Alexis couldnt seem to show any emotion to the lifeless eyes staring back at her. His name echoed throughout the room. She had screamed the name of the man her heart desired.
Matthew pulled away from Alexis and she sat up pressing the palms of her hands to her cheeks.
Im sorry, she said finally knowing there was nothing she could say that would make the situation better
Why are you here with me? Matthew asked coldly
Matthew She said pleadingly
I knew you loved him and I was in denial that you didnt anymore. I thought I could make you forget him I thought you really were falling in love with me
Matthew you make life good and much less complicated. You make me laugh and the sex is great but, but I just cant fall in love just like that. Our marriage was a mistake and I went along with you because you make me feel alive and vital but to think we were going to live happily ever after was absurd. I dont believe in happy ever after
No, youre stuck in your own little world and Ned Ashton plays the game with you
Thats not fair!
No whats not fair is that by chance I met you, that I fell foolishly in love with you. A woman that cant let go of a man she should have more than a year ago because neither one of you can handle the other
Alexis pulled the sheet tighter around her as she suddenly felt completely defenseless sitting there naked
Its not like that. Ned and I arent like that. Matthew he was the one man who truly made me feel that I was loved. He made me feel wanted and needed and I got scared and I pushed him away
Shouldnt he have fought harder?
He was probably tired of fighting
I think you deserve more than him
I think he deserves more than me
So are the two of you going to prance around each other for the rest of your lives. I mean you drop hints that youre still in love with him but continue to pretend to be over him by being with another man, by being with me?
Thats not what I planned to do
Did you think of him every time we made love?
No! Matthew!
You dont think I should have asked that question?
Matthew I ran into Ned the other day he was on my mind. I , I
You were thinking of him while I was making love to you Matthew said as his face showed complete desperation
Alexis turned her head from him
He squeezed his hand shut. The diamond impaled the palm of his hand but Ned didnt seem to notice. He sat there clutching the ring that she use to wear on her finger as if it were the one thing he had that held on to her.
Ned shook his head bringing himself back to reality before bowing it again. He was doing this to himself. He had spent over a year apart from her and he had tried to just let her go. He had tried to stash her away in that black velvet box but time after time he found himself again holding it tightly against him imagining her face, imaging her fear of wearing his ring and then the relief that was finally on her finger.
Alexis now fully dressed stood in front of Matthew. She had pleaded her case, well what case she had. But Matthew knew he truth he knew that he had accidentally married a woman that was hopelessly in love with another man.
Im going to take the red-eye back to Port Charles Alexis said biting at her bottom lip
I should have let you annul the marriage when you wanted too Matthew said ignoring what she had just said
Alexis looked around the room for a moment before answering
You know I actually thought for a moment you and I could work, that maybe you and I being forced together was Gods way of saying, look Alexis I found you a more than wonderful man
Matthew sat down in the chair and after a bit of hesitation Alexis sat down on the ottoman in front of him ready for a somewhat rational conversation.
Love doesnt seem to come around too often ya know and you are so beautiful and intelligent and funny and it is just hard not to want to run after you
Not to mention neurotic, a pain in the ass, should I go on?
Youre perfect
Where were you? Alexis said shaking her head
Where were you when I needed you to come riding in on your white horse?
So our fate has bad timing
Bad timing huh
So where do we go from here? Do we shake hands and I let you walk out the door and sign on the dotted line when the divorce papers come?
Instead of answering Alexis leaned in and wrapped her arms around Matthew and she tried to feel his body against hers. She wanted to feel the spark, she wanted to know if Ned Ashton was just any other man and that she could feel with Matthew the way she felt with Ned.
Alexis pulled away.
Honestly, I afraid he will only break your heart
My hearts already broken
He cupped her face in the palm of his hands and he tasted her lips one last time
Ill take you to the airport
The box of her things were scattered all over the couch and Ned lie there with the black velvet box still curled in his hand as he slept in the chair.
She had done it once again, Alexis Davis had filled his body with regret and love all over again.
By the time she had made it back to Port Charles and as she stood in front of the gatehouse on the Quartermaine estate the sun had began to turn the dark sky a shade of violet.
She pressed her hand against the door and then to the knob turning it for some reason hoping she could just walk right in, just waltz right into his life. The door opened and she stood there for a moment unsure of what to do. Unsure why it was actually unlocked, unsure should she go in
She peered inside to see Ned sleeping soundly and before she knew it she was standing in his living room in front of him. She looked around to see the subtle things that she had been missing. The she stood there watching him. She looked in the hand that was buried against his chest and saw the black velvet box resting loosely in it. She suddenly found herself trying to catch her breath and she made a sudden stumbling move and Neds eyes quickly opened to see her standing there.