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Chapter Seven
What If By Chance...

Alexis Ned said surprised to see her standing in front of him

When she didnt answer he thought for a moment he was dreaming of her

Alexis? He said again this time hoping she would answer

Alexis seemed frozen for that moment suddenly realizing thats he was standing there in his living room before the sun had even come up

Youre door was open Im, Im not sure why it was open, I mean why came in She said already fumbling for her thoughts

I mustve fell asleep He said looking at her still puzzled

I can see that? She said looking quickly at all of the things Ned had scattered all over the couch but not noticing they were their things, not noticing they were her things

Alexis, have you been up all night?

Uh yeah, I just came in from San Francisco

You were with Matthew? He said as he quickly realized it was the wrong question and response

Yeah I was She replied bluntly

Ned paused for a moment seemingly very nervous that she was there. That she could see he had been having a pity part over her

Why are you here? he asked finally but not wasting to seem as if he wanted her to go away

Im not really sure. I mean I, I dont know. She said letting out a nervous breath I just came, my brain, my feet got me to your front door

At 6:00 in the morning?

Youre right, Im sorry, Ill go. Well talk later she said as she began to back away from him

Alexis! Are you ok? He said wishing that for once she would say no

Alexis paused just watching for his eyes looking for the man that she loved to reach out his arms. Arms that would break and heal her heart all in one touch.

Forgetting everything was strewn all over the couch he pointed for her to sit and she obliged

Before she sat she noticed all the familiar things that surrounded her and she turned back to look at Ned with sad eyes

Uh call it a pity party, he said not knowing how to explain what he had been doing with those things lying there


She turned and looked at him and his full attention was to her

I met Matthew in a bar in San FranciscoI, I was feeling sorry for myself and I drank too much, and Matthew just happen to be in the same situation and we drank together the next morning I woke up in his bed

Alexis things like that happen he said in her defense and being understanding

Ned, that night Matthew and I got married

A lump filled Neds throat and he suddenly couldnt seem to breathe.

Ned she said wanting him to respond

You married him, youre married Ned said finally as he couldnt believe the word he was repeating

Alexis let out a nervous laugh

Its crazy, I know but I was alone and Matthew was there at I guess the right time and hes perfect

Alexis he said shaking his head not wanting to hear anymore

Hes perfect Ned but hes not you

Ned stopped in his tracks and Alexis continued

Were getting a divorce as soon as I can get the papers together

But you stayed married all this time?

I gave it a chance, I tried to get on with my life

So why are you getting a divorce now?

It didnt work outhe knows my secret Alexis said as she took her eyes off of him and picked up the envelope to their wedding invitations

Your secret? Ned questioned as watched her slide the envelope back and forth between her fingers

He knows I cant get over you

Ned was stunned by her boldness though he wished for her to say those words a thousand times

Over me? was all he repeated

Alexis fidgeted for a moment obviously a bit embarrassed about what she was about to tell him

I screamed your name


Matthew and I were making love and I screamed your name

Ned didnt know what to say or do. He wanted to grin from ear to ear. He wanted to take hold of her and remind her why she thought of him.

You screamed my name

Alexis looked away, shaking her head

But he took her face in his hand making her look at him in the eyes

I cant play the game where everyone knows I love you one minute then I pretend I dont the next, because it doesnt work like that for me. I cant stop loving you. I tried to get passed us, I tried to move on, I tried to let you move on, but then I would fall back into nights like this and its you all over all over again

You cant get over me, she said emphatically

He knew that she knew exactly what he was talking about

No I cant

This time she placed her hands his face and pulled him to her lips and she gently let her lips graze his

We cant find our ending, we cant find our breaking point, so how do we get over? Alexis said in a pleading tone as she still held him close

Some things you just dont get over I guess. he said knowing that the reality was now that he had the love of his life standing there in front of him and he knew now that he should never let go

Where do we go from here? She questioned

He took a moment to study her face and to set the mood

Here he responded as he leaned in to kiss her And then here He said as his lips trailed down her neck

Ned She said suddenly stopping him and wishing for once she would stop thinking
I dont know if we should do this

Ned took a moment to gather his thoughts and tried to be patient

Alexis began to shake her head.

I dont want to mess this up, I cant, I cant mess this up, not again She said as she backed away from Ned

Alexis he said trying to stop her from backing away from him

She shook her head in her own disbelief that she was making herself walk away from him, that she was making herself think things through. He knew now her secret about Matthew and he knew now that she still loved him.

Ned then shook his head allowing her to back her way out of the door

Alexis, just know I love you ok! he said with his voice almost quivering

She bit down on her lip and looked at him before walking out the door

I love you too