Alexis stuck her key in the door and began her struggle with the lock, before she could get the door open Kristina opened it for her from the other side.
How was San Francisco? Kristina said helping Alexis with her bags
Um it was good Alexis said not sure quite how to answer
Did it help you get your mind off of things?
Yeah, it definitely did Alexis said almost too nervous about Kristina asking so many questions and afraid she would burst
Kristina was watching Alexis almost as if she were trying to translate her body language
Alexis are you ok?
Yeah, why wouldnt I be Alexis said letting out somewhat of a nervous laugh
Did something happen on your trip?
Why do you say that?
I dont know, your vibe seems different
Isnt that what vacations are for?
You met a guy didnt you?
You have man vibe on you
Man vibe huh?
So did you?
Kristina Im tired. I just want to go upstairs and unpack and go to sleep
Does he have a name?
Goodnight Kristina She said half way up the stairs trying not to be too obvious that she was completely trying to dodge her.
The rain poured all night and through the next two days in Port Charles. After sitting on a run way for what seemed like forever Matthew made his way through the small Port Charles airport and caught a taxi.
Where to?
Uh do you know of a good place where I could get lunch Matthew asked hoping he could find somewhere to buy himself some time to think of a way to find Alexis
Theres a great little place called Kellys
Sounds good Matthew said as he sat in the back of the taxi staring out the window taking in the sites of his new surrounding, as they were drenched in rain. Taking in the place where his now mysterious wife lived
There are a couple of different hotels not too far from here if youre looking
Ok thanks Matthew said as he handed the man the money and began to run into Kellys for cover.
Matthew sat down at the bar
Can I get you anything? Bobbie said looking at the handsome unfamiliar face
Coffee and uh your special please
Coming right up
Bobbie sat his cup down on the table and began to pour the coffee in it.
So are you new in town or just visiting? Bobbie asked politely
Im not sure actually. Maybe both
Well then welcome to Port Charles, she said warmly
Thank you
A few minutes later Bobbie was sitting his lunch in front of him. Matthew barely ate anything because he was too intrigued by his own thoughts.
Are you finished?
Uh yeah
Was everything ok?
Oh it was great. Im just a little preoccupied I guess
Well let me know if there is anything else I can get you
Barbara Jean! A voice bellowed as it came through the door
Luke made his way behind the bar and poured himself a cup of coffee. He looked up at Matthew
You need a fill up?
Youre a stranger to these parts arent you? Luke said as if he knew anyone and everyone
Yeah I am actually
So what brings ya here?
Looking for someone
Well can I help ya. Someone owe you money, beautiful woman
Her name is Alexis Davis and she is an attor
Ah good ol Alexis, a beautiful woman it is. What did she do break your heart?
Matthew let out a nervous laugh
Do you know where I could find her?
Now I dont know if I should just be telling strangers where Ms. Davis is
Look Im a friend, Im here in Port Charles and I wanted to look her up and
She lives in a penthouse at the Harbor View Towers. I feel ok telling you this and as a warning there are some nice bodyguards that stand outside of her door if you do turn out to be a crazy
Yeah they belong to the guy she works for
Matthew shook his head taking in the information Luke was giving him
Luke Spencer he said putting out his hand
Matthew Kale Matthew said shaking it
Good luck man, shes a feisty one with great legs Luke said grinning
Matthew let out a shy smile trying not to let it seem blatantly obvious that he was thinking of nothing now but her legs.
Thank you
Matthew made his way to Harbor View and as he rode up the elevator he tried to think of every reason in the world why he should knock on Alexis door.
The elevator opened and Max stood there as if he were waiting for him.
Im here to see Alexis Davis Matthew said unsure of what to do or say to Max and Max only pointed to her door
Matthew walked over putting his palm against the smooth door before knocking. He looked back at Max who watched him as he hesitating. He turned back, breathed in and boldly knocked on the door.
A few minutes later a red headed opened the door
Can I help you?
