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Chapter One
What If By Chance...

Alexis appeared in the kitchen with his bathrobe wrapped around her

Do you eat eggs? He questioned as if it were just another morning

Um sure Alexis said distracted by the simplicity of his question

He sat the plate down in front of her and Alexis looked at him strangely as he sat down beside her at the table

Do you have hangover? he asked politely

No she said almost grumbling which caused silence between them. Look this is really awkward and I dont normally do this and its obvious I had too much to drink last night so I dont really remember I dont really know who Alexis was rambling and she couldnt seem to finish her argument or a sentence



If you forgot my name, its Matthew Kale and youre in my house on 153 Palm Avenue


And youre Alexis, correct? he said with ease

Yes she said shaking her head appalled at herself
Alexis Davis she said now holding her hand out almost in a comical way, formally introducing herself as he took her hand Look Matthew I dont normally do this so

Alexis this is not something I do or have ever done

Alexis looked a little astonished at him

Youve never had a one night stand?

Matthew let out a nervous laugh and got up and walked to the refrigerator lifting the magnet and pulling the piece of paper from under it

Um we got married last night

Alexis eyes widened

Thats not funny, she said very seriously

Its says were legally married. He held the piece of paper in front of her

Oh my God! Alexis found herself not being able to breathe

Ok calm down, its not that bad

Not that bad? You just told me I married a complete strangerOh my God! Why did you let me marry you?

Look I woke up this morning with a nasty headache, an incredibly sexy woman lying beside me and a marriage license on my refrigerator

You think Im sexy? No, No not the issue, um well get it annulled. Yes I can do that

Do you always ramble like this?

Yes Alexis, said sounding annoyed that he noticed she rambled

Ok instead of freaking out how about we have breakfast first?

Alexis buried her face in the palm of her hands and Matthew sat down beside her again at the table.

So where are you from? he said as an antagonizing grin covered his face

Alexis raised an eyebrow at him

Ok what do you do? You seem to be the suit type

What do you mean the suit type? Alexis said finally speaking to him again and sounding offended

I mean you seem smart

I married a complete stranger last night and you think I seem smart

So what do you do then

Im a lawyer, she said sounding as if she had given in

Wow I married a lawyer my mother is going to be so proud

Alexis shook her head but finally let out a slight grin knowing that he was joking

So what do you do?

Build things

You build things?

Yeah you know buildings well I dont actually build them I design them

So youre an architect?

I think thats the fancy word for it

Are you always this relaxed after youve done something stupid?

Are you always this tense?

Alexis poked at her eggs for a moment almost as if she were trying to cool down the conversation

Port Charles, New York

Where you live?


I do think youre incredibly sexy


You asked just a minute ago, and Im answering you. I think youre really sexy

Matthew you dont seem like a serial killer or anything and Im sure you make a great husband but I cant be married to you

I know this sounds completely absurd but why? I mean unless youre already

Alexis closed her eyes remembering why she literally ran away from Port Charles. The man she didnt marry, the man she slept with

No Im not already

Have you ever been married?


What happened?

You ask a lot of questions

Im trying to get to know my wife

Alexis let out a small pout at the sound of the word wife

I married my best friend to help my other best friend

Im confused

You should be

Put it this way we married out of convenience and I was in love with another man the whole time.

So why didnt you marry the man you were in love with?

Would you quit with the questions

So why didnt you he said ignoring her

I was suppose to but I ran out on him at the wedding


I have a fear of commitment but you would never know that about me would you? She said rolling her yes

So this really does freak you out?

I love how youre not concerned that you married a woman you dont know

From what I do know about you, you seem like a great woman to be married to

You know nothing about me

I know youre a loving and caring person because you went so far as to marry someone for someone else I know that you ramble when youre nervous, and I know that when youre lying in bed still asleep you are probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen

So you were listening?

Youre easy to listen to

Alexis bit nervously at her bottom lip

Matthew we have to get this marriage annulled, I have to go back home and be Alexis Davis

You dont sound that excited about being Alexis Davis

Alexis shook her head not responding. She then took her eyes off of him so they wouldnt have eye contact

If you want to get the marriage annulled

Alexis was now looking back at him almost as if his comment about her not being happy about being Alexis Davis had hit her right in the gut

Do you mind if I take a shower? she said ignoring him

No, of course not he said puzzled by her change in attitude

Alexis got up immediately and headed for the bathroom

Matthew sat own the deck looking out at the ocean. Now fully dressed in the clothes she had on the night before, Alexis stood there watching him from behind. She was looking at this stranger who didnt seem so much of a stranger all of a sudden.

Um, my shoes have you seen my shoes anywhere? She said interrupting

He turned to look at her and held her shoes out to her as he held them by their thin straps.

You had them?

I stumbled over them while you were in the shower and I figured you couldnt make a getaway without your shoes and you would at least come and say goodbye

I wouldnt leave like that

Matthew looked at her almost as if he already knew her too well

Ok I thought about it she said admitingly

The horn sounded from the taxi Alexis was taking back to her hotel

Matthew now stood facing her and the wind from the ocean began to pick up blowing Alexis hair into her face. He pushed her hair back but then stuck out his hand.

It was nice being married to you Alexis Davis

Same here Matthew Kale she said sincerely

And they shook hands and held them clasp together until the horn again interrupted them.

Both let out nervous laughs and they let go.