Shell love you I promise Matthew said re-assuring Alexis as he held the car door open for her.
Matthew held on to her hand pulling her up the steps.
Alexis stopped for a moment
Matthew maybe we shouldnt. I mean maybe its too soon
Alexis I got you all the way to San Francisco and youre hesitating?
God Matthew this is your mother. What if she doesnt like me?
I told you a million times she will adore you now will you come inside?
Alexis took another step up and Matthew again tightened his grip and pulled her up now where she was beside him
Matthew pushed in the door and tugged at Alexis to come in behind him.
Mom! Matthew called out to a seemingly quiet house
Soon after they could hear and excited woman coming through the house and towards them
My baby She said reaching out to wrap her arms around Matthew And you must be Alexis. Look at you, you are beautiful
Alexis couldnt help but smile through the chaos and all the hugs
Its nice to meet you Ms. Kale
Please call me Hope and come in, come in. I was trying to have dinner ready by the time you got here. Alexis, honey tell me you have a good appetite
You honestly dont have to worry about that She said grinning as if she were making fun of herself and her infamous appetite
Well come in the kitchen, Im finishing up
Mom Alexis doesnt like kitchens
Alexis glared at Matthews honesty and Matthew grinned ear to ear
What do you mean? She said now putting Alexis on the spot
Well I, Im not very good, actually I, I cant cook at all
Honey thats ok! I raised this man to cook so some woman one day wouldnt have to
Alexis grinned and her honesty and how inviting Hope was.
Ned sat down on the bench at the boathouse that over looked the lake on the Quartermaine estate.
He sat there for what seemed like forever trying to clear his head. He had done it again he had allowed himself to be caught up in the world of Alexis Davis. If only that woman knew how dangerous she was. A danger to the heart that is. Looking back and thinking of her there was nothing about her he didnt love. He remembered her stubbornness and all the things that at one time would make him livid but now they all just seemed part of her charm, part of her character.
Maybe Ned was jealous, maybe seeing her with a man he shouldnt doubt could win her heart had made him see the light, had made him realize she was the love of his life and it was too late
The sound of Alexis laughter joined the echo of the others throughout the living room of Matthews mothers home. There wasnt a moment after Alexis stepped in the door that she felt uneasy.
She hadnt felt uneasy until Hope asked about her family
Where are your mother and father dear?
My parents are both deceased
Matthew looked at Alexis and could tell she was becoming uneasy by the subject just as she had when they had spoken about it earlier.
Im so sorry any brothers and sisters, I mean to you have family you are close to?
I have a brother, a sister and a nephew that I am close to
Davis is a very common name
Mom Alexis might not want Matthew said interrupting his mother for the sake of his wife
Oh Im sorry. Matthew I was just asking who her family was
No, no its ok! Um I changed my last name actually to Davis my real last name is Cassadine
Interesting, can I ask why
My family is from Greece and I was sent to boarding school here in the states and when I went to college it was my decision to try to rid myself of the Cassadine curse so to speak Alexis said trying to be nonchalant
Curse? Hope said intrigued
Its a very long story actually My brother is only my half brother to my sister and I. We have different mothers and his mothers doesnt think of my sister and I very well.
Thats absurd You seem so sweet and to have such a good humor about you and not to mention intelligence why in the world would anyone have hatred like that against you?
Again a very long story and I have since come to terms with being a Cassadine but I will take the last name Davis over Cassadine any day Alexis said letting out a nervous laugh
Matthew again tried to change the subject and this time thank fully succeeded
Kristina opened the door to see Ned standing there
Ned she said surprised to see him there Come in
Is she here
Uh no shes not actually. She went to San Francisco
Kristina hesitated for a moment
With Matthew
Kristina watched Neds eyes go blank
Oh ok well I just needed to speak with her about something so
Well Ill tell her you came by when she gets back
No Ill just speak with her later. He said backing up towards the door
He held up his hand to finish the conversation and he backed himself out into the hallway and luckily straight on to the elevator forgetting that his heart was beating was he could do nothing more but wish his was out of the elevator and to the ground floor
Matthew had Alexis laughing again in no time. They had said their good-byes to Matthews mother and promised to visit again as soon as possible. .
She is such an adorable woman. I already know all of your best traits come from her.
Besides the being a bit nosy. She is the greatest Matthew said
Theyre natural questions I mean its usually ok to ask about someones family. Mines just complicated
I know, and I am learning this and its ok. But I hope that you will be able to trust me enough one day to tell me all that runs through that brilliant head of yours.
You give me know reason not to trust you and to tell you, its just nice I guess having someone that I can start fresh with, that I dont have to worry what they think of me because of my family
Matthew leaned in and kissed her
What was that for?
For letting me be your fresh start
Alexis let out a shy grin
Matthew pulled up in front of his house and he and Alexis now stood at the door as he unlocked it
Alexis walked in and her head followed her eyes to take in the familiar surroundings. Then she turned to look at Matthew watching her. She grinned at him and walked towards him, standing only inches from him.
You have amazing lips, she said flirtingly
Matthew didnt respond he only placed his hands at her sides and pulled her one inch closer until they could feel each other breathe
She only watched him for a moment, waiting for his next move.
I may not know what goes on in that mind of yours but I do know how
to please you will you let me
Alexis took her eyes away from him and let out a nervous laugh. He took her chin and guided her to face him again. He devoured her lips and she didnt refuse them.
They took short breaths between each kiss and before either of them knew it they were replaying the night they met only this time they were fully aware of what was happening.
They backed their way into Matthews bedroom and he followed her into bed.
Being with Matthew made her feel good. It reminded her that she was a woman and that she needed a man. He made her feel wanted and needed and he was a great lover.
They went back and forth never seeing to take their lips off of the others lips or body. They were making love out of passion, Alexis was making love to forget.
He kissed her neck, and her back running chills down her spin. Alexiss eyes once clinched shut in pleasure quickly burst open into the moonlit darkness. Lying there feeling Matthew lips on her she had forgotten the man she was making love to. In the moment of feeling every pleasurable kiss she thought of Ned. He didnt pop into her head and then she quickly shrugged the thought away, it was very real she was imagining his lips and his hands and his body on hers...
Alexis turned over and Matthew continued to make love to her never sensing anything was different about her. And Alexis thoughts of Ned seemed to diminish.
He thrust himself inside of her keeping rhythm with her moans and signs of satisfaction. He came inside of her and Alexiss body jolted as she began to scream with pleasure, as she screamed his name