Yeah Im looking for Alexis
Oh um sure
Kristina turned and yelled for Alexis
Seconds later she came down the steps fully suited from her days work. She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Matthew.
Hi he said nervously
Hi Alexis said already biting at her bottom lip
Kristina seemed confused
Um Im Kristina, She said breaking the uneasiness by shaking his hand
Sister right?
Yes I am
Oh um Im Matthew
Nice to meet you Matthew
Kristina could you give us a minute Alexis said obviously not taking the time for meet and greets
Alexis watched as Kristina disappeared upstairs
What are you doing here?
Looking for my wife
Alexis eyes widened at he using the word wife out loud
She took Matthew by the arm and led him to the couch
How did you find me? Alexis said questioning him still unsympathetic that he had flew across the country to find her
A guy named Luke told me
Luke Spencer told some stranger where I live!
Well he warned me about the bodyguards and I saw the guy outside and as much as I would like for you to think of me as some macho guy I dont think I can take him
Alexis let out a small grin and his humor and honesty but she quickly composed herself
Matthew what are you doing here? She said looking at him with sad eyes
I had to find you, he said letting out a nervous smirk
Matthew this is not realistic
God Alexis, then let me tell you what is realistic. For two days I have been pacing around my house, and I dont pace thinking about you, wondering if you are ok. I constantly have been thinking about the way you looked when I made you smile for the first time and Ive been thinking about how your face changed when I made mention of your life here. Cant you see that the few hours that I spent with you have made me crazy
Alexis looked away from him
Alexis, what if we met by chance?
Yes Matthew we did! We met we got drunk, we got married, we had sex it was all by chance
You dont believe it could happen do you? You dont believe that love could just be given to you
Matthew I dont believe in love She said almost coldly
Matthew shook his head in disbelief and the let out a deep breath
Im staying at the Port Charles Hotel and here is the number to my room. If you want to talk, have breakfast, get a divorce, call, Ill be therewaiting for you, I guess
Alexis had locked herself in her room for the rest of the night. The woman with the infamous powerful defense had nothing to say for herself. She lay in bed for hours trying to justify turning her life upside down. Trying to make sense and trying to assure herself that she had the right argument that she just couldnt be married to a stranger, and that it was absurd.
2:30 AM Alexis body jolted and she sat straight up in bed. She looked around to see nothing but shadows in the dark room. She got up and went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Her jaw was clinched and her throat was dry and she couldnt cure it. She had begun to pace the bathroom floor and her mind was racing and it was harder and harder to swallow and she finally realized there was nothing she could do to get rid of alone. Being alone was haunting her. Every word Matthew had said was haunting her
Alexis found herself pulling her jeans over her hips and creeping down stairs trying to find her keys before her rational set in
Before she knew it she was sitting outside of Matthews hotel room. Tears were falling down her face and she couldnt explain why. She couldnt explain why this man who she didnt know days before suddenly had this effect on her.
Finally she got up and tried to compose herself. She took steps to walk away, to go back to her penthouse and go to bed and wake the next day trying to forget everything just as Alexis Davis always did.
Before taking another step she turned quickly and her knuckles hit Matthews door almost as if she hadnt told her hand to move but she still stood there frozen
Matthew opened the door hair standing cutely in ends and a stubby face that was shocked to see her.
Are you ok? he said seeing the expression on her face and then he pulled her inside
She stood there for a moment looking at him as if she were trying to re-assure herself for what she was about to say
Alexis whats wrong?
He watched her swallow the lump in her throat
What if we met by chance she said stumbling
Matthew let out a nervous breath and motioned for her to sit on the bed as he sat beside her
I thought you didnt believe in that kind of thing?
I dont
Maybe its just no one has ever loved you the way you needed to be loved and thats why you think that way?
And I suppose youre the man to do it huh? She said skeptically
I dont know, He said honestly
They sat there in silence and then he made a bold move by intertwining his fingers within hers but that was the only move he made.
She pulled the back of his hand close to her and though he was still a stranger he now seemed to be the only one in the world that could comfort her.