What Greater Gift
Chapter Ten

Sign here Alexis, said pointing at the line for Sonnys signature and here

Sonny leaned down to sign his name where Alexis told him. And he stood back up letting out a small bit of laughter.


You are amazing


You, standing here with Ella, not skipping a beat, bossing me around as usual still going ninety miles a minute.

Whats your point? Alexis said grinning

Am I done? Sonny said now looking up at her


Can I have her now Sonny said already reaching out his arms

Yes you can have her now

Sonny opened his arms and Ella went into them easily. Alexis wouldnt let Sonny hold her until he had signed all of his contracts knowing good and well that once Ella hit his arms he would never pay any attention to business

Um Sonny I need to talk to you about something

What is it? Do you need something? he said already distracted by Ella

Sonny, Ella and I are moving in with Jax Alexis said deciding it was easier to just go ahead and get the issue out in the open

Sonny said nothing immediately, then

Youre taking her?

Sonny its only across town not out of the country

Its not across the hall

Sonny did you think we would live in the penthouse forever?

Yes, no dont we have a good situation? Ellas happy

Sonny I would be happier with Jax

Sonny held Ella against his chest feeling for the first time since she was born that Alexis was distancing Ella from him. He gentle kissed the top of Ellas head giving himself time to think rationally knowing good and well Alexis wouldnt give him the time of day if he didnt act accordingly.


Johnny tells me every morning when he first hears her so I know what time she wakes up. Or he tells me that youre both ok when you open the door to get the paper and shes in your arms Sonny said honestly

Sonny Im not cutting you out of her life. We had an agreement about how we would raise her, how I would raise herand like it or not Im in love with Jax and hes in love with the both of us and you knew that before Ella was born

I dont think thats a compromise

I dont think there is anything to compromise about and its just across town

Who will protect you?

Sonny we can live like normal people

Shes my daughter Alexis

No one knows thatby your choice Alexis said shooting out a defense

Alexis, I did that for you

Did you?

Ella began to fuss because she could tell how tense Sonnys body had become and Sonny shuffled her in his arms

Sonny lets please be civil about this. We agreed that you wouldnt do this that you wouldnt hover over my life and that you trusted me to do the right thing for Ella. And I think Jax is the right thing for her. I will bring her to see you and if you want to come by and see her you can

Sonny tucked his bottom lip inside his mouth almost as if he didnt want Alexis to see it if it should happen to quiver at the fact he had just lost the battle to keep the two women he adored across the hall.

Sonny shook his head letting Alexis know he was giving in and he sat down on the couch

I just want you to be happy, he said letting his eyes look up at her

Alexis sat down beside him

Jax makes me happy

I know

You know he loves Ella

Sonny let out a shy troubled laugh because he did know

I should have never let go of you, I should have never been so foolish to just let you go on with your life without me

We werent meant to be together remember that whole friendship thing? Now were good at that. She said leaning into him nudging at his arm. Being anything else made us too complicated

Honestly, Ill regret it for the rest of my life what I cant do for you

Sonny, were ok. I know youre happy and Im happy and Ella has so many people that love her, what seems like too much.

Alexis looked down at Ella who had fallen asleep in Sonnys arms.

I have some packing to do if you want to keep her for a while

Sonny grinned and Alexis sat up on the edge of the couch ready to get up before Sonny reached out for her arm. He pulled her over to him kissing her gently on the cheek

I dont like that my best friend is moving from across the hall

Alexis gave him a shy grin knowing that he was being sincere

Lucky for youre your best friend is also your lawyer and

So if I suddenly have double the legal problem? he interrupted

Alexis lifted her brow and then stood up

Ill be back in a little while. You two be good and I mean it!


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven