already complicated
Dont you think I dont want it to be? I mean Matthew I told you the morning at your house that you didnt want to be a part of my life
Yeah you did. You also said you werent attached to anyone you made it very clear you were alone
Alone is a word for it
Matthew stood up and was now standing behind her
Do you need me to unzip the back of your dress
Alexis turned and looked at him
So you always do that?
Change the subject
Do you always bolt out of rooms when you cant handle something
Alexis just met her match
She turned giving Matthew the go ahead to unzip her dress
When you get dressed, can we talk
Alexis had already steppe out of her dress and Matthew couldnt help but stare looking at her beautiful tanned body
She pulled the black shirt over her head
What? She said still changing not bothered by the fact Matthew was watching her every move
You have insanely great legs
She turned to look at him grinning as he was amused by himself
Well I do a lot of bolting out of rooms with them
Matthew couldnt help but laugh slightly at her sarcastic comment
Funny huh?
Actually you really are
Matthew she said now standing in front of him fully dressed
Im not sure what Im doing. She said suddenly very serious
Matthew let out a nervous breath
At least your honest
But Im not being fair to you, maybe Im not being fair to Ned either
Matthew looked at Alexis making it clear that he was choosing his words carefully
Then may the best man win