What Greater Gift
Chapter One

Alexis pressed her eyes in the palms of her hands. It was the only thing she could do to keep from letting tears flow from them. Sitting there on the park bench she had given in after she tried to run everything out of her head. But her mind was one big dizzy spell unable to hold on to one thought without crashing it into another.

She was living a life that had become too complicated and she had never felt more alone than she did right then.

She was scared and confused and now she was left with tears in her eyes and damning her heart for ever allowing herself to feel or to want anything.

Alexis let out a deep breath and she jumped suddenly as the two hands gripped her elbows that were resting on her knees. She looked up to see the concerned bright blue eyes staring back at her. He then ran his finger down her cheek following the stains her tears had left.

Alexis let out a shy saddened smile. Almost embarrassed that he had caught her feeling sorry for herself. But she had no defense for him. No explanations or excuses, she was just sad and she couldnt shake it.

Whats wrong?

I dont need you to be my knight in shinning armor right now ok, Alexis said shaking her head and trying to be defensive and avoid answering his question

He again tried to wipe the tears from her face. And then, there in the middle of the park he got down on his knees and cupped his chin on her shoulder, wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. At that moment he didnt mean to be the hero rather than just a best friend and ex- husband that loved her.

She for a moment let him hold her though like a doll just sitting there she never reciprocated. Then suddenly his moment was up. She pulled herself away as if that was all the comforting she was allowed.

My ex-wife is sitting in the park crying her eyes out and Im not allowed to at least be concerned and try to comfort her? he said reacting to her sudden move to pull away

Jax its all my fault she said now wiping the last tears that had fallen

Whats all your fault?

She let out a small troubled laugh and paused trying to think of a response to her comment

My life

Jax got off his knees and sat down on the bench beside her. He took hold of her arm that was folded into the other across her chest and took her hand. He sat their holding it, squeezing it periodically as if it were re-assurance.

You know this is the second time since Ive known you that Ive seen you break down

Thanks for pointing that out, she said sounding annoyed

Thats not what I mean I mean you have a wall for everything and everyone

I never had a wall for you she said trying to sound defensive

Jax turned to look at her giving her the you must be kidding look

Jax its how I am

He paused for a moment allowing her last comment to echo in his head because he did know how she was.

I know

Alexis rested her head on his shoulder and they sat there in silence for a moment letting in the sound of the world.

Its getting late

It is Alexis agreed looking at the sun starting to set

Have dinner with me tonight Jax said breaking the silence

Jax - I just really dont feel like going to dinner

Jax paused for a moment not wanting to give up

Then come back to my penthouse with me well get room service. Then we can sit on the couch and Ill tell you how brilliant and beautiful you are and up your ego a little until you realize Im telling you the truth and then Ill have to kick you out he said grinning

Youre not going to give up are you?

You dont need to be alone right now

I dont think I want to be she still sounded as if she couldnt shake the sadness


Jax, I do love you

Jax grinned and his eyes seemed to sparkle on cue I love you too Alexis

He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up Lets go

Now! I need to go home and take a shower

Just shower at my place

Are you holding me captive?

Theres an idea and he grabbed her again by the hand and started to walk away.

Jax had made her laugh again and forget her troubles for the moment. She couldnt remember when the last time was that she whole-heartedly laughed out loud just out of pure silliness but she had this comfort around him that she truly had with no one else. He had become her best friend over the years and he was always there to stick up for her, disagree with her and even marry her.

Im going to get in the shower

Ill go ahead and order dinner while youre in there. Anything in particular you want?

Surprise me wait Jax dont surprise me too much she said grinning.

One moose burger and its like youre scarred for life!

Alexis let the warm water run down her body as she pressed her forehead against the cold tiles of the shower. The only thing she could hear was the sound of the water and the even louder thoughts in her head. She looked down at her hands as they shook slightly. She clinched them into fists trying to make them steady again. She then shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing the towel waiting for her, she wrapped it around her before standing in front of the mirror trying to ring the water from her hair.
As the steam began to fade away she caught a glance at the blue of the towel that covered her body. She stopped and opened the towel looking at herself, looking at the shape of her body, in the front and from the side, then she looked back in to the mirror letting out a deep breath.

Alexis dinners here

The sound of Jaxs voice broke her concentration

Ill be right there, She said letting the words drift out of her mouth as if it knew the correct response to appease him

My robe is on the back of the door if you need it

Ok thanks

Alexis emerged into the living room wrapped in Jaxs bathrobe that could have wrapped around her twice.

Good fit

Its a little big, she said smiling

Your dinner Ms. Davis Jax said unveiling the pizza boxes


I figured, how much pizza have you had lately

I was actually craving pizza, I havent had it in forever

Alexis sat down on the couch with Jax. Jax took notice of how beautiful she looked stripped down to the essentials. Her hair was wet and it dangled at her shoulder and the slightest freckles danced on her nose from where her make-up no longer covered it and her skin seemed to have this amazing glow. She looked pure. Pure from her freckles to her bare knees that she let stick out from under his robe.

