Where have you been? Kristina said questioning Alexis and she tried to make her way through the door.
Alexis only shook her head letting out a small grin that showed signs of life in her.
Alexis was still leaning against the door.
Alexis, hello!
Kristina said as she took a sip of coffee and sat down on the couch trying to decipher if she were to make an issue out of Alexis disappearance.
Alexis finally made her way to the couch
Did you sleep in your clothes? Kristina said now looking her up and down
Alexis only shook her head yes
Ok if youre going to be weird like this
Do you think that maybe love sometimes just happens, that it could be shoved in front of you? Alexis said out of the blue as she sat down beside Kristina on the couch
Sure Kristina said responding vaguely unsure of what Alexis was talking about
Are we talking about someone in particular? she said fishing knowing she probably wouldnt get an answer
Yeah we are
Kristina looked at Alexis stunned at her straight forwardness
Have you been with that Matthew guy?
Kristina this is insane to say this but when I was in San Francisco I got drunk
You got drunk?
And I met Matthew
And Matthew and I slept together
Ok Kristina, said understandingly
But before we slept together we got married
Kristinas eyes widen and she tried to steady her shaking hand that was still holding the coffee cup
Alexis let out a slight laugh and uncharacteristically showed no nervousness to what she had just said
Are you ok? Have you lost your mind? You dont even know him!
I know She said agreeing But I think I really like him She said nonchalantly
You like him? Alexis! This is so not like you
I know isnt it great?
Alexis! You married a stranger And where were you last night? I mean if this is about sex or whatever
I showed up at his hotel room in the middle of the night last night out of my mind. Kristina he held my hand and told me that maybe the reason why I dont believe in love is because I never found the one person that loved me the way I needed to be lovedand then he told me about his families camping adventures when he was eleven.
Kristina seemed confused by Alexis willingness to let this stranger in. How at ease she seemed with him, how he was comforting her, how she was listening to his camping stories.
Alexis you dont know who this guy is, you dont know his motives
You right I dont. I know nothing about him really, but he knows nothing about me. Kristina he doesnt know me as a Cassadine or Alexis, the lawyer. He doesnt know how destructive I can be
But those things are you
Well maybe Im tired of being me. Maybe if I wasnt so me I would be happy and I wouldnt have worry or tip toe around everything in my life
Alexis Kristina said with sympathy, then deciding to chance her tune I know you are smart but please be careful
God, me let my guard down Alexis said as if she were assuring her
Kristina gave her a slight smile but was still unsure of what her sister was doing.
When are you going to see him again?
I told him I would meet him for an early dinner
Ms. Davis right this way She followed the host as he led her to the table where Matthew was sitting
He stood at the sight of her and politely helped with her chair.
You look amazing, he said sincerely as the light violet dress accentuated her tan bare shoulders and legs.
Alexis never one for a gushing compliment gave him a slight blushing face
Thank you look wonderful yourself
Thank you He said watching her
Just looking in your eyes to see if youre ok
You can tell by looking in my eyes
All truth is in the eyes
You think so?
So youre not nervous as hell?
Alexis let out a shy grin
You make it easy not to be
Good answer He said grinning and she smiled back. I thought I would order a bottle of wine do you have a preference?
Do you think we should drink? she said questioning as she bit down on her lip
What? Are we going to do something crazy if we have too much?
You know what would be crazy was if we had too much to drink and accidentally went off and got married She said wide eyed and amused by herself
Matthew could help but laugh and shake his head at her showing humor over their situation.
So I know youre an attorney and you must do well because youre penthouse is not too shabby and I know you have a sister anything else I should know about you, anymore siblings?
I had two half brothers, now just one
Im sorry, he said looking concerned
No dont be
Matthew looked puzzled and concerned at Alexis reaction over the death of her brother.
Alexis let out a slight laugh
No, sorry its a really long story and my bother Stavros was um lets just say a very interesting person as is, his mother. But my brother Stefan and I are very close
You seem to be a very complicated woman
Complicated is one word to describe it
So what about you mother and father. I get that they were divorced
Alexis shook her head
Actually never married um my mother had a long affair with my father while he was still married. She got pregnant with me and then obviously my sister and then she was killed
Oh my God Matthew said shocked Do you mind if I asked how she was killed?
Look, can I ell you later. I, just like you said complicated
Ok he said understandingly
Yeah, ok lets change the subject shall we
Do you dance?
Alexis let out what seemed like a relieved laugh from the question he asked her
I dance
Matthew reached out his hand for hers and she took hold of his and he led her to the dance floor
If I step on your toes
Alexis let out a charmed laugh
And they began to dance
Youre a good dancer Alexis said referring to his step on her toes warning
Just havent danced in a long time
So where did you learn to dance?
My mother taught me when I was little. Then I mostly danced on her feet but I was suppose to now well
Alexis smiled at how adorable he was
Well she did a great job of teaching you
Then without hesitation she easily pressed her body against his and his hand rested at the small of her back
So tell me about your mother? She asked inquisitively after he had mentioned her
She also lives in San Francisco. She raised me and my sister alone and I shes a brilliant and strong woman
She seems like a wonderful person
She very much is and you know I think she would love you
Why do you say that?
Because youre smart and independent and also because youre falling in love with her son
Excuse me? Falling in love? Where did you get that idea?
Its all in the eyes remember
They continued to dance until the last note of the song played and then Matthew took her hand and led her back to their table. Before they could sit down Alexis found herself standing running in to Ned
How are you? She said as her body language changed
Good and you? he said knowing it was the polite thing to ask
Alexis suddenly realized Matthew was standing beside her
Oh um this is Matthew Kale, Matthew this is Ned Ashton
Nice to meet you Ned Matthew said unknowing of whom he was shaking hands with
Nice to meet you
Alexis quickly ended their meeting
Well they just set our dinner down we should go
Matthew and Alexis found themselves back at the table now with a slight uneasiness
So who is that guy?
What do you mean?
I mean the moment you saw him you completely seemed to change
Ned and I um use to be together
He was the man you didnt marry wasnt he?
Arent we perceptive
Youre not over him are you?
Alexis let out a nervous laugh
Matthew, Ned and I are very much over
I didnt ask if your relationship was over I asked if you were over him
We were together for a long time. And yes there is this part of me that still cares for him very much but like I said before were over
So I shouldnt have to worry about him trying to steal you away from me? Matthew said almost teasing
Have I ever been unfaithful to my husband? she said kidding as she changed her tone
Matthew grinned Youre such a great wife!
Yeah, yeah, yeah Alexis replied sarcastically
They finished their dinner and they stood there for a moment unsure of how they were to end the evening
Can I see you again tomorrow? Matthew asked as if he were unsure of the state of their almost forced relationship
Alexis let her eyes wonder around the lobby of the Port Charles Hotel
I dont want to leave, she said biting down on her bottom lip from her bold comment
Are you sure? Matthew said sounding relieved but not wanting to make her feel as if she was being pushed into anything
Im sure
Matthew took Alexis hand and she followed him to the elevator
Youre full of surprises Alexis Davis. He said as he watched the numbers on the elevator rise
How so?
I wasnt really sure how you felt about me, how you felt about us
I thought it was all in the eyes?
Matthew turned to look at her and he left a moment to study her face.
His hands the cupped the sides of her face and he leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the lips and then looked to see how she would react.
She ran her tongue across her bottom lip taking in the lingering effects Matthew had on her from one simple kiss. Then the elevator door opened interrupting them. She stepped off the elevator first and turned to look at him still standing there.
She held out her hand, calling for him. And then she let out an inviting and playful grin. His stepped out of the elevator and his fingers locked in between hers as they walked towards his hotel suite.