Pizza could be my weakness, no chocolate is my weakness she said correcting herself

Well I would have got chocolate too if I would have know

Are you trying to kill me or just helping me gain 50 pounds? she said jokingly

You could stand a little weight on you

A knock on the door interrupted both Jax and Alexis laughing at each other. Jax opened the door to see sky standing there adorned in her silk robe jutting her body towards him

Hi Jax I just Sky peered around Jax to see Alexis sitting on his couch in his robe and her with her wet hair Am I interrupting something? She said as jealousy uncontrollably came over her

Yes actually you are, he said now blocking her view of Alexis

Oh well I just came by well I guess it doesnt matter anymore She said sounding embarrassed. Have a good night Jax, you too Alexis

You too Sky he said confused by her and then closed the door

She has it for you Jax Alexis said grinning as he sat back down on the souch

You think? he said sarcastically

I think she means well

She means well it just turns out to be mostly destructive

So you mean to tell me you have no feelings for Sky?

Im not sure really if their feelings

What do you mean?

I mean shes beautiful and smart and she is sexy but she schemes and she lies

Those arent good qualities in a woman? Again she was being sarcastic

Jax only shook his head

So what about you?

What about me?

I mean you seemed to have distance yourself a little from Corinthos and

I havent distanced myself she snapped I just needed some space from him

Space, distance

Ok distance but maybe you and Kristina were right. Maybe I did fall for him but I am a woman Jax and I



Youre a woman and you need

Yeah she said breaking her eye contact with him. Jax why is it so hard and sometimes does it just get harder?

Its just life, its just love I guess he said wishing he could give her a more articulate answer

They continued to talk throughout the night probably giving away more secrets about each other and their love lives than they should but it was an open and honest conversation between the sexes. A conversation they both needed.

What time is it? Alexis said looking around after noticing she had left her watch on the counter in the bathroom

Its almost three

I cant believe its already three in the morning. Weve been talking for hours.

Im glad we did though, he said being very serious

Me too. I mean Im going to worry about you every minute of the day that someone is probably breaking your heart but Im glad we had the conversations anyway

Alexis it will never break as long as I know my ex-wife still loves me he said making his point

Well she does and she seems to love you a little more everyday for being her knight in shinning armor she said letting out a grin

I thought I wasnt allowed to be your knight

Well you always are she was now rolling her eyes at him

She leaned in and grabbed his chin giving him a quick kiss on the lips and she got up

I have to get home

Jax didnt answer right away because he was left with the lingering affects her simple little kiss had suddenly left on her lips

Alexis its too, late just stay here ok

I can get home Jax

Just stay ok

Alexis didnt argue back instead looked into his eyes trying to find the answer his sudden not wanting to be alone

Ok I will

I have pajamas, He said now pulling her by the hand into his bedroom

If they fit like your robe Alexis said now following him into his bedroom

Jax suddenly pulled out a very familiar pair of midnight blue pajamas

Where did you get those? I havent seen them since

you moved out of our penthouse he said finishing her sentence

You kept them?

Lets just say I got them in the divorce

Alexis took the soft silky pajamas from his hand

Thank you

I guess I knew you would be back for them someday

Alexis let out a shy smile

Jasper Jacks she said shaking her head

While his name on her lips echoed in his head

Jax walked Alexis to the guest bedroom.

You know where Ill be if you need me he said leaving her standing there with pajamas in hand and he closed the door

Jax went into his bathroom to get ready for bed. He saw her watch lying on the counter and when he walked back into the bedroom he noticed her clothes draped neatly over his chair. He found himself walking towards her clothes and then he stopped himself questioning what his subconscious was doing. Maybe it was just his subconscious happy that she surrounded him again.

Jax crawled into bed and laid there for the longest time staring at the ceiling, the clock, the shadows the moon made. Finally he got up and without thinking he found himself standing in the door frame of the guest bedroom.

Im awake, her voice said from the darkness

Jax walked in, standing beside her bed. She leaned up opening the covers inviting Jax in and he obliged. He wrapped his arms innocently around her and they quickly fell asleep in each others arms with the comfort of knowing the other was there.

The next morning Alexis sat on the bathroom floor trying not to wake Jax. All she wanted to do was press her forehead against the cold tile trying to rid herself of the nauseous feeling.

She again bent over the toilet and began to be sick and before she was through throwing up Jax came running in.

Are you all right? Alexis whats wrong he said sounding panicked

Alexis pale face looked at Jax

Im fine. I think Im just coming down with something ok

Jax sat there for a moment not questioning her until she threw up again. Jax held her hair just as any knight in shining armor would do

Alexis you are really sick

Alexis at first didnt respond as she tries to clear her head of the dizziness

Jax Im fine I just

Alexis if youre sick

I just need to get home ok, she said sounding as if she was suddenly trying to distance herself

Jax grabbed her by the arm. Alexis whats wrong?

Jax Im fine, just leave it alone ok

Alexis youre not pregnant are you? he said jumping to conclusions

Alexis let out a small laugh looking away from him and letting her eyes wonder around the bathroom and then back to him Yeah, I am


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven